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The Little Ice Age Summary

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The Little Ice Age: How Climate Made History 1300-1850. By Brian Fagan. (New York. Basic Books. 2000. 246 pg. $12.34) The Little Ice Age: How Climate Made History 1300-1850 written by Brian Fagan is a well thought out theory of how European history (specifically 1300-1850 A.D.) relates to and in ways was affected by climate change. Brian Fagan provides us with in-depth details of the weather and climate at the time of certain events in our past to make connections and put a kind of reasoning behind why those people reacted in the way they did. Brian gives us these examples of ways peoples adapted to the climate with legitimate explanations that are hard to ignore as a realistic possibility.
The book follows a theme of occurrences that happened prior (Medieval warm period) and during the time …show more content…
The book is for the most part organized in time order beginning with the medieval warm period and into the "Little Ice Age." He starts off with examples of the "norse" or the Vikings who were originally settled in the north by iceland. Due to over population, the increase of cold weather and lack of good soil and cod fish as a result the Vikings, who then had lived of the land, began exploring for new opportinuties elsewhere. Other examples used were with how the Dutch had problems with sea levels rising flooded there farms and hurting their crop growth. So the dutch decided to bulid walls to prevent the water from destroying the crops and helped their farm land prosper during

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