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Why Did Australia Enter World War 1

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Three months after the inauguration of the Commonwealth of Australia on January 1, 1901, Australians Department of Defense took control if its military force. It would take Australia nine years to build a military unit; merely it would go down due to poor planning by 1911. Before Australia became a federal government with an Army, their forces were composed of small British garrisons whose purpose was guarding convicts. It wasn’t till the rumors of war on Australia that a constitution of local infantry and artillery batteries would work. Across the Australian continental colonies would take off a voluntary organization that raised small detachments and later become permanent soldiers. By December of 1900 the colonial military force would reach approximately 29,000 men of officers and enlisted. Before the organization of the Department of Defense the military forces were in restraint of the lands. In 1902 Australia thought the best way to configure a military force was to appoint a Commanding General Officer to accept care. The first Commanding General Officer is Major General Sir Edward Thomas Henry Hutton. One of …show more content…
Unlike World War One when Australia’s people were enthused about joining this time the emotions differ. Australia entered the war on September 3, 1939 in support of the British Government. They would fight on many different fronts with more than 500,000 fighting in just Europe alone against the Germans and Italians. Australia had encountered problems when Japan attacked Pearl Harbor in 1941. They feared that they would soon be fighting Japan on their own land. Australia needed some of its military personnel back to maintain its country in case of an onslaught from Japan, but Prime Minister Winston Churchill of England said no. Prime Minister John Curtain would announce to his

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