...necessary to know the factors that play a role in the success of the economy, some of which are uncontrollable. The success of a business adds to the overall well-being of the economy and we all benefit in the end. When the economy is doing well, we have more money to spend which allows a continuous cash flow cycle and a plentiful money supply. Both businesses and non-profits have a social responsibility to contribute back to society and during a time of need or an economic contraction, our government also assists in the supply and demand of money through fiscal and monetary policy. There are many ways/opportunities to maintain a successful business and that includes knowing and staying ahead of a competition, evaluating the economy and tapping into global markets to allow for more innovation and lower risks. Business defined is any activity providing goods and services in an effort to produce a profit. A profit is the financial gain or reward of a business after expenses. We used to think of a business as a physical entity but it is now an activity. Business can be categorized in two ways: Profit and Non-Profit. In a profit organization, the ultimate goal is to create profit for the owners. The primary focus in a non-profit organization is the cause, not the profit. Non-profits lean more towards human service, culture, religion, health and the improvement of the overall quality of life. Though non-profit organizations have more restrictions and pay less taxes, they are ultimately...
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...Introduction Both Southwest Airlines and Semco are successful organizations in their own market segments despite the economic struggles in 1980’s and 1990’s. Southwest Airlines began operating in 1971, its primary operating philosophy is low fares and lots of flights. Much of organization’s success is due to the willingness of its leadership to be innovative. Semco founded by Antonio Semler in 1912, was traditionally managed industrial equipment company. SEMCO is located in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Richard Semler, instituted an employee-friendly and employee empowered management system. Semco’s success is basically attributed to three interdependent core values: employee participation, free sharing of information and profit sharing. Case Study It is widely discussed that both companies share success factors that make them market leaders. Non-conventional organizational structure Non-conventional organizational structure is adopted in both organizations. SMA and Semco both break the rules of hierarchy structure and bureaucracy. SMA adopts decentralized organizational structure. ‘ the company cuts across hierarchical and job distinctions’ (Child). Team work, group decision making, training and stress on positive attitude are greatly embraced at the organization. Job specialization doesn’t go as far with other airlines like it does with Southwest. An example of this is in order to reduce the turnaround time, pilots help to clean the aircraft which rarely ever happens. Also...
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... Leadership in Organizations 5 Transformational Leadership 6 Servant Leadership 9 Organizational Learning 10 Organizational Performance 13 Analysis 14 Theoretical Framework 16 Hypothesis 16 Methodology 17 Data Analysis and research findings 19 Conclusion and Discussion 28 Bibliography 29 Bibliography 29 Acknowledgment The process of research is a complex one and requires immense guidance at all stages. We are thankful to our respected advisor Mr. Muhammad Ali who guided us on every stage despite our shortcomings. We are also thankful to our respected advisory committee for their valuable feedback and suggestions. We would be thankful for further feedback from our Evaluation Committee. Abstract The purpose of this study is to examine the impact of two comparative leadership styles on organizational learning and performance of non-profit organizations. The leadership style undertaken is transformational leadership and servant leadership. A sample of 100 participants is taken from non-profit organizations based in Pakistan. Data was gathered through quantitative surveys on a five point likert scale. SPSS was used for analysis purpose. The results showed that the level of organization learning doesn’t affect organization performance. These results mean that organizations should focus on other factors rather than the type of leadership they are following if they want to improve their learning or performance Scope and Purpose Non Profit Organizations are working towards...
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...organizational culture and organizational behavior are two subjects that have not always been considered as having a direct correlation. In the past twenty or so years, the two have been considered as having a more direct connection and influence in relation to each other. In the context of this paper, the author will provide a definition of organizational culture and organizational behavior and explain different types of organizations. The author will also address the importance of organizational culture in shaping employees and attempt to bridge the gap between organizational cultures and influences on organizational behaviors. What is Organizational Culture? Organizational culture is sometimes referred to as corporate culture. Culture is defined as to grow in a prepared medium. An organization is an arrangement into a coherent unity functioning as a whole. Organizational culture, in a sense, is an arrangement of a coherent unity providing a medium in which members are cultivated to operate within the desires of the organization. Culture is the foundation on which an organization is built. It is a composition of values and beliefs that are developed within the boundaries of the organization and is designed to guide and direct the members or employees’ behavior. It is, in essence, the adhesive that bonds the organizational members together. Organizational cultures can have many...
