...Optimism The robust economy has, in turn, fed the country’s self-confidence. Whether at São Paulo Fashion Week, in the streets, or in the nation’s shopping malls, there is a palpable optimism in the air: Brazil believes in itself. This hasn’t always been the case. When queried on the main factor behind her country’s current optimism, Erika Palomino, arguably the best-known fashion journalist in Brazil, pointed out that a new-found “self-esteem” is as important as the positive numbers: “Because we are a former colony, for a long time we didn’t believe in ourselves and always looked abroad, thinking other countries did things better. That has changed.” Indeed, winning bids to host both the 2014 World Cup and the 2016 Olympics have had a major impact in boosting the country’s sense of confidence. The Advantages of Insularity: A Strong Domestic Market Brazil’s growing national pride, combined with the country’s relative geographic isolation, has had a positive effect on the country’s domestic fashion market. Sara Andrade, the influential fashion editor of Vogue Portugal, thinks Brazil’s self-reliance is one of the country’s greatest assets. “One of the things Brazil has working for it...
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...skills and attitudes to provide the standard of product and service that customers expect. Knowing about the tourism industry, its component parts and especially where you fit in is an important starting point to a successful career in tourism. What Is Tourism? Tourism may be described as the activities of tourists and those who cater for them. It is a highly diversified business with many component parts ranging from airlines to hotels. Tourism is concerned with providing: Travel and transport facilities Accommodation Food and drink Entertainment/recreation Information and assistance Souvenirs Above all, tourism is a hospitality industry providing a service to visitors in a warm and welcoming way. ICHM Page 1 Introduction to Hospitality Industry Who Are Tourists? Tourists are people who for a variety of reasons travel to destinations, where they stay at least one night. Excursionists are also visitors that do not make an over-night stop, such as daytrippers or people on cruises. There are several basic types of tourists: People who travel to another country simply for pleasure/leisure. People who travel to pursue specialist activities, e.g. cultural tourism, visit to People who travel for business purposes. People who attend international conferences and meetings. People who travel to another country to pursue specific courses of study. People who visit their friends and relatives in another...
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...UNIT – I INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS – AN OVERVIEW Content Outline Introduction Definition and meaning of international business Scope of international business Special difficulties in international business Benefits of international business Understanding of international business environment Framework for analyzing the international business environment Summary Review Questions INTRODUCTION One of the most dramatic and significant world trends in the past two decades has been the rapid, sustained growth of international business. Markets have become truly global for most goods, many services, and especially for financial instruments of all types. World product trade has expanded by more than 6 percent a year since 1950, which is more than 50 percent faster than growth of output the most dramatic increase in globalization, has occurred in financial markets. In the global forex markets, billions of dollars are transacted each day, of which more than 90 percent represent financial transactions unrelated to trade or investment. Much of this activity takes place in the so-called Euromarkets, markets outside the country whose currency is used. This pervasive growth in market interpenetration makes it increasingly difficult for any country to avoid substantial external impacts on its economy. In particular massive capital flows can push exchange rates away from levels that accurately reflect competitive relationships among nations...
Words: 80869 - Pages: 324
...CONTENTS Section 1 - Industry Profile Overview Future Outlook European Industry Overview North America Overview Asia & Pacific Industry Overview India & Middle East Industry Overview Development of World Scheduled Air Traffic World Economic Growth and Airline Profits Rankings - Passenger services Rankings – Freight services Section 2 - British Airways Profile Overview Alliances LHR Air Transport Movements LGW Air Transport Movements Awards History Key Events (1987-2005) Board Members Leadership Team British Airways Management Team Employees Brands Departmental Analysis Section 3 - British Airways Fleet Aircraft Fleet Aircraft Delivery Schedule Mainline Fleet Profiles Regional Aircraft Fleet Maintenance Section 4 - British Airways Performance Summary Strategy Social and Environmental Performance Incentive Plans Summary Financial / Operating Statistics Principal Investments Shareholder Information Share Price History Section 5 - Global Partners Overview BA Connect Franchisees oneworld Aer Lingus American Airlines Cathay Pacific Finnair Iberia LanChile Qantas oneworld At A Glance Section 6 - Route Network British Airways Franchisees Section 7 - General Information Airport Three Letter Decodes Outside Advisors Abbreviations & Specialist Terms How To Contact Us 2 3 3 4 4 5 6 6 7 8 89 91 92 93 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 9 9 10 10 11 12 13 38 39 40 41 44 47 105 109 110 115 116 118 56 56 57 69 72 73 74 75 75 77 86 87 88 This document has been prepared solely...
