...History of Anime The history of anime began at the start of the 20th century, when Japanese filmmakers experimented with the animation techniques that were being explored in the West. During the 1970s, anime developed further, separating itself from its Western roots, and developing distinct genres such as mecha and its Super Robot sub-genre. Typical shows from this period include Lupin III and Mazinger Z. During this period several filmmakers became famous, especially Hayao Miyazaki and Mamoru Oshii. In the 1980s, anime was accepted in the mainstream in Japan, and experienced a boom in production. The rise of Gundam, Macross, Dragon Ball, and the Real Robot and space opera genres set a boom as well. The film Akira set records in 1988 for the production costs of an anime film and went on to become a success worldwide. Later, in 2004, the same creators produced Steamboy, which took over as the most expensive anime film. The Super Dimension Fortress Macross also became a worldwide success after being adapted as part of Robotech, and Megazone 23 also gained recognition in the West after it was adapted as Robotech: The Movie. The internet also led to the rise of fansub anime. Spirited Away shared the first prize at the 2002 Berlin Film Festival and won the 2003 Academy Award for Best Animated Feature, while Innocence: Ghost in the Shell was featured at the 2004 Cannes Film Festival. During the 1970s, the Japanese film market shrunk due to competition from television...
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...intelligence (AI) technology through applications are steadily gaining a reputation of unlimited potential in the business sector as it brags real-time data analysis and virtually flawless reporting capabilities. Artificial intelligence respectfully enhances industry to better forecast product demand, inventory and distribution and financial markets. When strategically employed this technology offers business managers the ability to make educated decisions in less time that yield the most impact and greater returns. It removes most of the requirement for human rational and replaces it with cold hard facts leaving minimal room for error. The term Artificial Intelligence was crafted by John McCarthy in the 1950’s at Darmouth College (WebDevFaq). The premise of the technology is to imitate the intelligent processes of the human brain by performing reasoning and logic based computing based on sets of rules. As an AI application is utilized it learns from the input and output of data and has the ability to identify patterns that are also used as a subset of rules to produce tailored responses. Its primary charter is to increase the efficiency of tasks that would usually be performed by a human being and removes the personal judgment and intuition work from the decision making process and replaces it with real-time, exact and informative expertise. PRODUCT DEMAND, INVENTORY AND DISTRIBUTION The days of crunching statistics, evaluating sales history and studying human behavior...
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...of all the projects within the company. In The Innovator's DNA, innovative leaders have obtained and held onto three prominent skills that these innovative organizations have which generally help contribute to the successes of the respective companies. Along with the DNA of disruptive leaders and organizations, Doyle & Smith (2001) told of what they named “Classical Models of Managerial Leadership”. With having a strong leadership model with the DNA of the disruptive leaders and organizations, organizational leaders have the capability to takeover a global market by creating what will be considered to be a truly innovative product and/or service. One of these great innovative organizations in the medical world is Intuitive Surgical. This robot-aided surgical company created the “da Vinci Surgical System”. This is the companies most innovative and profitable product yet. The dynamic company industrialized a groundbreaking product and reached market supremacy worldwide! While their competitors have started to surface, Intuitive Surgical doesn’t face ant real threats from any of the new companies. The Leaders of Intuitive Surgical, and its entire company, demonstrate what it means to truly be innovative by using the five...
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...Artificial Intelligence Balinda Roberts INF 103 Computer Literacy Debra Austin July 4, 2013 Artificial Intelligence Artificial Intelligence is the science and engineering of making intelligent machines, especially intelligent computer programs. It includes people, procedure, hardware, software, data, and knowledge needed to develop computer systems and machines that demonstrated characteristics of intelligence. It is related to the similar task of using computers to understand human intelligence, but Artificial Intelligence does not have to confine itself to methods that are biologically observable. Intelligence is basically the computation part of the ability to achieve goals in the world varying kinds and degrees of intelligence occur in people, many animals and some machines. There is no solid definition of intelligence relating it to human intelligence. The problem is that it cannot yet be characterize in general what kinds of computational procedures can be called intelligent. We understand some of the mechanisms of intelligence and not others. Sometimes Artificial Intelligence is about simulating human intelligence but not always. On the one hand, we can learn something about how to make machines solve problems by observing other people or just by observing our own methods. On the other hand most work in Artificial Intelligence involves studying the problems the world presents to intelligence rather than studying people or animals. Artificial Intelligence textbooks...
