...Social media in hospitality, is it changing the business fundamentally? Jesse van der Heiden 406279 Professional writing Stenden University April, 2015 Present day, social media are fundamentally changing the way tourists and travellers search, read, trust and as well as find information about tourist destinations. Furthermore, social network applications for e.g. trip Advisor, Facebook and Pinterest allows guests to participate in business operation and functions. This means that, tourists and travellers provide a huge amount of information about their travel experiences. Many organizations use social media as a tool to connect to millions of potential guests. Therefore, this paper will analyse the importance of social media for the hospitality industry. The first paragraph aims to address the use and impact of social media in hospitality. The second part of this paper will focus and give more insight on the impact of social media on travellers’ behaviour and using social media from a customers’ perspective. Thirdly, the kinds of social media in the hospitality industry will be discussed. As last, conclusions will be drawn while taking personal perspective, studies and theory into consideration. Use and impact of social media in the hospitality Hospitality company participation in social media has been shown to be a cost-effective tool for interaction and involvement with potential guests. Social media that is easy accessible, straightforward and appealing enables...
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...companys social media marketing has become a very important strategic operation within the last years due to the changing habits of the population. More than one billion people worldwide are using facebook actively nowadays and the number is still increasing. (Chart no. 1: (Brandt, 2012, Statista)). Therefore companys need to adopt to this dramatic change in communication and have to be present on social platforms, to stay in customer contact and build relationships (Edelman, D.C. (2010), “Branding in the digital age“). This term paper deals with the question wheater social media marketing is an opportunity or threat for Mc Donalds, in particular Mc Donalds Germany. Although social media is a must-have for companys nowadays and nearly twenty thousand firms have a facebook page for their business, social media could be a threat for companys. Especially fast food restaurants are often criticised by protestants and social platforms are perfect places to make their criticism public. So businesses need to evaluate wheather social media is an opportunity or threat for their performance. My thesis statement is that social media marketing is very effective for companys as well as for Mc Donalds and possible threats do not represent a serious danger for them. Importance of social media for companys nowadays Social media marketing is a type of onlinemarketing, where companys use social media for several purposes. There are several possibilities to use social media for business...
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...Media is the most powerful tool of communication (answer.com, 2012) Social Medias are the use of shared dialogues in communications among individuals. Social Medias are available in computers, interactive television and mobile devices. Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Flickr are all examples of social media. Facebook is a social website networking service that was formed in February 2004. Facebook has more than 845 million active users. 1. It was created by Mark Zuckerberg. 2. It was created in February 2004. 3. The age requirement is 13. 4. It has 845 million active users. 5. The main use of Facebook is to communicate with friends and family. Twitter is a social networking and micro-blogging service (Tweeternet, 2012). It allows you to ask questions by sending small text messages of 140 fonts in length, which are called "tweets" to people. It was created by Jack Dorsey It was created in March 2006. The age requirement is 13. It has 300 million active users. The main use of Twister is to ask individuals questions. LinkedIn is the world’s biggest professional network with more than 120 million members. It links you to your trusted acquaintances and assistances you to exchange ideas, opportunities, ideas, and knowledge with a larger network of professionals. It was created by Reid Hoffman. It was created in May 2003. The age requirement is 18. It has 120 million active users. The main use of LinkedIn is to share ideas...
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...May 3, 2013 Mark Emmert, NCAA President P.O. Box 6222 Indianapolis, IN 46206 RE: Policy on Social Media use by Student Athletes Dear Mr. Emmert, The object of this letter is to provide you with a much needed policy on the education of proper use of social media by student athletes. It is very important that student athletes understand the effects that improper social media use can have on, not only themselves, but the college they represent, that way they can understand the importance behind this suggested policy. I’m sure you are aware of the increasing usage of social media by society, including student athletes. I hope you will take my policy into consideration helping to educate all student athletes on smart usage of social media. I would like to start off with defining social media as: “Web-based services that allow individuals to (1) construct a public or semi-public profile within a bounded system, (2) articulate a list of other users with whom they share a connection, and (3) view and traverse their list of connections and those made by others within the system.” (Boyd and Ellison) Over the past decade social media has created a boom of excitement throughout the cyber world. With the creation of Facebook, Twitter, and many more social networks, society has become increasingly dependent on social media. Social media is used in a variety of ways. For some it is used as a means of conducting business, rather it be used for advertisements and marketing...