Words: 59045 - Pages: 237
...gerry JoHnson KeVan sCHoles rICHard WHIttIngton Fundamentals oF strategy ACCESS CODE INSIDE unlock valuable online learning resources Once opened this pack cannot be returned for a refund Welcome to FUNDAMENTALS OF STRATEGY Strategy is a fascinating subject. It’s about the overall direction of all kinds of organisations, from multinationals to entrepreneurial start-ups, from charities to government agencies, and many more. Strategy raises the big questions about these organisations – how they grow, how they innovate and how they change. As a manager of today or of tomorrow, you will be involved in influencing, implementing or communicating these strategies. Our aim in writing Fundamentals of Strategy is to give you a clear understanding of the fundamental issues and techniques of strategy, and to help you get a great final result in your course. Here’s how you might make the most of the text: ● Focus your time and attention on the fundamental areas of strategy in just 10 carefully selected chapters. Read the illustrations and the case examples to clarify your understanding of how the concepts of strategy translate into an easily recognisable, real-world context. Follow up on the recommended readings at the end of each chapter. They’re specially selected as accessible and valuable sources that will enhance your learning and give you an extra edge in your course work. KEY CONCEPT AUDIO SUMMARY ● ● Also, look out for the Key Concepts and Audio Summary icons...
Words: 129967 - Pages: 520
...ENTREPRENURESHIP SKILLS AND PRACTICES 1.0 Introduction Entrepreneurial skills and practices is one of the General Studies introduced in the curriculum for every undergraduate student in Osun state University regardless of the student’s course of study. The introduction of this course provides opportunity for the University to deliver on its vision and mission to students, national and international community. Specifically, the course help to challenge students to positively utilize the high quality teaching and learning experiences from other courses become entrepreneurial graduates capable of impacting on their environment while being globally competitive. Ideally, entrepreneurship education should be an off shoot of all disciplines. The primary discipline should provide skills capable of generating goods and services that would be demanded and create income. This education will thus help students to utilize learned skills to generate self employment thereby reducing the population of our graduate seeking jobs to the barest minimum. This will also reduce the level of unemployment nationally. The materials in the book are contributed by scholars from different intellectual backgrounds to produce a rich and highly stimulating compilation. The book gives a vivid background of the history of entrepreneurship from the rudimentary to the modern age. It provides ideas on principles and skills involved in sustaining entrepreneurship, potentials of businesses and entrepreneurs...
Words: 57078 - Pages: 229
...Country Commerce Japan Released September 2011 The Economist Intelligence Unit 750 Third Avenue New York NY 10017 USA Economist Intelligence Unit The Economist Intelligence Unit is a specialist publisher serving companies establishing and managing operations across national borders. For 60 years it has been a source of information on business developments, economic and political trends, government regulations and corporate practice worldwide. The Economist Intelligence Unit delivers its information in four ways: through its digital portfolio, where the latest analysis is updated daily; through printed subscription products ranging from newsletters to annual reference works; through research reports; and by organising seminars and presentations. The firm is a member of The Economist Group. London Economist Intelligence Unit 26 Red Lion Square London WC1R 4HQ United Kingdom Tel: (44.20) 7576 8000 Fax: (44.20) 7576 8500 E-mail: london@eiu.com Hong Kong Economist Intelligence Unit 60/F, Central Plaza 18 Harbour Road Wanchai Hong Kong Tel: (852) 2585 3888 Fax: (852) 2802 7638 E-mail: hongkong@eiu.com New York Economist Intelligence Unit The Economist Group 750 Third Avenue 5th Floor New York, NY 10017, US Tel: (1.212) 554 0600 Fax: (1.212) 586 0248 E-mail: newyork@eiu.com Geneva Economist Intelligence Unit Boulevard des Tranchées 16 1206 Geneva Switzerland Tel: (41) 22 566 2470 Fax: (41) 22 346 93 47 E-mail: geneva@eiu.com This report can be accessed electronically as...
