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Dog Abuse Research Paper

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Imagine you all, are a dog that has been left out in the cold, on the hard ground, hungry, and all alone. Not great right? Well there are tons of dogs out in the world like that, but ten times worse. They are just like humans they need the attention from someone, and they have feelings too. Dog abuse is a huge problem all around the world, from dog neglect to dog fighting. Dog abuse is not just physically hurting them, it is also hygiene neglect. First, grooming neglect doesn’t just mean their fur, but also their teeth and hygiene. Without grooming a dog it can cause their coats to become matted and you would have to fully shave their fur off. Also, not giving hygiene to a dog can cause them to get fleas and tick for neglect of pest control. …show more content…
Did you know Michael Vick? Well he was the all-star quarterback of the Atlanta Falcons, but not anymore. “Vick’s case is one among many—experts estimate that tens of thousands of people are involved in professional dogfighting, while hundreds of thousands might be participating in so-called “street fighting,” or informal dogfights. All 50 states now consider participating in dogfighting to be a felony offense.” (2) He got caught with dog fighting, and was charged with federal charges for it, and was sent to prison. Dog fighting is a serious thing here in the United States, but it is not an everyday conversation. Most common dogs that are used for dog fighting are, pit bulls, Staffordshire terrier, America Staffordshire terrier, and American pit bull terrier. These dogs are forced to be kept in pens, chained to bury car axles. “When they were no longer useful to fight organizers, they were wet down and electrocuted, hanged, beaten, drowned, shot, slammed against the ground, or killed in some other atrocious manner.” (2) Doing this to an innocent dog is horrible, and some children watch these dog fights, and they end up really bloody. For training the dogs they, “Train dogs by forcing them to tread water in pools; run on a treadmill while a caged rabbit, cat, chicken, or other terrified animal is dangled in front of them; or hang on with their jaws while dangling from a chain baited with meat. Many dogs are injected with steroids, and some dogfighters even sharpen their dogs’ teeth, cut off their ears (to prevent another dog from latching on), and add roach poison to their food so that their fur might taste bad to other dogs.” (2) “Dogs who “win” fights are forced to fight again and again and are used to breed puppies for profit. One dog who was described as a particularly successful fighter generated $100,000 in stud fees in a single year. Female dogs are strapped down on “rape stands” to prevent fighting while males impregnate

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