...IOM report and future of Nursing Sunu Saju Grand Canyon University NRS 430V April 07, 2013 IOM report and future of Nursing IOM (Institute of Medicine), in partnership with RWJF (Robert Wood Johnson Foundation), developed the report “The Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing health on October 5, 2010.This detailed study focus on the significant connection between the health needs of various, varying populations and the actions of the nursing staff. The health care delivery system and nursing profession consider this report as a framework for transformation. The changes in health care system and nursing workforce are directed to health care researchers, payers, national, state and local government leaders, professionals and executives comprised of nurses and others, and individual policy makers. These changes are also directed to educational organizations, licensing departments, and charitable and legal institutions who advocate for customers ("Institute of Medicine," 2010). Committee of IOM created key messages that constitute its suggestion for this change, which focus on education, leadership, and practice in nursing. The need to transform practice is addressed in first key message of Institute of Medicine, “Nurses should practice to the full extent of their education and training”. United States is proud to have more than three million nurses today. Nurses in each state have scope of nursing practice developed by the state board of nursing. The scope of nursing...
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...The IOM report of 2010 regarding the Future of Nursing: Leading change, advancing health is one of the most viewed on line reports in the IOM’s history. This milestone report calls for the leaders and amour bearers to act on its recommendations, including changes in public and institutional policies at the federal, state, and local levels. For this purpose, The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) has collaborated with the AARP on the future of Nursing: Campaign for Action. The vision for this campaign is for all Americans to have access to high quality, patient - and family-centered care in a health care system where nurses contributes as essential partners in achieving success. It is focused on three main pillars for change. • Advancing Education transformation, • Removing barriers to practice and care • Nursing Leadership Advancing Education Transformation In 2110, the IOM issued a report in which it recommended that the proportion of nurses in United States who hold at least a bachelor’s degree be increased from its current 50% to80percentage by 2020. It emphases that if nurses were to be as effective as possible in helping to provide high- quality patient-centered care, they will need to be better prepared as a care becomes more complex and moves into the community. It recommended that more nurses with advanced degrees are needed to provide primary care and teach the next generation of students. The education of nurses may seem to be the least pressing matter than...
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...The Impact of the IOM Report on the Future of Nursing Marsha McGinnis Grand Canyon University Professional Dynamics NRS-430V October 13, 2013 The role of nursing today has vastly changed over the years. Additional responsibilities, growing demands of higher education, and increased job requirements have resulted in an exceptionally complex practice for the modern nurse. In order to meet these higher demands, the committee on the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation at the Institute of Medicine (IOM) published a report containing recommendations to aid and enhance the future of nursing practice. This report contains four main key points. 1. Nurses should practice to the full extent of their education and training. 2. Nurses should achieve higher levels of education and training through an improved education system that promotes seamless academic progression. 3. Nurses should be full partners, with physicians and other health care professionals, in redesigning health care in the United States. 4. Effective workforce planning and policy making require better data collection and information infrastructure (IOM (Institute of Medicine), 2011). These recommendations are essential tools that today’s nurses can use to assist in the evolution of nursing practice. Nursing education, nursing practice and leadership skills are all areas that need improvement according to the IOM report. If these improvements are achieved, nurses will be able to enrich the quality of...
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...The Prospective of Nursing Outline Andreana Bakardzhieva Grand Canyon University: NRS- 440 V February 16, 2014 The prospective of Nursing Outline Nursing plays a specific and vital role in reconstructing and managing the nation’s health and related concerns. Nurses perform frontline duties and are an essential component in the American’s well-being care. Nursing prospective and health care are connected for the time to come. It is substantial to assure health care institutions carry the capacity and work force with proficient abilities to face the present and upcoming requirements (IOM, 2010). The ongoing nursing shortage will affect the way that the organizations will demonstrate unharmed, sufficient care. Nursing deficit presents a serious matter to the safety and satisfaction of health care. Sadly there is an extended remaining list for learners to enter the nursing schools. Also the number of nurse graduates is insufficient for the health care needs (IOM, 2010). This paper will discuss Robert Wood Johnson’s Foundation core, analyze how the institutions are assessing the nursing shortage during the programs and campaigns and effect on the nursing prospective in the nation to find solution for the nursing deficit. The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) concentrates on promoting well-being and addressing the health problems that the nation has to deal with. The corporation is the county’s major philanthropy dedicated to wellness care (RWJF, 2012). The committee collaborates...
