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The House On Maple Street Short Story

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The house on maple street
Two little kids were invited to a haunted house the night before Halloween. The two kids were Jake and Landon, they were best of friends until they went to the haunted house. It all started when Jake got a phone call. A strange man was outside of our house on the phone with us. He was wearing a big black coat and we couldn't see his face. Then he said,” to come to a haunted house tonight” and we said,” why not”. At 10pm we snuck out to the haunted house on maple street. We thought there would be a lot of people there cause it sounded cool and because he said there would be a lot of people. But when we arrived there was no one there. Then we saw that guy at the window he, he tilted his head and there was steam outside. When the steam went away then there were two guys at the window. We got a call from a phone number and it said Jimmy Eithan. They said come in or else. So there was steam again and they disappeared. …show more content…
When they finally open the door they see something cross the floor and the wall. Jake and Landon said that are not people and we have to catch them. Now they are wandering around a house by themselves trying to find the animal or something. Jake and landon opened the downstairs door and they said yelling, “it's a alien! Its a alien! Run!” They were screaming down the running away from the aliens. Then they were hiding in the closet trying to get out of the house on maple street. When they looked out the aliens were gone so they made a run for the door. The door seemed to be locked. They were scared and thought they were going to die. But then a random guy pops open the door with a shotgun then the aliens ran

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