Premium Essay

Hotel Fragnance


Submitted By Uollabarca
Words 4367
Pages 18

SU 1: Strategic and Operational Roles of Internal Audit

1.1 Change Management
1. An organization's management perceives the need to make significant changes. Which of the following factors is management least likely to be able to change?

A. The organization's members.
B. The organization's structure.
C. The organization's environment.
D. The organization's technology.

Answer (C) is correct.
REQUIRED: The factor management is least likely to be able to change.
DISCUSSION: The environment of an organization consists of external forces outside its direct control that may affect its performance. These forces include competitors, suppliers, customers, regulators, climate, culture, pol technological change, and many other factors. The members are a factor that managers are clearly
Answe~(A) is incorrect. factor that managers are incorrect. The organiz I are clearly able to change. organization's technology' able to change.

2. Lack of skills, threats to job status or security, and fear of failure all have been identified as reasons that employees often
A. Want to change the culture of their organization. B. Are dissatisfied with the structure of their organization. .
C. Are unable to perform their jobs.
D. Resist organizational change.

Lack of skills, threats to job status or re inhibit changes in the culture of the
(8) is incorrect. Lack of skills, threats to job status
. rity, and fear of failure are not symptoms of dissatistacjion with the structure of the organization. Answer (C) is iORprret1. Lack of skills, threats to job status or security, and featot failure do not indicate an inability to perform.





nswer (A) is correct.
REQUIRED: The true statement about resistance to organizational change.
DISCUSSION: Resistance to change may be caused by fear of the personal adjustments that may be required.
Employees may have a

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