The Influence of Advertisement on the Actions of Participating People as Perceived by Upr Ponce Consumers
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One of the main factors that influence people to buy or select a product is advertising. There are a varieties of consumer’s perceptions, which are constantly changing. Not everyone receives the same message the same way, and some perceive the same message giving them more importance than others. The future of advertising is not only linked to its own creative ability, but the speed and certainty with which the new media adapted to many of which still exist. (Guerrero, 2006) Statement of the Problem
The study will gather data on the behaviors of students from UPR Ponce consumers, if the people are affected or influenced by advertisement strategies, to perceive the different market offerings and are led to buy.
Purpose of the Study
The objective of this study is to know how commercials affect in the UPR Ponce people decision on buying a product. Also, we want to identify which strategies are most beneficial when making an ad for the purpose of motivating the target market to buy the products.
Scope of Analysis
Four factors will be analyzed: 1. Commercial advertising that promote the purchase of the product by using subliminal messages. 2. What impact has advertising in UPR Ponce consumers? 3. Why do you purchase a product? 4. Why use this type of product?
In the methodology, we used primary data and secondary data to carry out the research.
We prepared a survey to investigate, how important are sale prices for people when they are shopping.
After having completed the distribution of surveys we realized that the questionnaires did not have any sense, we had to any conclusion. Realizing that the instrument used was not served, we began to analyze how to do a case study.
Were interviewed a group of people to answer a questionnaire about their preferences at the time of buying services and the most important products using a quantity of 16 persons.
Definition of terms
Advertising- The study will gather data on the behaviors of students from UPR Ponce consumers, if the people are affected or influenced by advertisement strategies, to perceive the different market offerings and are led to buy.
Advertisement- A notice, such as a poster or a paid announcement in the print, broadcast, or electronic media, designed to attract public attention or patronage.
Case study- Documented study of a specific real-life situation or imagined scenario, used as a training tool in business schools and firms. Students or trainees are required to analyze the prescribed cases and present their interpretations or solutions, supported by the line of reasoning employed and assumptions made.
During the investigation had several delimitations: 1. The time for the case study students and professionals in UPR Ponce. 2. Lack of tools to carry out the case study.
During the investigation had several limitations: 1. Surveyed students ranging in age from 19 to 22 years old. 2. Limit ourselves to a case study in UPR Ponce.
In this chapter the most important ideas of several authors of articles related to the issue of the effect of advertising and the perception of people are exposed. It also contains important information collected through several questionnaires distributed in the university community of the University of Puerto Rico in Ponce. This information shows the findings of the main reasons why people are affected by advertising.
Effect of the ads on people
(Coveland, Haririson, Henry, 2008) The ads have become the strongest weapon for organizations because through these strategies they reach consumers. According to Webster (2008) advertisement is any public notice, as a display in a newspaper printed, short film on television, on radio announcement, and so on. It is designed to sell goods, publicize an event, etc. In a study on the direct impact of the ads to consumers during the years 90’s (Hernández, 2000) between 1990 and 1994 the increase in ad spending by companies was in a 400 % placing the example of different pharmaceutical investing up to 10 billion dollars in drug promotion to motivate the patient to consult their physician about the use of the products of these companies. This research not only emphasized the effect of the ads if it pointed to the customer loyalty to certain brands of drugs in specific. (Claudia, 2008) If we move now to the past decade companies paid more than 300 trillion dollars in advertising in newspapers, magazines, radio, television, direct mail, business publications, telephone and Internet. If we wonder, what effect did all this publicity have? (Stewart, 2000) Many, since advertising is one of the most powerful social forces of the present civilization. The ads not only sell products, sell images, goals, values, concepts of who we are and who we should be. That is why the effect they can have ads on people is devastator and more if we focus on the effect of these on the young.
Impact on youth
(Hernández, 2007) Over the years, we can see the ads every time reflect different lifestyles and social aspirations of most people, and as the advertising is shaping society by showing them new ideas about the roles of men and women, new lifestyles, values, principles, in addition, advertising is creating new needs for society by new varieties of products that use the same broadcast. Advertising is part of the world where we are, is linked to mass culture and promotes a particular cultural consumption.
