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The Importance Of Long-Term Care At Detox Treatment Centers

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An addiction is a disease that requires proper care and treatment to overcome. Statistically, patients are more likely to recover if they use a long-term rehab program at detox treatment centers. Many of these programs begin with an initial detox process so that the chemical dependency to the drug is removed. Afterward, rehabilitation helps the addict to learn about their addiction and ways to control it.

Long-Term Care at Detox Treatment Centers

An estimated 23.2 million Americans required some type of addiction treatment in 2007. Out of those people, only 10.4 percent actually received the treatment that they needed. This complex disease requires in-depth treatment because it affects all aspects of the individual's physical, mental and emotional health. …show more content…
For addicts with an intense, long-term addiction, 90-day or 120-day treatment options are often the best choice. At a residential treatment center, patients are constantly supervised so that it is impossible to relapse. They receive intense, focused care so that they know how to recognize triggers and manage cravings.

Detox Treatment Centers and the Detox Process

The first step at most treatment centers is detox. During this time, the addict is continuously supervised by medical professionals. If withdrawal symptoms are severe, staff members are on hand to help reduce the severity of the symptoms. More importantly, medically-supervised detox prevents addicts from relapsing while they are at their weakest state. Instead of reaching out to drugs or alcohol, the addict's chemical dependency is completely removed. Once this is done, they can effectively start the rehabilitation process.

Treatment Options

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