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...Implementation of the IOM Future of Nursing Report Grand Canyon University: NRS 440V Implementation of the IOM Future of Nursing Report In 2010, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, or PPACA gave many Americans the opportunity to have health care coverage that previously may have not been available to them. The reform is primarily aimed at decreasing the number of uninsured and underinsured Americans. The landscape of health care is changing and nursing is evolving alongside it. This health care overhaul gives nurses a vital role in leading the reform revolution. With more than three million strong, nursing is the biggest sector of the nation’s health care labor force (Institute of Medicine [IOM], 2012). In 2008, the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) and the Institute of Medicine (IOM) joined forces and embarked on a two year joint venture to really assess the need for changes in the nursing profession in the face of the changing health care landscape. This joint committee fashioned a report that outlined the necessary and dynamic actions that the nursing profession needs to make in order to progress with the climate of health care reform. Through its discussions, the committee fashioned four key points that erect the framework for its recommendations; these areas are nurse training, education, professional leadership, and lastly workforce policy (Robert Wood Johnson Foundation [RWJF], 2011). This paper...
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...The impact of the IOM report on the future of nursing The passing of the Affordable Care Act by congress in 2010 will require the health care system to transform the future of nursing in order to keep up with the changes in health care in the United States. This paper will discuss the 2010 Institute of Medicine’s report on the impact of nursing education, nursing practice with a focus on primary care, how it will change current nursing practice and the nurse’s role as a leader. The Institute of Medicine (IOM) report was written to explore how the nursing profession should change to build a stronger health care system. A vision was developed to make quality care accessible to the diverse population of the United States, promote wellness and disease prevention, improve health outcomes and provide compassionate care across the lifespan (Institute of Medicine [IOM], 2011). Nurses must achieve higher levels of education and utilize this education and training to meet the challenges facing health care. An associate degree nurse is excellent; however a Bachelor of Science nurse (BSN) is encouraged. A BSN possesses a broader foundation of nursing including community health and leadership content. The link between lower mortality rates and educational level has also caused the BSN to be preferred. An all BSN workforce at the entry level would provide a more uniform foundation for the reconceptualized roles for nurses and new models of care that are envisioned (IOM). The ability for...
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...The 2010 IOM Report: The Future of Nursing Michelle Kennedy Grand Canyon University NRS-430V April 5, 2015 The 2010 IOM Report: The Future of Nursing The Institute of Medicine (IOM) released its 2010 report called The Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health and it calls for an increase in nurses working in the profession to be “80 percent BSN-prepared” by the year 2020. (An 80% BSN workforce by 2020?, n.d.). The four key messages that the committee developed included ideas such as: * Nurses using their complete education and training during practice * Nurses should have access to a better education system that lets them further their education successfully * Nurses should work with physicians as partners in changing the healthcare system in the United States * Policies and Procedures should effectively use data collection EDUCATION Along with the education portion of “BSN in Ten”, The Institute of Medicine focused on facts that nurse’s education from the 20th century were not adequate for the 21st century anymore. The patients’ needs and care environments have changed and become more complex. There have been arguments that it is not possible to teach nursing students in 2 years for an Associate’s Degree what the Bachelor’s Degree nurses learn in 4 years. There is not enough emphasis spent on the evidence based practice in a 2-year degree, therefore, making the Bachelor’s Degree a better choice. The nurses need to be educated to deliver...
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...The Impact of the IOM Report on Future Nursing Grand Canyon University: NRS-430V Professional Dynamics The Institute of Medicine (IOM) 2010 report defines for future nurses and health care workers its vision and goals in transforming current practice into something remarkable. The IOM, a non-profit organization, conducts research in a systematic approach to guide the nation in improving health. (Edelman, Kudzman, & Mandle, 2014). As we all know, the health care delivery system is changing significantly due to health care reforms such as the Affordable Care Act of 2010 (ACA). As we delve into this matter we will discover what the future of nursing can expect. We will investigate the effect the IOM report has on education, leadership, and future nursing practice. Potter & Perry (2011) describe the health care system of the future as high quality patient-centered care, accessible to all populations. The IOM (2010) reports that nursing practice is being shifted away from acute and specialty care, and directed towards primary care. The emphasis for health care is now centered on preventing illness, promoting wellness, and maintaining chronic conditions. (IOM, 2010). In order to meet the current goals set forth by the IOM, higher education is in order. The IOM has set a series of goals that they would like to see in place in the future. One of these goals is 80% of nurses to hold a baccalaureate degree by 2020. With the increased demands of health care, nurses...