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...Artifical Intellegence Charles Perry INF103 Computer Literacy June 18th, 2012 Christopher Powell Artificial Intelligence AI is defined as the ability of a computer or machine to think for itself, and mimicking the thought processes a human might have only smarter. The idea that a computer has the ability to react more intelligently than a human being has fascinated us for several centuries. There are thoughts of robotic red blood cells to create a scientifically generated longer life span or the ability to conquer certain disease.[1] Although there have been major advancements in AI and technology in this century that we never dreamed possible, we have yet to prove that science and engineering have the ability to become smarter than the human brain. Evidence of A.I. is said to be traced back to ancient Egypt but the ability to create machine intelligence was not developed until 1941 with the first electronic computer in 1955, Newell and Simon developed The Logic Theorist.[2] The Logic Theorist was a program that demonstrated problems as a tree and would attempt to solve them by choosing the best possible solution, based on each branch of the tree. It was in 1956 when the term “Artificial Intelligence” was first coined at the Dartmouth conference, where the proposed 2 month, 10-man study of AI would be carried out. The conference, in which John McCarthy called upon the leading researchers to discuss topics which were such a new topic to the imagination...
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...Technology is becoming more advance each day. In the article, Cyborg Beetle, written by Michel M. Maharbiz and Hirotaka Sato, the military is developing small robots that can be used as spy equipment that can fly inside caves and barricaded rooms to send back information about people and weapons inside. The Cyborg Beetles will also be functional in major disasters that happen throughout the world. For example, if people were enclosed in a cave, the Beetles could bring back information like how many victims are trapped inside or the medical state of the people trapped inside. The article provided quality information on the capabilities and history of Cyborg Beetles, why Beetles where chosen for the experiment, and if these Cyborg Beetle should be used as military spy weapons. The author went through a few possibilities such as dragonflies and ordinary houseflies. They realized that the dragonfly body was too fragile for this experiment and the housefly body was so small that it would take a nanosurgeon for the implant to be necessary (Maharbiz, M. M., Sato, H. 2010).They wanted to place wires to control how the insect wings moved and cameras to see anything. The author used the book called “The Biology of the Coleoptera,” which is a classic guide to the world of beetles written by R.A. Crowson in 1981 (Maharbiz, M. M., Sato, H. 2010). The book provides ample information on a variety of beetles and gave the authors important information such as the size that range from one millimeter...
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...Idris Pearson September 27, 2011 ITT-Tech Strategies For The Technical Professional Jerry Oxsher Technology is becoming more advance each day. In the article, Cyborg Beetle, written by Michel M. Maharbiz and Hirotaka Sato, the military is developing small robots that can be used as spy equipment that can fly inside caves and barricaded rooms to send back information about people and weapons inside. The Cyborg Beetles will also be functional in major disasters that happen throughout the world. For example, if people were enclosed in a cave, the Beetles could bring back information like how many victims are trapped inside or the medical state of the people trapped inside. The article provided quality information on the capabilities and history of Cyborg Beetles, why Beetles where chosen for the experiment, and if these Cyborg Beetle should be used as military spy weapons. The author went through a few possibilities such as dragonflies and ordinary houseflies. They realized that the dragonfly body was too fragile for this experiment and the housefly body was so small that it would take a nanosurgeon for the implant to be necessary (Maharbiz, M. M., Sato, H. 2010).They wanted to place wires to control how the insect wings moved and cameras to see anything. The author used the book called “The Biology of the Coleoptera,” which is a classic guide to the world of beetles written by R.A. Crowson in 1981 (Maharbiz, M. M., Sato, H. 2010). The book provides ample information on...
