Free Essay

The Indochineese Tiger


Submitted By KOWSCHOI611
Words 596
Pages 3
In 2007 news came up that the Indochinese tiger also called panther tigris corbetti population was at zero in China thanks to a poacher who is now in jail. The population of the Indochinese tigers became very low ever since then. According to the World wild life fund the current population of the Indochinese tiger is at 300 in the whole entire world. Though WWF are not the only ones that think the tigers should be saved, we also think it deserves to be saved. There are a lot of reasons why some animals are endangered and one of them is a scarce food source. Their origin of food is ungulates, deer, and wild pigs. Although in certain habitats they are forced to eat smaller prey like porcupines, badgers, smaller deer, and rabbits. In addition to that there are actual human beings poaching the poor tiger to use folk remedies, and wild meats. Furthermore, the tigers habitats are currently taken away, and being used by agricultural plantations, mining, concessions, and inundations. For that reason, the tigers are forced to move to an area that makes them more vulnerable to poachers. Moreover the babies are taken from their mothers and killed for their skin which makes the population of these tigers much less. Now imagine that your place the place you have lived your whole entire life in, and had millions of memories gone. Everyone close to you is gone, and you are all alone. This is exactly how a tiger would feel. The life span of the Indochinese tiger is 15-20 years. The current population level of the tiger has fallen more than 70 percent leaving only 350 remaining because of the poachers. The current measurement of the tiger would be 2.55 to 2085 meters in length. They weigh up to 195 kilograms; their skull is 319 to 365 millimeters in length. Male tigers are approxemently 2074m long and weighs about 18kg larger males can weigh 227kg. The female tiger can measure 2.30 to 2055m in length; they weigh 100 to 130kg.The skull is 275 to 311mm the average female tiger is 2044m in length and weigh about 115kg.
When the tiger did live in its regular normal habitat it loved to swim, bathe, and sit in the water to cool off. Although the tiger has defenses too it can move well on land, swims readily, can easily sense humans by smell, and their strips help them blend in to the scenery. The tiger should be saved for many different reasons. We should save it because when people see a live tiger they see a dead tiger is as the same value of a live one, and that needs to change and helping them change can actually make them have more valor in things. Another reason the tiger should be saved is because since right now they are at an endangered level the tiger can get you money by ecotourism. An example would be how the western forest complex in Thailand uses them.
Lastly what we can do to save it. First off to save it the people in the west need see a tiger as a something alive something being that is also part of our society. Second people need to stop poaching, and using the tiger for remedies because. Imagine that you’re poor and you’re taken away to a laboratory to be experimented on that’s the same way the tiger feels.
In conclusion the Indochinese tiger deserves to be saved just like any other endangered species in the world.

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