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...The writer is going to distinguish the significance of the Institute of Medicine (IOM) “Future of Nursing” report linked with the nursing staff, the significance of the IOM’s Future of Nursing and how it is related to the nurse staffing, the intent of the Future of Nursing’s Campaign for Action, the reasoning for state-based action coalitions and initiatives of the coalition. The Work of the Committee In 2008, the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) and the Institute of Medicine (IOM) propelled a two-year plan reacting to the desires of Registered Nurses in reconsidering and reintroducing the career of nurses. The IOM nominated the RWJF Initiative with the determination to generate a report that would make suggestions to put the needs of Registered Nurses into motion and shape the profession (IOM, 2010). The above institution reflected on the role of health care professional’s employment setting, and stage’s of edification in its determination to assess the opportunities that are available for nursing professionals. Registered Nurses ought do their job to the maximum scope of their edification and teaching. Advanced trained Registered Nurses should also have a chance to work to the fullest extent of their edification and teaching by implementing and finalizing evaluations, completing admissions paper work and delivering the important certifications for home health care requirements (IOM, 2010). Nurses should attain advanced levels of edification and instruction with...
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...Future of Nursing According to IOM Report GCU Professional Dynamics NRS-430V Professor Michael Jones October 01, 2013 Future of Nursing According to IOM Report Today is a very important day in our country being that the Affordable Care Act (ACA) open enrollment begins. That means affordable healthcare for millions of Americans will be made available as of the New Year. As a nursing professional it is important to be aware of the future of healthcare reform in our country. Nurses make up the largest segment of the nation’s medical workforce and have the opportunity to join forces with other healthcare professionals and promote change in our field. In attempt to prepare for the inevitable growing demand on healthcare workers and the predicted nursing shortage, in 2008, The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) and the Institute of Medicine (IOM) partnered to form a committee to assess nursing practices and offer recommendations to transform the current healthcare system through the nursing workforce. The report includes four key messages, 1.Practice, 2. Leadership, 3. Education, and 4.Workforce. This paper is an attempt to discuss the recommendations for change by focusing on Practice, Education and Leadership. Need to Transform Practice “Nurses should practice to the full extent of their education and training” (Institute of Medicine 2010, p. 4). Nursing scope of practice includes delivering quality care that is patient centered and evidenced based...
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...The impact on nursing of the 2010 IOM report on the Future of Nursing. Name: xxxxxxxxxxxx June 18, 2015 The Institute of medicine (IOM) is an independent non-profit organization that works outside the government, providing objective and accurate advice to decision makers and the public at large. It was established in 1970. IOM helps to provide important information on health care as a whole. In this paper, I will be describing the impact of the 2010 IOM report on the Future of Nursing, focusing on nursing education, nursing practice particularly in primary care, and nurse’s role as a leader. The impact of IOM report on nursing education. Nursing is one of the biggest professions in the health care force. Nurses have a direct effect on patient care. Nursing education has to be improved before and after the nurses are licensed so that patients can be provided safe and quality care, which will help in the transformation of healthcare. Nurses need to be given training and in-services to provide information on recent skills and technology. The health challenges that the nation is facing has shifted drastically. Today, most health care relates to chronic conditions such as mental health, cardiovascular diseases, arthritis, diabetes, congestive heart failure, and hypertension, due to an increase in the aging...
