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The Main Strengths and Weaknesses of Sanction Policies


Submitted By plug68
Words 2844
Pages 12
The main strengths and weaknesses of sanction policies

June 2015

Student ID:


CIPFA: Chartered Institute of Public finance and Accounting
DWP: Department of Works and Pension
LCFS: Local Counter Fraud Specialist
NAO: National Audit Office
NFA: National Fraud Authority
NHS: National Health Service
NHS CFSMS: National Health Service Counter Fraud and Security Management Services
XXXXX: XXXXX ousing Gr

Table of Contents

1.Executive Summary.................................................................................................. 4
2.Introduction.............................................................................................................. 6 2.1 Objective of XXXXX sanction policy............................................................ 6
3.Literature Review.................................................................................................... . 7 3.1 Definition of fraud.................................................................................... 7 3.2 Examples of fraud ................................................................................... 8 3.3 Sanction.................................................................................................... 8 3.4 Definition of sanction............................................................................... 8 3.5 Examples of XXXXX sanctions.................................................................... 9
4 Key Findings........................................................................................................... 8 4.1 Weakness of XXXXX sanction policy.......................................................... 11 4.2Strenght of XXXXX sanction policy

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