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...Restructuring for Success Tiffany Wilson Colorado Technical University Abstract The purpose of this paper is to assist Shawn in addressing the board. It will provide helpful information that will give him an outline as to the next steps the board will need to take in an effort to continue its success as well as remain the leader in the industry amongst its competitors. In doing so, AGC will continue to see a profit, retain its employees and hire new talent to perhaps increase its manpower and production. Shawn’s Approach In an effort to restructure AGC, there are a number of things that have to be taken into consideration. Since Shawn has just joined the team, his presentation has to be informative and insightful. One of the first steps would be to define human capital management, its importance and a structure that needs to be implemented. As with any organization, certain policies and procedures need to be implemented and followed. A strategic plan would be the first place to start. This is simply “a company’s plan for how it will match its internal strengths and weaknesses with external opportunities and threats in order to maintain a competitive advantage”. (Dessler). The framework for the strategic plan is also important because this will allow the board to determine the strengths as well as weaknesses that may be present within the organization. Once this has been determined, the restructuring process can begin. Since there has been little to no communication amongst...
Words: 1784 - Pages: 8
...environments you have experienced. With the new generation of workers, in particular recent college graduates the attitudes of the Sheehy reports are neither unusual nor unprecedented. This generation unlike those of the past, are not exposed nor in some instances, taught the meaning of hard work, dedication, sacrifice and how success can evolve from those types of attitudes. Unfortunately through influences of the media such as television, and in some instances glorified unethical business practices of corporate CEO’s, this new generation of workers with a new work ethic, succumb to believe that hard work does not matter and that treating co-workers and external customers indifferently will get you what you want no matter what the consequences may be. As I have worked and currently work in a prominent, nationally recognized entity, and have hired both college and non-college graduates, there seems to be an attitude of entitlement with the new work ethic and workforce. There are expectations of promotions, and high salaries without proven ability of performance. There is a lack of understanding and true reality of where they fit within the organization and how they meet the performance standards. These attitudes are far different in contrast from my most senior staff that are senior in age demographic, job tenure and position. Often times, this new workforce believes that since they have obtained their college degrees, and have met the educational requirements of the job,...
Words: 1992 - Pages: 8
...environments you have experienced. With the new generation of workers, in particular recent college graduates the attitudes of the Sheehy reports are neither unusual nor unprecedented. This generation unlike those of the past, are not exposed nor in some instances, taught the meaning of hard work, dedication, sacrifice and how success can evolve from those types of attitudes. Unfortunately through influences of the media such as television, and in some instances glorified unethical business practices of corporate CEO’s, this new generation of workers with a new work ethic, succumb to believe that hard work does not matter and that treating co-workers and external customers indifferently will get you what you want no matter what the consequences may be. As I have worked and currently work in a prominent, nationally recognized entity, and have hired both college and non-college graduates, there seems to be an attitude of entitlement with the new work ethic and workforce. There are expectations of promotions, and high salaries without proven ability of performance. There is a lack of understanding and true reality of where they fit within the organization and how they meet the performance standards. These attitudes are far different in contrast from my most senior staff that are senior in age demographic, job tenure and position. Often times, this new workforce believes that since they have obtained their college degrees, and have met the educational requirements of the job,...
Words: 1992 - Pages: 8
...individual uses to govern his activities and decisions. In an organization, a code of ethics is a set of principles that guide the organization in its programs, policies and decisions for the business (Trevino & Nelson, 2011). The ethical philosophy an organization uses to conduct business can affect the reputation, productivity and bottom line of the business. The ethics that leaders in an organization use to manage employees may have an effect on the morale and loyalty of workers. The code of ethics leaders use determines discipline procedures and the acceptable behavior for all workers in an organization. When leaders have high ethical standards, it encourages workers in the organization to meet that same level (Trevino & Nelson, 2011). Ethical leadership also enhances the company’s reputation in the financial market and community. A solid reputation for ethics and integrity in the community may improve the company’s business. Employees who use ethics to guide their behavior adhere to employee policies and rules while striving to meet the goals of the organization. Ethical employees also meet standards for quality in their work, which can enhance the company’s reputation for quality products and service. A positive and healthy corporate culture improves the morale among workers in the organization, which may increase productivity and employee retention; this, in turn, has financial benefits for the organization. Higher levels of productivity improve the efficiency in the...
