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The Importance of the Study of Literature to the Christian


Submitted By bebates
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The Importance of the Study of Literature to the Christian I agree that technology is significantly effecting the literacy of our children. As stated in Lesson 3 it is as if childhood is disappearing (Liberty University) along with their literacy skills. Children today start using computers in schools as early as Kindergarten; but children are using electronics at home as soon as they are able to push a button. Children do not learn as much by reading and writing as much as we used to. It is not about going to the library to do research anymore but searching the World Wide Web for information. This greatly decreases critical thinking skills when you can just Google for the answer to your problems. This even includes actual writing skills because they can just type everything in and let a computer program do much of the editing for us. Then, we have the use of acronyms used on a daily basis and of course, cell phone texting is the most obvious example of this. Adults almost need a special dictionary to figure out what they are saying. Next, with the easy access our children have to so many types of technology, they get exposure to significant amounts of adult content. They see and hear it their music, television shows and on the internet. We see the evidence in the way they dress, their behavior, and their language. (Liberty University) Our children are growing up too fast! They know things by elementary school that my generation did not even think about until high school. Technology is an extremely useful tool but used inappropriately and/or in excess has the possibility of producing significant negative outcomes.
Liberty University. (n.d.). The Importance of the Study of Literature to the Christian. Retrieved from

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