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...Impact of IOM 2010 Report on the Future of Nursing Troy Bradley Grand Canyon University: Professional Dynamics June 7, 2013 Impact of IOM 2010 Report on the Future of Nursing In 2010, the Institute of Medicine (IOM) released its report The Future of Nursing, Leading Change, Advancing Health. This report addresses the opportunity the United States has to transform its health care system into a higher quality, safer, more affordable and accessible system since the enactment of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) (Institute of Medicine, 2010). There are many recommendations on how to bring about this transformation. Three specific nursing areas which could be affected by these are education, practice (particularly primary care), and nursing roles as leaders. Within these are also recommendations not just for future nurses, but for practical changes the nurse can make in everyday practice now. Impact on Education The report clearly recommends nurses should achieve higher levels of education and training. It emphasizes the need for more nurses to enter the workforce with a baccalaureate degree, or to obtain one early in their career (Institute of Medicine, 2010). This is a requirement many hospitals are already putting into place. It also clearly makes its case for an all-BSN workforce at the entry level, in order to have the uniform foundation for the future nursing roles that they envision. The committee believes the nursing workforce should be at 80% having a BSN by 2020. They...
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...EUGENIA NWOKEFORO ON PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT OF NURSING PROFESSIONALS THE EFFECT OF IOM REPORT 2010 ON THE FUTURE OF NURSING PRACTICE Nursing is a profession which plays vital role in improving the health care system by promoting, protecting and optimizing health and abilities, prevention of illness and injury, alleviating suffering through the diagnosis and treatment of human response and an advocate in care of individuals, families, communities and populations(ANA). INSTITUTION OF MEDICINE (IOM) was founded in 1970. In 2008, The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation(RWJF) and Institution of medicine (IOM) formed a two year committee to respond to the need to assess and transform the nursing profession. Today healthcare faces serious issues like child obesity, influenza(H1N1), HIV-AIDS, IOM is the entity that is advising on how to improve the health care system to meet the increased issue as it pertains to saving life and disease prevention and THE EFFECT OF IOM REPORT ON NURSING EDUCATION Nursing education is a crucial issue according to IOM report, Improved education system is paramount to increase nursing competence ,Advanced nursing degree provide nurses with more knowledge in their area of specialization, improve quality and efficient care for patient. The old educational system...
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...The Effect of the 2010 IOM Report on the Future of Nursing The Institute of Medicine was established in 1970 by the National Academy of Sciences. This organization was designed to secure the services of prominent members of appropriate professions in the examination of policy matters relating to the health of the public. “The Institute acts to be an adviser to the federal government and, upon its own initiative, to identify issues of medical care, research, and education” (Institute of Medicine [IOM], 2010, p. 5) In October 2010, The IOM (Institute of Medicine) released the report, The Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health. This report examines the changing roles of nursing in healthcare, changes in nursing education and the changing roles as nurses as leaders This report was the culmination of two years of research by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) and focused on best nursing practices in the United States, as well as, anticipated changes in healthcare and the implication it will have on nursing. With changes in healthcare such as the Affordable Care Act of 2010 (ACA), nurses will be playing an ever increasing role in patient centered care as healthcare moves away from acute and specialty care, and focuses more on primary care. Today the top providers of primary care are physicians (287,000), nurse practitioners (83,000), and physician assistants (23,000) (Steinwald, 2008; HRSA, 2008). The demand for advanced practice registered nurses (APRN)...
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...The Impact of the 2010 IOM report on the future of Nursing. Nurses are in the front line of patient’s care but are faced with various barriers which prevent them from being able to meet the demand and advancing health care system, to be able to overcome these barriers in 2008, the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) and the Institute of medicine (IOM) launched a two-year initiative to respond to the need to assess and transform the nursing profession and its future. In response, some recommendations were made in the IOM report which will impact nursing and its future by transforming its education, practice and our role as a leader. The impact on nursing education: Our patients are depending on us for quality care, believing that we are qualified enough and have a better understanding of what we do for them. This is why progressively acquiring knowledge through research, education and evidence-based practice is important to the profession. According to the report, “the primary goals of nursing education remain the same: nurses must be prepared to meet diverse patient’s needs, function as leaders and advance science that benefits patients and the capacity of health professionals to deliver safe and quality patient care”. Science and technology are advancing daily not only in healthcare but in all profession, that is why nurses must not settle for mediocrity, we are to advance from ADN to BSN to MSN and ultimately a doctoral degree if possible, this will help advance...
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