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The Influence Of Autism In Children

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Many children around the world are always being diagnosed with something that involves a lot of care for. It is said that 1 in 68 children are diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder in the United States and boys are nearly five times more likely than girls to have autism. However, Autism is a mental condition, present from early childhood, characterized by difficulty in communication, forming relationships with other people, using language and abstract concepts. This mental condition includes a group of complex disorders of brain development. Each day multiple children are tested and being treated for this mental condition and people try to come up with any little thing to get through this situation. With autism being a serious developmental …show more content…
However, most of the time obvious signs and symptoms of autism tend to be apparent between the ages of 2 and 3 years old. As far as a parent observing their child they have to look for these things, which are most likely, not normal when comparing the child to the other children that are present. Getting more into the autistic disorder there are three core symptoms that define autism spectrum itself. The core symptoms include: difficulties with social interaction, communication deficits, and restricted interests and repetitive behavior. In order to really say or have any suspicions about autism in the child is to understand the specifics in the core symptoms. Social interaction in the child would have poor eye contact, facial expressions that do not match situations, unusual body postures, and lack of communication. The core symptom communication says that the child would delay in spoken language development and no attempts to use other modes of communication. The child would also have difficulty conversing with others. With restricted interests and repetitive behavior in the child means that he or she would focus on parts of an object instead of the whole object; for example, if the child were playing with a toy car then he would be focusing more on one of the wheel rather than the whole car itself. With that being said, as far as the diagnosis goes, the overall diagnosis of ASDs …show more content…
The parents are often the first ones to notice that their child is showing unusual behaviors. Those unusual behaviors include failing to make eye contact, not responding to his or her name or playing with unusual toys. Observant measures of the parents lead to the child being screen when they are going for the child’s checkups. Sometimes diagnosis of autism detection is not found right then and there, the disorder may be diagnosed later in the child’s life. Diagnosing child takes time with certain types of assessments, which consist of testing and exams. The behavioral assessment consists of the medical history with clinical observations being made. Then you have the physical assessment which consists of a physical exam, hearing test, and blood work. A child could also go through MRI if there are any indications that there may be differences in the brain structure. Other diagnostic testing for the child would be chromosomal testing and the electroencephalogram. Chromosomal testing would only be requires if the patients family has history of intellectual disabilities or if one is evidently markedly presented. The EEG use electrodes that are placed at specific points on the scalp that then transmit electrical brain activity to a computer that interprets them to detect abnormalities if any in the patient’s brain function. As I have said before the child goes through a lot when

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