Sound and Audio Engineering
Unit FND 100: Foundation Course
FND 100.2 Essay
Student Name: Fin Sheffield
Date : 25/9/2012
Unit Lecturer: Tasnim Saleh
The media industry has changed in the past twenty years in so many ways, most for the better but, in some cases, for negative reasons. Since the late 1990’s, society has witnessed the blow up of the internet allowing people from all over the world to access and research many different things, the influx of mobile phones and the advantage it has had on the people, the many different game consoles around and other things such as the transition between VHS to DVD’s and the introduction of BluRay and Bluetooth. Two major impacts on the media industry for both positive and negative effects, have been the iPod and the music sensation, Spotify. Both have created a large hype within the media industry for several different reasons, and are both appreciated and cursed by the audience of today.
Spotify is a downloadable window, where if you have internet connection, you are able to stream music for free. There are many positive effects that come with Spotify. You are able to listen to music anywhere, due to a new app that can be downloaded to any Android phone. On Spotify, there are two different subscriptions that are available. One can either pay for “The Ultimate” or “The Premium” or, alternatively, one can opt out of subscription, pay nothing, and have ten hours of free streaming per month. These options are appreciated by today’s music listeners as they are able to decide which one best suits them and caters best to their needs. Many people prefer the use of Spotify as opposed to iTunes due to the fact is not only compatible with Windows, but is also compatible with most Apple products and most mobile phones, including Blackberries,