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...Molson Canada: Social Media Marketing K603 Table of Contents Executive Summary……………………………………………………………... I. Key Issues……………………………………………………………………... II. Analysis………………………………………………………………………. III. Alternatives & Recommendation……………………………………………. IV. Implementation……………………………………………………………… 2 3 4 7 9 References………………………………………………………………………... 16 1 Executive Summary Molson Canada has been facing negative reactions their recent social media marketing initiative, Cold Shots Campus Challenge. Parties claimed that this Facebook contest promoted irresponsible drinking behaviours among university students. As a result, Molson pulled the contest one week before the scheduled deadline. Now, Molson must evaluate the use of social media, specifically Facebook, in its marketing strategy. The available alternatives are to revamp the Facebook initiative, to focus on static webpages or to focus on traditional marketing strategies. The recommendation is to revamp the Facebook initiative over a period of three months with ongoing monitors and checkpoints. The projected cost of this recommendation is $75,500 initially, with recurrent annual costs of $36,000 per year. The advantage of this recommendation is that it can be easily expanded to include other types of social media, such as micro blogging, video sharing, photo sharing and online forums if the response to this project is positive. 2 I. Key Issues Molson Canada faces four key issues moving forward from November 2007. The...
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...communication and social media is a common word to all of us and it is really almost impossible to think a single day without these. From the personal use to corporate, social media has a vital role. Young generation highly attached with the mobile communication and social media and as a result they are looking the same service from the work place. However, the fact is there are many organizations who do not allow these types of social media within their organization. Infarct, organization should make such a work environment where employees get all the important social media facilities as if they can become more efficient and effective. The main motive of the organization is making profit whereas, by providing social media facilities, organization can reach to their main motive. Table of Contents Executive Summary2 1. Introduction4 2. Findings 5 3. First experience of mobile communication and social media6 4. Impact of mobile communication and social media…………………………………6-7 5. Expected Information System of the organization…………………………………..7-8 6. Conclusion …………………….........................................................................................8 Reference…………………………………………………………………………………............9 Introduction Social media is a common word for young generation as well as for the work place. Social media is such a platform where friends and family members stay connected through internet. Mostly, people use social media as a way of communication...
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...question of what causes narcissism is is a very relevent topic in todays society. It seems with the creation of more technology and ways to advertise yourself we are also seeing rising leves of narcissism. The question regarting these trends is asking if social medical use is negativly contributing to the growth of narcasissm. Narcassism is defined by psycologists as a personality disorder in which people have an inflated sense of self-importance was well as an extreme preoccupation with themselves. This is a very relevent topic in psychology because narcassism is considered a personality disorder. If social media is contributing to the prevelence of this personality disorder then is is important for psychologists to recognize this. Although...
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...Cha, Christina Seong, Parinaz Ejlali, and Sara Degruttola for their assistance with earlier versions of this study. Please address correspondence to David C. Evans Ph.D. at david@psychster.com . Evans et al., “Facebook Segmentation,” 37 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Understanding the different types of Facebook users is the first step to effectively communicating with them and providing appropriate features. Psychographic segmentation is a statistical procedure that first identifies the fundamental value-propositions or “hooks” of a technology, and then derives the user types who respond similarly to those hooks. Partnering with Psychster Inc., students in the University of Washington Master of Communication program in Digital Media (MCDM) applied this method to 236 Facebook users who rated the importance of 90 value-propositions via an online survey. The 6 user types that were found can be remembered by the acronym FBSIGN: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Fans join interest groups based on politics, art, and music, and they often link their Facebook account to other websites. Branders prefer public to private networking, and they often use Facebook as a tool for business, building a personal brand, or accumulating social capital. Social-Searchers employ Facebook to learn about news, media, and entertainment, but they show little interest in apps and games....
