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Religion and Peace - Christianity and Islam


Submitted By dancere
Words 905
Pages 4
The message of peace is a fundamental universal concern which is relevant throughout our world today. Peace is not merely the ‘absence of war’, but a state of mind in which a sense of tranquillity comes from actively working towards right relationships with individuals and God. To understand the way in which Muslims and Christians view peace it is imperative to understand the source of the teachings for each religion. The principles teachings of peace for Both Christianity and Islam are primarily found in the sacred texts of both religious traditions. Christianity looks to the bible and specifically the New Testament for teachings about peace, whereas Islam focuses’ on the Qur’an and Hadith to guide their beliefs of peace. These sacred texts guide the individual adherents of each religion to achieving inner peace which consequently develops their understanding to take responsibility to achieve peace with those around them, leading to ‘world peace’.

An understanding of the Christian belief of peace is gained through a knowledge of the importance of the life of Jesus Christ in the beliefs of adherents. Peace is believed to be at the heart of Jesus' life and ministry and accordingly it is a foundational element of the Christian communities that seek to follow him. In order for Christians to experience the peace of God they must devote themselves to listening to the good news of God revealed through the Bible and commit themselves to following the example of Jesus in his life and ministry. This brings with it a requirement of prayer and contemplation, of communal life and celebration and of commitment to the welfare of others and to the wider community.

An example of this belief is seen in Jesus’ teachings found in the New Testament when Jesus told his followers “blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the children of god”. This stresses the

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