Emotional Effects
(Mifflin, 1997) When people not having to buy what they want to generate a great dissatisfaction among consumers. (Caro, 2009) This scenario affects both women and men due to the economic recession that has passed through Puerto Rico in recent years. Overall, the women feel about money is like being imprisoned because they have all they wanted, but have money for them to have extra money to invest is a release. The Puerto Rican consumer has faced changes when visiting the shops; it has caused frustration at not being able to buy everything they want. From this, the opportunity that companies have had to advertise because the consumer has been forced to use more shoppers, coupons, deals and online methods to acquire the product at lower prices.
Effects on family
(Caro, 2009) While shopping is a religious experience for women, when it comes to the health of children, they do not skimp on making any sacrifice for their children to receive medical treatment they need. In addition, they postpone their medical appointments, go to use generic drugs and home remedies for health care. That's why we do not go to emergency rooms to receive any type of service. Opt for routine tests performed periodically to avoid developing serious health conditions. In this case the family uses the advertising of different type of Overt The Counter medications to threat a condition. They use antihistaminic, pain relievers and others treatments based on the advertisement.
Effects on beauty
(Dones, 2010) That leave to "dubbie" cleaning and linen are things of the past. Before you shop make sure women make up and grooming their nails to look good and lift your mood. That's why when it comes time to prepare to go buy check bank accounts via the Internet to see what they can spend. Definitely comfort is a priority. Many men have become metrosexuals, which invest their money in personal care products, from his face to her hair, treatments including botox, laser hair removal and surgeries. This image has been created thanks to the effect that the ads have had to spend the years.
Compulsive buyers
(Bolaños, 2008) Some people think it is impossible to pass up a good deal, leaving the clothing labels to return it, then do not use the products purchased by the fear that they can be no pay, and also have a different feeling when paying on credit that spot, all talk of a compulsive activity. The lack of conformity of the people, competitive attitude, not being realistic and even self-sabotage are situations that are reflected in the purchase of items that are not necessities and do not have the resources to settle. Using a card to pay another can become what is known as spiral constrictor, because it traps more of a problem.
(Anonymous, 2011) These buyers may be suffering: palpitations, sweating and can get anxious or depressed due to an impulse control disorder which is classified in the international classification systems where it may be purchasing, pathological gambling, anger, intermittent explosive, etc.
(Kanagaretham, Lobo, Whalen, 2011) Many business, both television and radio, for example, can be easily identified by adolescents and adults. Others are more difficult to identify. Teens say not influenced by ads, but the truth is that you may not realize why they think something is "really good" or desirable.
The children are the most vulnerable to television. This is because the period of human life in which man is more receptive to learn a behavior, is the childhood learning it is conducted from the imitation of models.
The ability to imitate is so important in children, which is the basis for learning. (Christenson, 1980) He expressed on the experiences and experiences that gives you the television. The fact that in America a child dressed as Superman was launched from a window of the building where he lived, indicating that the child not only sees, but who wants to practice what he sees. This case also makes clear the inability of children to clearly differentiate reality from fantasy. There is no doubt that television is a major stimulus to the child's imagination, these stories are an example:
(Stewart, 2000)* A 6-year-old is watching TV, her mother arrives and immediately the child changes the channel, her mother asks: What are you watching? Return to the previous channel and it was pornographic. Thus, from earliest childhood man is aware of "good and evil."
The viewer
Be achieved, with effort and patience, the viewer develops an approach to help you use their freedom responsibly, and not be dominated by the indiscriminate television viewing because the dependency for the TV fall, seriously affecting the duties and obligations.
New technologies in the television and the Internet whose constant advances are truly extraordinary, open up infinite possibilities to the viewer, while significantly increasing the hours of immobility and isolated from the human relationships that are vital to their development, such as: family, work, friendships.
The Internet
On the Internet, you can find many topics to help us in any investigation or tasks, as well as to know the mentality of other countries and most importantly, communicate with people who may be across the world via the mail- mail, called "chats" and ICQ. Thus, the Internet has many advantages, but also great disadvantages, by browsing the "cyberspace" we can find XXX rated pages (pornographic), and most serious is that entering them teenagers and children. It is very common to hear complaints and concerns of parents and teachers, to develop this type of experience, feel that the problem goes beyond them.
In the methodology, we used primary data and secondary data to carry out the research.
We prepared a survey to investigate, how important are sale prices for people when they are shopping.
After having completed the distribution of surveys we realized that the questionnaires did not have any sense, we had to any conclusion. Realizing that the instrument used was not served, we began to analyze how to do a case study.
Were interviewed a group of people to answer a questionnaire about their preferences at the time of buying services and the most important products using a quantity of 16 persons.
