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The Key Functions of Internal Quality Assurance


Submitted By hayjay2112
Words 908
Pages 4

Before looking at the functions of an internal quality assurer (IQA) role it is beneficial to understand what quality assurance is and why it has been established within the learning process. ‘Quality assurance can be defined as a system to monitor and evaluate a product or a service.’ Pg122 Assessors handbook It is the role of the IQA to uphold and maintain the credibility of the qualifications undertaken by candidates. The IQA supports this by helping employers and candidates to fully understand how these qualifications can further support and benefit their business. Thus ensuring effective delivery meeting the learners’ needs and expectations, which follows their agreed learning plan. They will maintain a close link between the learner, assessor and employer to enable full understanding in all assessment methods and the criteria they must adhere to. ‘Internal Quality Assurance is a key factor in managing ‘risk’ and ensuring that when certificates are claimed for learners the requirements of the national standards have been reliably met.’ (City & Guilds guidance on Internal Quality Assurance of Qualifications pg 6)

The IQA team has a specific function with the assessment process within (education) centres. Although these functions may vary slightly, the guidelines the IQA’s work within remain the same. For example City & Guilds outline 4 main aspects to the IQA role, which state they must; * Plan, operate and evaluate internal assessment and quality assurance systems. * Support and develop tutors and/or assessors. * Monitor and improve the quality of assessment practice. * Apply policies, procedures and legislation to meet regulatory requirements.
(City & Guilds guidance on Internal Quality Assurance of Qualifications pg7)

IQA’s are under heavy

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