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...CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION Nature and Importance of the Study Social media are computer-mediated tools that allow people to create, share or exchange information, ideas, and pictures/videos in virtual communities and networks. Social media is defined as "a group of Internet-based applications that build on the ideological and technological foundations of Web 2.0, and that allow the creation and exchange of user-generated content." Furthermore, social media depend on mobile and web-based technologies to create highly interactive platforms through which individuals and communities share, co-create, discuss, and modify user-generated content. They introduce substantial and pervasive changes to communication between organizations, communities, and individuals. These changes are the focus of the emerging field of techno self-studies. Social media are different from traditional or industrial media in many ways, including quality, reach, frequency, usability, immediacy, and permanence. There are many effects that stem from internet usage. According to Nielsen, internet users continue to spend more time with social media sites than any other type of site. At the same time, the total time spent on social media in the U.S. across PC and mobile devices increased by 99 percent to 121 billion minutes in July 2012 compared to 66 billion minutes in July 2011. For content contributors, the benefits of participating in social media have gone beyond simply social sharing to building reputation and...
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...Research Proposal: Exploring the challenges that social media such as LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter bring to entrepreneurs/small businesses MICHAEL GOITOM 2924686 London Southbank University 1. Introduction 2. Theoretical Framework/Literature review 3. Methodology & Timescale 4. References 5. Bibliography 1. INTRODUCTION The primary purpose of this research is to examine the challenges that social vehicles such as Linked In, Facebook and Twitter bring to small businesses’. Social networks such as LinkedIn, Facebook, and YouTube etc. have made a significant impact on how todays Internet users communicate, search for and share data, this research aim to look at the disadvantages that come along with one of by far the most bewildering and comprehensive enhancement of information technology that has been witnessed in the past decade. A study done in October 2012 by online-Marketing firm Vertical Response showed many small business owners have jumped onto the bandwagon whole hog. But appears many are buckling under the added social media marketing workload. Carol Tice (2012) In the present day everything is about Social Media, some industry gurus claim that if you do not participate in Facebook you are not part of the cyberspace anymore. Social Media allow firms to engage in timely and direct end-consumer contact at relatively low cost and higher levels of efficiency than can be achieved with more traditional...
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...Assignment 1: Social Media Medina 1 Prof: LEG 100: Business Law 1 July 25, 2013 Medina 2 A few years ago I jumped on the social media bandwagon after being introduced to it by my father. I was always a little skeptical about social media because of all negative that I had heard about it. Now, I love it because there is a lot of positive about social media as far as I am concerned. Social media is an asset to marketing, and it is fun for personal use as well. I am fan of Facebook so I will discuss how it can direct consumers to a better source of purchasing. A Legally Astute Marketing Manager According to our text a legally astute manger has four components; a set of value-laden attitudes about the importance of law to the firm’s success; a proactive approach to regulation and legal issues; the ability to exercise informed judgment when managing the legal aspects of business; the appropriate use of legal tools and context specific knowledge of the law (Bagley, 2013, p. 11). The legally astute social media marketing manager has to take those components a step further. The legally astute social media marketing manager must embrace social media and its networking power to drive sustainable change in the...
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...ASSIGNMENT 1: SOCIAL MEDIA BESSIE BEARD PROFESSOR SAMUEL CHRISTIAN BUSINESS LAW 100 11 August 2014 In attempts to survive E-commerce and rapidly evolving technological advances, businesses are looking to social media marketing to predict and take advantage of increasing consumer buying power on the web. It’s no secret that consumers are actively perusing social media for the best prices, variety, and reviews of products and businesses as they make purchases for everyday needs and specialty items. In many instances, consumers have traded instant gratification from in-store purchases with the satisfaction of cost savings from items bought online. At the vanguard of such a decision to shop online rather than in-store is convenience. The web is the ultimate one stop shop. Big businesses, such as Wal-Mart, Target, Nike, and Best Buy offer all of their products online at reduced pricing and special deals. So, how does a business preserve its market-share and profitability in the web-based marketplace? It looks to social media. Social media outlets assist businesses in not only maintaining their customer base but also increasing the audience that sees and purchases its products. One such social media outlet is Facebook. Not only are companies paying Facebook to advertise their products and services, but they are also creating company Facebook pages to market to consumers and address concerns with products and services. Consumers are able to rate and review the products and...