Words: 1932 - Pages: 8
...Author/Co-Author: Suhas B. Diwate Institutional Affiliations: Asst. Professor (HRM- Department of Management Studies), Bapurao Deshmukh College of Engineering, Sewagram Correspondence Address: Suhas B. Diwate C/o B.M. Diwate, Gajanan Nagar. Near Z.P. Colony. Wardha-442001 ( Maharashtra) Contact Details: • E-mail ID- suhas_diwate7@rediffmail.com • Mob: +91 8087293033 • Fax No: NA Title of paper: “ Role of HR for CSR” ABSTRACT: Concept of CSR A Business Unit is in society, within which it operates. This speaks of a number of stakeholders to which the organization has a responsibility. The social responsibility of business encompasses the economic, legal, ethical and discretionary expectations of that society have of organizations at a given point in time. The Concept of CSR originated in the 1950s in USA. CSR became a matter of utmost importance of diverse groups demanding change in business. It is a voluntary assumption of responsibilities that go beyond the economic and legal responsibilities of corporations. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) covers all aspects of an organization’s operation, inter-alia the relations with stakeholders including the employees as one of them. Business cannot exist in isolation. They need the infrastructure that society provides, its sources of employees.CSR is recognition of that interrelationship and inter-dependence and means of delivering on that obligation. ...
Words: 3412 - Pages: 14
...Building an Ethical Organization Part 1 Ethical Issues in Human Services Organization Today, there are many who suffer from domestic violence, sexual assault those results in child abuse. This is an issue not widely discussed therefore there must be advocate for those who survive the abuse. According to The National Domestic Violence Hotline, “Each year approximately 207,754 sexual assaults occur in the United States.” That astounding number says a lot; there must be a voice for those suffering abuse so that the cycle of abuse ends. There must be resources available that provide education, prevention, programs, and shelter for those within the community in need. As the director of the non-profit organization, Peace at Last Foundation, the first task is to prepare a mission statement and value statement explaining how the organization will practice ethics to be successful while delivering services to the community. Peace at Last Foundation will provide quality care with compassion and respect to all clients seeking services. Peace at Last Foundation is a non-profit organization that provides counseling, programs, education, shelter and prevention to those that suffer from domestic violence, sexual assault and child abuse. The organization is based on the community in need and provides services regardless of age, sex, gender or severity of violence. The prevention strategy is how the organization will be effective on each individual. Victims of sexual assault are more prone...
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...Introduction: Management practice around the globe has a lot diversities because of the presence of different social, economic, political and legal and tax systems. After independence the industrial enterprises of this country were initially brought under the control of the government. Very soon it was realized that the nationalized sector was not performing as desired because of unsuccessful management practice. Since then the country has been going through denationalization process. And then every type of concepts and theories of different countries has been practicing in our country. But it is very difficult to say which type of management practice should be applicable for our country. This paper is just an attempt to analyze the different types of management practice especially in U.S.A., Japan, Germany and China in the context of Bangladeshi management practices on the basis of the basic functions of management. As per the findings, management practice in Bangladesh is not being dominated by any specific country's management practice. This paper will describe what types of management practice are made in those countries with respect to socio-cultural or environmental circumstances and other legal and govt. policies. Why will we analyze and/or study Management Practices among the countries? The concept of comparative management has become more important in recent years because of the growing influence of multinational companies and global corporation. MNCs are businesses...
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...(1)Nonprofit organizations deliver critical services, and it is important to devote maximum resources to supporting your cause. That is why it makes sense to ensure your staff and volunteer resources are operating with maximum efficiency. In the nonprofit sector, creating a competitive compensation and benefits strategy is important to attract talent, but developing a total rewards package may be more important. “Employees nowadays are looking at the whole package: ‘What’s my base salary, do I have incentives, what are my benefits, can I telecommute, can I have flex time, can I have a relaxed dress code and is it family-friendly?’” Glantz said. “[If] a not-for-profit can offer what’s considered an attractive total rewards package, [it’s] going to help that company.” The argument now is that these intangibles need to be measured and monitored, and subsequently tied to the bottom line. Re-defining the bottom to include intangibles such as leadership practices, organizational capabilities, and the ability to attract talented people is necessary. In addition, as organizations continue to automate business processes using technology, in order to remain competitive against others that are doing the same, they must now focus on their talent. Additionally, though talent can be cultivated and developed, it can also leave the organization, become sick, de-motivated, and perhaps influence others to behave in ways unfavorable for the organization. Worst of all, talent can deliver the “double-whammy”...