Words: 52449 - Pages: 210
...www.ibpsexamguru.in Content: Current Affairs 2013 (December 2012,January 2013,febraury 2013,March 2013, April 2013 ) Howdy ! friends . we are providing Five months current affairs for all competitive exam preparation .. Source : Various Location on Web Portal . Contains : 1. International Awareness 2. National Awareness 3. States News 4. Confrences 5. Sports and News 6. Awards and honors 7. Persons In News 8. Important dates 9. Books and Authors 10. Science and technology 11. Economy News INTERNATIONAL Mahama Re-elected as Ghana’s President : On 10 December Ghana’s incumbent President John Dramani Mahama of the ruling National Democratic Congress (NDC) has won the country’s presidential election.Mahama took 50.70 percent of the total valid votes cast, while his closest challenger, Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo of the New Patriotic Party (NPP) obtained 47.74 percent.With his re-election, Mahama becomes the fourth president to be elected under the Forth Republic.He had served as Ghana’s vice president since 2009. UN, Pakistan Launched ‘Malala Fund’ : Pakistan joined forces with the United Nations on 10 December 2012 to launch a fund aimed at boosting girls’ education throughout the world.The fund is named for Malala Yousafzai, the 15-year-old Pakistani girl. Pakistan’s President Asif Ali Zardari also announced a $10-million donation for a global war chest to educate all girls by 2015 set up in the name of Malala Yousafzai for campaigning for girls’ education. Shinzo Abe Elected...
Words: 52705 - Pages: 211
...PAPER P3 BUSINESS ANALYSIS P R A C T I C E & R E V I S I O N K I T BPP Learning Media is the sole ACCA Platinum Approved Learning Partner – content for the ACCA qualification. In this, the only Paper P3 Practice and Revision Kit to be reviewed by the examiner We discuss the best strategies for revising and taking your ACCA exams We show you how to be well prepared for your exam We give you lots of great guidance on tackling questions We show you how you can build your own exams We provide you with three mock exams including the December 2012 exam We provide the ACCA examiner's answers as well as our own to the June and December 2012 exams as an additional revision aid FOR EXAMS UP TO JUNE 2014 First edition 2007 Seventh edition January 2013 ISBN 9781 4453 6653 1 (previous ISBN 9781 4453 8002 5) e-ISBN 9781 4453 6956 3 British Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library All our rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of BPP Learning Media Ltd. Published by BPP Learning Media Ltd BPP House, Aldine Place London W12 8AA www.bpp.com/learningmedia We are grateful to the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants for permission to reproduce past examination questions. The answers to past examination...
Words: 176811 - Pages: 708
...ISBN 978-90-5448-108-9 © University of Groningen / Mzumbe University, 2011 To all those who believe that African countries, organisations and people have a contribution to make in the meaningful adaptation and application of Eurocentric concepts, theories, assumptions, principles, techniques and practices and in anticipation that such contributions will liberate African managers from mismanagement and inefficiencies. Preface This book is not just one of the many introductions to Human Resource Management that are published, year after year, for use in HRM classes. Authors of those introductions face many challenges, such as the need to produce something that is both theoretically sound and practically valuable, or to find a way to integrate discussions on a variety of topics into one comprehensible teaching tool. The author of this book took up those challenges by, on the one hand, closely following the conventions that HRM scholars all over the world adhere to with regards to the demarcation of subfields within the HRM discipline, and on the other hand, including a multitude of Tanzanian and other African cases that put each of these subfields in a vivid context. The result is a book that serves to initiate African students in the world-wide HRM community, while simultaneously enabling them to create their own HRM policies in accordance with circumstances in their countries....