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...The Importance of Social Media: Non-Profit Organization Ianita Byrd Indiana Wesleyan University The Important Role of Social Media in Expanding a Non-Profit Organization The YWCA of Northwest Indiana has turned to social media to reach out to as many people as possible. By using social media, the organization can let their donors or potential donors know what upcoming events are taking place. The YWCA of Northwest Indiana was established in 1920 and has served the Gary area for over 90 years. The goal of YWCA is to offer programs and services to empower young women and men. The YWCA is a Christian based organization that is focused on developing the young people within the community. The mission of the YWCA is to eliminate racism and empower women. They are attempting to accomplish this goal by implanting programs that can improve the lives of young people and the elders in the area. They offer programs for the seniors that include aerobics, dance, jazzercise, health & wellness classes and lunch from meals on wheels. The YWCA also provides after-school programs for the youth. This program offers homework assistance, tutoring for students in kindergarten to high school seniors, The YWCA is in the process of improving their social media presence. They have established a website that list all the current programs that are available. The site contains any future fundraising events, and it also allows you to make donations. The organization will focus their...
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...How To Market Facebook With Businesses Harry Pruitt Benedictine University Author Note Harry Pruitt, Student in Business, Benedictine University. Abstract We normally judge a book by its cover, so visuals can be very important. Online marketing through Facebook is no different. Most of our influences are through social media and more people are turning to social media to gain more business for their companies. Facebook has been successful in helping with business marketing, spending as little or as much as you want or need to. Facebook is the social platform for web based businesses near and far. Even though Facebook has its different problems, marketing within Facebook has been very successful thus far .Using different strategies and building creative profiles makes for a better business outcome. Bigger dreams become bigger goals, by staying on the right path you accomplish you objective and achieve your marketing goals as a business owner. How To Market Facebook With Businesses Facebook is an online social networking service. Facebook was founded in February 2004, by Mark Zuckerberg and some of his friends at Harvard University. The website was first used for Harvard University students only, but then it gradually excelled to various universities, high schools, and even 13 year old children. Before entering Facebook, the user must register and create a personal profile. The use of this social network is to add other users as friends, exchange messages, and receive automatic...
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...The Power of Like2 How Social Marketing Works ANDREW LIPSMAN VP, Marketing, comScore GRAHAM MUDD Head of Measurement Partnerships, Facebook CARMELA AQUINO Senior Marketing Manager, comScore PATRICK KEMP Senior Data Analyst, comScore Executive Summary The following white paper is the second in the U.S. Power of Like series, a research collaboration between comScore and Facebook to deliver unique insights on the impact of social media marketing. The research, which primarily leverages data and analysis from comScore Social Essentials™, comScore AdEffx™ and Facebook’s internal analytics platform, focuses on the impact of branded earned and paid media exposure on the behavior of Facebook Fans and Friends of Fans. The summary below establishes the key findings and implications of this research. Brands can maximize the impact of their social marketing programs on Facebook by leveraging a framework that helps them move beyond Fan acquisition to delivering reach, impact, and measurable marketing ROI. Using the Brand Page as a control panel for creating social marketing programs, brands should focus on benchmarking and optimizing on the following dimensions to deliver against their broader marketing objectives: Fan Reach Exposure in the News Feed Engagement Fans interacting with Brand Page marketing content Amplification Expanding reach by promoting content to Friends of Fans through both earned and paid means Most leading brands on Facebook achieve a monthly earned Amplification...
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