Graphic #1: Which is your favorite promotion media?
Many business, both television and radio, for example, can be easily identified by adolescents and adults. Others are more difficult to identify. Teens say not influenced by ads, but the truth is that you may not realize why they think something is "really good" or desirable.
Graphic #2: When I can’t buy something, I feel the following:
Consumers in Puerto Rico often take different actions for failure to purchase any product you need, but that does not have the resources necessary to get it. The consumer seeks a product depending on your need. That's why, when the consumer wants to get the product and cannot feel anger, despair, joy, anxiety, anger, aggression, among others.
Graphic #3: When you buy, what method of payment do you use?
Most consumers buy on credit to meet real needs, such as: school uniforms, furniture or other household appliances and medicines, and do not buy things just because they see in commercials. Using a credit card to pay another credit card is a measure that can become what's known as "spiral constrictor", because it traps more of a problem. The 49% of respondents (consumers) use the cash as payment in stores. The 45% use the cards, as ATH do not like to have cash on hand for their own safety.
Graphic #4: Do you consider shopaholic?
The graph indicates that 85 students of the university and is considered compulsive buyers like to buy or purchase any product whether for sale ads, magazines, radio, etc. which is that 57% of students are considered purchasers compulsive at all times. Only 22students on campus are not considered compulsive shoppers, for the reason that they have enough money or no money when wanting to purchase the product, which represents 14% of the university. Finally, 43 students are considered compulsive shoppers when they have money (sometimes), for the simple reason that they buy when they have money, which represents 29% of the university.
Graphic #5: Do you think there are subliminal messages in advertising?
According to the study, 62 students at our university are victims of subliminal messages, representing 48% of that population. That is why many students are driven by the messages that advertising leads to the market. In addition, 48 students at our university not victims of subliminal messages, they do not believe in it, representing 32% of that population. For the remainder said that 40 students from our campus are victims of subliminal messages depending on the type of ad that is, representing 27% of students from our campus.
Graphic #6: Their behavior has been affected by different marketing strategies?
The graph indicates that 31% of students have been affected by marketing strategies before us, which represents 47 students of our university. 21% of students on campus do not have any affect in relation to their behavior by marketing because buyers are not considered of any kind, accounting for 31 students on campus. Finally, 72 students at our university is sometimes affected by market strategies, accounting for 48% of students on campus.
Graphic #7: When buying traditional products, ads influence you to buy the product?
According to the study, 85 students on campus believe that ads influence when purchasing traditional products, representing 57% of the student's campus. In addition, 13 students felt that it has nothing to influence traditional products as they are used to acquire them at any time, which represents 8% of students on campus. Finally, 52 students on campus sometimes affect them, representing 35% of that population.
Graphic #8: The ads motivate you to buy?
The graph indicates that 63% of the students motivate them to buy through the ads on TV, which represents 95 students on campus. Only 24 students on campus say the ads do not motivate you to buy, which represents 16% of that population. Finally, 31 students on campus said that sometimes the ads are motivated to buy, depending on the product that is your preference, which represents 21% of that population.
Graphic #9: Gender
In our study, 70 men were surveyed, representing 47% of the population of students at the University of Puerto Rico in Ponce. Note that these students are from different departments. In addition, 80 women were surveyed, representing 53% of the population of the university.
Graphic #10: Age
According to statistics we can see that the range in ages was not much difference. At the age of 19 years were interviewed 35 students, representing 24% of the population of our university. At the age of 20 years were interviewed 50 students, representing 33% of that population. At the age of 21 years, 32 students were surveyed, representing 21% of the population. Finally, at the age of 22 years were interviewed 33 students, representing22% of that population.
Pilot Survey
When you start to test pilot our questionnaire nobody noticed the use of questions of yes, no and sometimes, which could not be used in such research. After determining which questions would be used for research development took the three most important questions. After taking these premises it was decided to use another method to direct this research then began to use a form to interview a select group of 16 people in which 8 were professionals, students and 8 were in both groups 4 were men and 4 were women.
The researchers prepare a new instrument interview professional, and students in the UPR Ponce using two groups. The first group has 8 persons that are labels faith people and the other group has 8 persons that do not have faithful with clothes or something. The groups of professional females that like labels have presented a most reliable attitude to buy in the most expensive stores to be very presentable.