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...Idris Pearson September 27, 2011 ITT-Tech Strategies For The Technical Professional Jerry Oxsher Technology is becoming more advance each day. In the article, Cyborg Beetle, written by Michel M. Maharbiz and Hirotaka Sato, the military is developing small robots that can be used as spy equipment that can fly inside caves and barricaded rooms to send back information about people and weapons inside. The Cyborg Beetles will also be functional in major disasters that happen throughout the world. For example, if people were enclosed in a cave, the Beetles could bring back information like how many victims are trapped inside or the medical state of the people trapped inside. The article provided quality information on the capabilities and history of Cyborg Beetles, why Beetles where chosen for the experiment, and if these Cyborg Beetle should be used as military spy weapons. The author went through a few possibilities such as dragonflies and ordinary houseflies. They realized that the dragonfly body was too fragile for this experiment and the housefly body was so small that it would take a nanosurgeon for the implant to be necessary (Maharbiz, M. M., Sato, H. 2010).They wanted to place wires to control how the insect wings moved and cameras to see anything. The author used the book called “The Biology of the Coleoptera,” which is a classic guide to the world of beetles written by R.A. Crowson in 1981 (Maharbiz, M. M., Sato, H. 2010). The book provides ample information on...
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...Instead of being robots, the students are actively engaged with their learning because they are able to better connect with the material and see purpose in what they are doing in school. In problem posing “people develop their power to perceive critically the way they exist in the world with which and in which they find themselves.” What this means is that problem posing allows students to fully discover themselves which is something that is hindered in the banking method. If people are just going to school because they have to, they are less likely to be engaged whereas if they are able to discover themselves in the process then they will be more inclined to do their best in school. One example was my Hip Hop and spoken word elective in which the entirety of...
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...The history of anime began at the start of the 20th century, when Japanese filmmakers experimented with the animation techniques that were being explored in the West. During the 1970s, anime developed further, separating itself from its Western roots, and developing distinct genres such asmecha and its Super Robot sub-genre. Typical shows from this period include Lupin III and Mazinger Z. During this period several filmmakers became famous, especially Hayao Miyazaki and Mamoru Oshii. In the 1980s, anime was accepted in the mainstream in Japan, and experienced a boom in production. The rise of Gundam, Macross, Dragon Ball, and the Real Robot and space opera genres set a boom as well. The film Akira set records in 1988 for the production costs of an anime film and went on to become a success worldwide. Later, in 2004, the same creators produced Steamboy, which took over as the most expensive anime film. The Super Dimension Fortress Macross also became a worldwide success after being adapted as part of Robotech, and Megazone 23 also gained recognition in the West after it was adapted as Robotech: The Movie.[citation needed] The internet also led to the rise of fansub anime. Spirited Away shared the first prize at the 2002 Berlin Film Festival and won the 2003 Academy Award for Best Animated Feature, while Innocence: Ghost in the Shell was featured at the 2004 Cannes Film Festival. Contents [hide] * 1 First generation of Japanese animators * 2 Second generation of Japanese...
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...Implications by Karen Quaderer…………………………… 39 11. Bibliography…………………………………………………………………….47 Abstract In this research paper our team will look at the use of Robotic Technology in the medical field, more specifically in the surgical field as well as discuss the issues and implications surrounding the topic. Our discussion will include topics ranging from the history and development of robots that can be found in surgical rooms, political concerns regarding the Food and Drug Administration and their requirements to approve use of these robots, the legal aspect of robotic technology on how to determine which party is held liable in case of accidents or malfunctions that can lead to injury and a legal case that shows the difficulty to prove fault against a manufacturer. Also discussed will be the economic ramifications on our society, psychological, sociological, cultural, moral and ethical impacts on human life, in particular the patients that undergo surgery involving a robotic surgical system, and the environmental impacts of robotics in surgery. It is our hope that through this research paper that we are able to explain to and educate our readers on the impacts of Robotic Surgery as this type of surgery is becoming more popular with doctors in order to...
