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Religion and Peace


Submitted By snevil
Words 3760
Pages 16
Religion and Peace
1) 2) 3) The understanding of peace in religious traditions Peace expressed through the sacred texts- principle teachings on peace Contributions to peace (Individual and World)

Islam and Christianity
The understanding of peace Christianity Concept of peace The New Testament understanding of the word ‘peace’ is living in an idyllic condition and communicating regularly with God, as epitomized by the Garden of Eden. Perfect peace was lost when Adam and Eve sinned (Genesis 3) but the coming of Christ restored the potential for peace. Therefore belief in Jesus enables humans inner peace in their lives and the looking forward to the day when Jesus will reign supreme on Earth. As Jesus states in John 16:33 peace is found in him. This is multifaceted. 1) His death was for human sin and allows humans and God to become one again. 2) His ministry is full of Jesus providing peace to those he came into contact with. Matthew 11:28-30, he offers peace to those that are troubled, in Mark 1:21-2:12 he casts out demons and forgives sins and in Hebrews 12:14 followers are encouraged to copy Jesus by making ‘every effort t live in peace with all men. 3) When Jesus returns will bring everlasting physical and spiritual peace on Earth for those who believe. The central theme of Jesus’ teachings is the Kingdom of Heaven. The kingdom of God is characterized by peace- there will be no hardships or grief or pain (Revelation). The righteous and faithful will be redeemed and will live in perpetual peace. Islam Concept of peace Peace can only be found in the submission to the will of God. Like in Christianity peace was lost through Adam and Eve’s disobedience to God. In Islam peace can be reinstated in the world through dutiful obedience to the ways of God by following and understanding the teachings of the Prophets sent by God to guide humans. If an individual

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