PREFERENCE FOR CLOTHING STORES Professors Females | Student Females | 1. Macy’s | A. Zara | 2. Banana Republic | B. Infinito | 3. Zara | C. LU |
They specified about their shoes that they search shoes by the designer and looking for the season styles, but the detail that every female tell is the commodity of the shoes. They specified the favorite stores to buy hers shoes.
PREFERENCE FOR SHOES STORES Professors Females | Student Females | 1. La Favorita | A. Charlotte Ruse | 2. Novus | B. Novus | 3. Galería | C. Wild Pair | 4. Macy’s | D. La Favorita |
For this group of females the accessories are an important part of his outfit. They specified that preferred the most exclusive watches and the collars or bracelets need to be according to specific designers, some of hers prefer David Yurman, Roberto Coin and for watches prefer Cartier, Brèil and Michael Kors. The most important accessory for a woman is her purse, our interviewed have tell to us about the preferences of Coach, Michael Kors and Louis Vuitton.
When we tell about the hair they tell about the type of service that they receive, some of hers visit a beauty salon but others receive the service in the dwelling. The most common is the haircuts and the treatments of Brazilian Blow Out, Keratin and hair relaxers. The trademarks most heard are Redken, Matrix, Paul Mitchell and Joico.
About the cars this group demonstrate his faith to the actually make of car, the most common type was the SUV, and in the group one of the females tell to us about the importance to get eco-friendly cars specifically Hybrid Synergy Drive.
The non-faith females to labels they do not demonstrate specifically clothing or shoes stores, they tell about they only go to the stores and get the articles that like. They not search shoes or clothes seeking an specific tendencies of the season. Hers only get the items that like and continue.
During the interview the conversation demonstrate that the image of this women not are the most important thing. About the hair they only go to the beauty to get color only and not to drying his hair.
This females are faithful at the time of decide what car have and what car want to drive. They tell that buy the same make of car because they are very satisfied with their cars, specifically American cars.
About the men’s that like labels they are very classic style for example telling about the favorite clothing stores.
PREFERENCE FOR CLOTHING STORES Professors Males | Student Males | 1. Lacoste | A. American Eagle | 2. Clubman | B. Abercrombie & Fitch | 3. Tommy Hilfiger | C. Oakley | 4. Ralph Lauren | D. GAP |
This table present all stores preferred by the males interviewed in our case study.
When the researchers finished the case study they make an analysis about what influences have the advertising in the people and we concluded that the influence is crucial. That influence is part of the growing of the trademarks and the control that they have over the people. Sometimes the people think that some ads are very explicit for a younger audience and inappropriate for children. A case study evaluate psychological aspect and this are the most important think because when we used the other questionnaire do not get a concrete aspects but, in this instrument we get the precise and concise data.
According to data obtained from the research we can analyze that consumers seek the necessary, depending on the season you are. In the case of teachers of our site we can say that some of them wear name brands and other brands do not wear, for the reason that they have no preference on that. They prefer to have a good car and good economic stability have to buy clothes of famous brands. From the economic point response is good, because we are in a time that is not to spend.
For students of our campus, we can say that only some seek brands, depending on their economic status. The students looking for good brands are students that their parents give everything or because they work through their own efforts. It should be noted that most students are well-known stores in Puerto Rico where your target market are young. That's why young people do not use many brands in Puerto Rico.
Some recommendation for people is to not believe all the promotions or ads presented by the designers, stores or services because the only way that they want is to make a necessity feeling in the persons. This necessity is only an imagination that our mind creates when see something that we like. Never be extremely exposed to the commercial ads presented on TV, radio, billboards, newspaper and magazines. The most terrible problem that the ads can give to us is the bankruptcy, for shopaholic persons the promotions are like a drug that they need to be satisfied and the addiction to shop is the worst enemy. If you feel addicted to shopping you need to receive medical attention. We should not be so naive at the time to see different ads we see on television and many are provided to make things that we need not want. See you really want that search marketing campaign and the message it carries and don’t expose our children to such things we see on television by companies in their advertising war.
The ads are a double edged sword which sometimes lead us to fall into these strategies used by companies. Sometimes we fall out of ignorance of because they are weak on the time to see a product that is presented by some mark of who we are faithful. Learning not to be a victim of this situation affects us all in order to be more aware of what we really want, and what we really need.
Regarding the most important limitations of our study mention, first, that the sample has no representation of the total population, so the findings are not generalizable to the total student population and professional in UPR Ponce. Also, have not been taken into account other variables that influence the ads.