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...American Studies BA 3rd year Course title: American Educational System Student name: Mircea Stănciucu Educational initiation into culture in post modernity A. Educational initiation into culture Initiation in culture and the acquisition of cultural tools are the most stringent requirements that school should meet now and always. Knowing to cultivate oneself, learning how to carefully use power to judge, to reason, to distinguish the false from the truth, good from evil, ugly from beauty, are qualities that have formed through schooling and this need increases itself as soon as it is stimulated. At some point, one does not even require guardianship regarding culturalization. Cultural plurality, once internalized, awakens and opens new possibilities. Thus, culture gives birth to culture. School should potentiate and develop in students the capacity for adaptability and understanding not only in terms of knowledge, but also that of true culture, knowing how to use what one knows to behave intelligently and lead a remorseless existence. Conditions of modern life require that every human has to learn every day; school is where learning starts and this learning that the child receives should provide what is necessary so that, in the future, self-improvement would be employed: education and teaching are thus an initiation, an opening. A series of acquisitions of cultural goods, by their presence, does not guarantee empowerment of individuals. A genuine culture is actually...
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...The Five Generations Of Computers The 21st century is the age of computer technology and it has brought about a major change in every aspect of our life. “It has largely changed the way we communicate and the way information exchange is used in today's world. The computer is a growing creation that is a result of advances of many other generations of computers, for example, the common personal computer, personal tablets, and even our smartphones, all came from the concepts of the previous 4 generations of computers” according to (Duncan, Becky) in her article over the importance of computers. This time and age we are now using the fifth generation of computers. Computers are so beneficial to the world today because, Computers are now a part of everyone's existence, including work, school, learning and play. Many modern activities, such as social media, information sharing and business applications require computers, and people cannot complete these actions without one. “The computer is an electronic device used in almost every field even where it is most unexpected. It is made up of two things one is the hardware and other is software. All physical components of computer like keyboard, mouse, monitor etc. comes under the hardware while all the programs and languages used by the computer are called software.” (Trigg, Paula). These days’ computers are the tools for not only engineers and scientists but also they are being used by millions of people around the world. First Generation...
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...Welcome to the Samsung Global Strategy Group I. Samsung Overview II. Introduction to the Global Strategy Group (GSG) III. GSG & You IV. Korea & Seoul I. Samsung Overview I. Samsung Overview (Revenue & Global Presence) Fast growth and vast global footprint Samsung Group Revenue ※ Billion US Dollars Global Operations 318 369,000 employees worldwide 510 offices and facilities in 79 countries 141 87 226 Electronics 80 Samsung 22 1997 2005 2012 4 I. Samsung Overview (Leading Products) 5 I. Samsung Overview (Leading Products) 6 I. Samsung Overview (Brand Value) Samsung ranked 9th among global companies in 2012 7 I. Samsung Overview (Total 29 Affiliates Companies) The Samsung Group consists of many different business units Electronics Industry Electronics Engineering & Heavy Industry C&T Corporation Engineering Financial Services Life Insurance Fire & Marine Insurance Samsung Card Securities Asset Management Venture Investment Chemical Cheil Industries Inc. Petrochemical Fine Chemicals BP Chemicals Total Other Companies Cheil Worldwide Everland Inc. The Shilla Hotels & Resorts Economics Research Institute S1 Corporation Medical Center BioLogics SDS Heavy Industries Electro-Mechanics Techwin SDI Display Corning Precision Glass Bioeps 7 Affiliates 3 Affiliates 6 Affiliates 5 Affiliates 8 Affiliates 8 I. Samsung Overview (SEC Biz. Division) HME : Health Medical...
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...jrc-ipts-secretariat@ec.europa.eu Tel.: +34 954488318 Fax: +34 954488300 http://ipts.jrc.ec.europa.eu http://www.jrc.ec.europa.eu Legal Notice Neither the European Commission nor any person acting on behalf of the Commission is responsible for the use which might be made of this publication. The report reflects the views of the authors and does not necessarily reflect those of the European Commission Europe Direct is a service to help you find answers to your questions about the European Union Freephone number (*): 00 800 6 7 8 9 10 11 (*) Certain mobile telephone operators do not allow access to 00 800 numbers or these calls may be billed. A great deal of additional information on the European Union is available on the Internet. It can be accessed through the Europa server http://europa.eu/ JRC 61539 EUR 24600 EN ISBN 978-92-79-17657-9 ISSN 1018-5593 doi:10.2791/48951 Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union © European Union, 2010 Reproduction is authorised provided the source is acknowledged Printed in Spain PREFACE Information and Communication Technology (ICT) markets are exposed to more rapid cycles of innovation and obsolescence than most other industries. As a consequence, if the European ICT sector is to remain...
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