Words: 99320 - Pages: 398
...ESSENTIALS OF MARKETING THIRD EDITION JIM BLYTHE Essentials of Marketing ii Marketing Planning: principles in practice We work with leading authors to develop the strongest educational materials in marketing, bringing cutting-edge thinking and best learning practice to a global market. Under a range of well-known imprints, including Financial Times Prentice Hall, we craft high quality print and electronic publications which help readers to understand and apply their content, whether studying or at work. To find out more about the complete range of our publishing please visit us on the World Wide Web at: www.pearsoned.co.uk Last A Head on Spread 000 Jim Blythe University of Glamorgan Essentials of Marketing Third Edition Pearson Education Limited Edinburgh Gate Harlow Essex CM20 2JE England and Associated Companies throughout the world Visit us on the World Wide Web at: www.pearsoned.co.uk First published under the Financial Times Pitman Publishing imprint 1998 Second edition 2001 Third edition 2005 © Financial Times Professional Limited 1998 © Pearson Education Limited 2001, 2005 The right of Jim Blythe to be identified as author of this work has been asserted by him in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without either the prior written...
Words: 127555 - Pages: 511
...CHAPTER 2 Strategic human resource management Nicky Golding OBJECTIVES To indicate the significance of the business context in developing an understanding of the meaning and application of SHRM. To analyse the relationship between strategic management and SHRM. To examine the different approaches to SHRM, including: – The best-fit approach to SHRM – The configurational approach to SHRM – The resource-based view of SHRM – The best-practice approach to SHRM. To evaluate the relationship between SHRM and organisational performance. To present a number of activities and case studies that will facilitate readers’ understanding of the nature and complexity of the SHRM debate, and enable them to apply their knowledge and understanding. Introduction to strategic human resouce management This chapter charts the development of strategic human resource management. It assumes a certain familiarity with the evolution of HRM, early HRM models and frameworks and their theoretical underpinning as discussed in Chapter 1. The aim of this chapter is to provide a challenging and critical analysis of the strategic human resource management literature, so that you will be able to understand the synthesis both within and between strategic human resource management and strategic management in its various forms. Since the early 1980s when human resource management arrived on the managerial agenda, there has been considerable debate concerning its nature and its value to organisations. From...
Words: 70707 - Pages: 283
...part of this course may be reproduced in any form by any means without prior permission in writing from: The Commonwealth of Learning 1285 West Broadway Suite 600 Vancouver, BC V6H 3X8 CANADA e-mail: info@col.org Dean Institute of Distance Learning New Library Building Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology Kumasi, Ghana Phone: +233-51-60013 Fax: +233-51-60014 E-mail: idldean@kvcit.org Web: www.fdlknust.edu.gh i 553 - Management in Organisations Learning Objectives Upon successful completion of this course, learners will be able to: • • • • Explain the basic premises of management and public administration Compare different theories and approaches of organisation Distinguish behavioural patterns, advantages, disadvantages, and dysfunctions of bureaucracies Categorize the different management trends in the work environment. Topics • Introduction to Management and Organisational Behaviour • Individual and Group Behaviour in Organisations • Decision- making and Communications in Organisations • Leadership, Organisational Structure & Environment • Power and Politics • Organisational Culture • Organisational Change • Conflict and Negotiations ii TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 Introduction......................................................................................................................... 2 Structure of the Course....................................................................................................... 3 Course Aims and Objectives...
Words: 79671 - Pages: 319
...This page intentionally left blank Copyright © 2007, New Age International (P) Ltd., Publishers Published by New Age International (P) Ltd., Publishers All rights reserved. No part of this ebook may be reproduced in any form, by photostat, microfilm, xerography, or any other means, or incorporated into any information retrieval system, electronic or mechanical, without the written permission of the publisher. All inquiries should be emailed to rights@newagepublishers.com ISBN (13) : 978-81-224-2487-4 PUBLISHING FOR ONE WORLD NEW AGE INTERNATIONAL (P) LIMITED, PUBLISHERS 4835/24, Ansari Road, Daryaganj, New Delhi - 110002 Visit us at www.newagepublishers.com CONTENTS xvii Dedicated to My Parents Shri Gopalrao and Gayabai Kondalkar This page intentionally left blank Preface Globalisation, technology advancement, open market system and desire of human beings to excel in the field one works has increased competitiveness and resultant work stress. Management of human behaviour and chanalizing it into correct direction has become important. Application of motivational theories, art of leadership and skill of redesigning jobs and modification to organisational structure is an on going process that facilitates positive work environment leading to increased job satisfaction of employees, greater productivity and organizational growth. Due to scientific advancement managing human resources is more challenging. It has been observed that everybody...
Words: 149242 - Pages: 597