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The Importance Of Nuclear Weapons In The United States

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Did you know that once a nuclear bomb has exploded the radiation travels in the air for a long time before it settles on the ground? Me neither. Or what about the money spent on nuclear weapons each year by the United States? We spend about $25 billion on nuclear weapons. And that is why we need to have a ban on nuclear weapons. We need the ban against nuclear weapons because we spend too much money on the production, they harm the environment and is a very dangerous threat if in the wrong hands.
The United States spend WAY too much money on nuclear weapons. Since the beginning of the production of the weapons, the United States has spent about $15.6 trillion on the weapons. On an average day, the United States spends $300 million on the weapons. You know how much help that money can give to homeless people or hungry people? A lot. If the government used the money to help people in that kind of state the poverty level would be WAY lower than it is now. There wouldn’t be so many people begging for food either. Stealing too. Or other ways the money could go to is education, healthcare, better equipment for jobs, hospitals, or schools. The money could be used in a way better way than on nuclear weapons that get stored away with no use to them. …show more content…
It is either underground, underwater, or out in the desert at the Nevada test site. In all of the tests conducted there has been a staggering 1,054 tests in the United States. That puts a lot of stress on the environment. Human environment too! Nuclear weapons have side effects on humans as well, such as cancers, air blasts, thermal radiation, initial radiation, and fallout. Air blasts can push a person back, thermal radiation burns over the skin and can cause fires, initial radiation is the release of radiation, and the fallout is when the radiation falls down into the soil and mixes together and become

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