Words: 1725 - Pages: 7
...Electric’s success lies on the foundation of the various company policies introduced by James Lincoln. This case study analyzed the critical points on which the success of Lincoln Electric’s has its foundations. Company’s Basic Principle Lincoln Electric’s foundations are based on values of trust, overt nature to management, self reliance, righteousness, commitment, answerability and inter-collaboration. These beliefs and moral code formed a powerful base of Lincoln’s culture and management regularly providing the rewards to deserving employees. Pride of workmanship and feelings of involvement and contribution are intrinsic awards that flourish at Lincoln electrics. Company always update their employees about the company’s functioning and financial achievements which encourage the hard work in employees. James Lincoln firmly believed that customers are valuable assets of company. Company’s primary goal should be in the interests of customers. Researchers (Kanji 2010) have made theoretical models relating the Customer Satisfaction with growth in business. Kanji introduces customer satisfaction as critical factor for the model he presented. Other benefits which are included in Customer Satisfaction is Company’s Efficient Advertising and its Human Capital Performances (Luo 2007). Luo and Homburg (2007) findings indicate that company’s human resource managers should show strong interests in customer satisfaction which will lead to boosting of company business and profits. Rachel...
Words: 2222 - Pages: 9
...systems play a key role in developing strategy, evaluating the achievement of organizational objectives and compensating managers. 2.4 Explain why the growing importance of intangible assets complements growing interest in the Balanced Scorecard. Increasingly, in order to succeed, organizations are relying on competitive advantage created from their intangible assets, such as loyal customers, high-quality operating and innovation processes, employee skills and motivation, data bases and information systems, and organization culture. The growing importance of intangible assets complements the growing interest in the Balanced Scorecard because the Balanced Scorecard helps organizations measure, and therefore, manages the performance of their intangible, knowledge-based, assets. With the Balanced Scorecard measurement system, companies continue to track financial results but they also monitor, with nonfinancial measures, whether they are building or destroying their capabilities—with customers, processes, employees, and systems—and how the company is managing intangible assets to create future growth and profitability. The Balanced Scorecard provides a framework for describing how intangible and tangible assets (such as property, plant, equipment, and inventory) will be combined to create value for the organization. 2.7 What is a strategy map? A strategy map identifies linkages among essential elements for the organization’s strategy. That is, a strategy map provides...
Words: 975 - Pages: 4
...Niagara University Master of Arts in Interdisciplinary Studies "Building a Bridge to Bulgaria" A US-Bulgarian Cultural Exchange Organization Research Capstone Paper IDS601 Members of the committee: Dr. Chambers, T. Leibowitz, A. Dr. Mayer, S. Research paper presented by: Mariya Cherneva April 29, 2011 Table of Contents I. Executive Summary 3 II. Introduction 5 1.0 Why would someone would like to study abroad? 6 2.0 A Literature review of study abroad participants 11 3.0 USBCE Resource interviews 14 4.0 Specific information on Bulgarian stident trends 17 5.0 Creating a successful non-profit organization 19 6.0 USBCE – Created a specilized Organization 43 7.0 USBCE identifies its major outsidide organization 44 8.0 What role will USBCE play in the Work/Travel program 47 III Conclussion 51 IV Bibliography 53 V Appendix 1 VI Appendix 1 I. Executive Summary Background Having been the direct beneficiary of a few different types of cultural exchange programs I appreciate the value such an organization provides. In my lifetime I have been able to travel to, study and work in more than five different countries. My hope is to be able to use my experiences to create a cultural exchange organization to assist students with international study as well as a broad cultural experience. A program like this will help students to gain a global perspective and cultivate a global network...
Words: 12061 - Pages: 49