...In the short story “The Most Dangerous Game” the theme is to learn survival and outdoor skills because you never know when you may need to use these skills.The character in this story falls off of a yacht then gets stranded on “Ship Trap Island” where he meets an unusual character named General Zaroff.Rainsford is forced to be hunted by Zaroff,because he is tired hunting animals.This is why the author wants you to learn outdoors skills not just for this reason but if you are ever stuck in the wilderness you could use the skills you learned in the passage to help you survive in any situation. The story teaches kids to learn skills you normally wouldn't that could save your life later down the line.If Mr.Ransford wouldn't have known these skills...
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...people expect us to just know what we’re going to be as adults. What we are going to do when you grow up, How we’re going to act like grown-ups. But they never actually teach us how to be grown-ups. High School's should be focusing on more important classes such as teaching us how to do our own taxes, how to keep our credit score up, how to save. Instead, once we learn algebra, algebra two, geometry we have to continue on with pre-Calc and other things we may not even need to know for our future occupations. I think the school board should add classes that teach us basic life skills we will need as adults. Our high school curriculum should just add classes like that into our daily schedules. Or allow students to choose if they...
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...social-interaction skills, the ability to relate to the world around them and their empathy for others." But not everyone agrees, there are as many people that promote the use of electronic devices for educational purposes with young children as there are against it. In this essay we will discuss the pro's and the cons of children and technology. The different type of media and the effects they can have on children. Some children seem to be born with the ability to adapt social interaction and the use of media devices. Being able to utilize technology to help a child advance in life by teaching them basic education is helpful in preparing a child for their future. Media devices are useful in helping to educate children, but they cannot replace the day to day social interaction a child requires early in life. It is the responsibility of the parent to make sure that a child gets enough social interaction with other children so that they learn how to relate to others in a group. It is said that a child is like a sponge they absorb information constantly so by making sure that they are absorbing the right kind of information is paramount to their futures. As a child, the human brain learns how to react to different emotions. Even devices that try to simulate emotion does not work 100%. It can only offer prerecorded responses. Depending on the way something is said, and the tone of voice can be as different as night and day. A growing mind needs human interaction to be able to learn how to...
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...School is where students develop skills that help them interpret and adapt to a changing world. The ability to teach skills such as reading, writing, and problem solving, and then apply them to situations in my students’ everyday lives is crucial. Teachers who encourage students to reflect on what they’ve learned and incorporate those skills into their lives develop their students’ critical literacy. And, with this ability to interpret the world around them, students begin to adapt and succeed in a changing world. The student’s journey into literacy begins with a teacher. Social Reconstructionism was founded by Theodore Brameld, in reaction against the realities of World War II. He recognized the potential for either human annihilation through technology and human cruelty or the capacity to create a beneficent society using technology and human compassion. George Counts recognized that education was the means of preparing people for creating this new social order. Social Reconstructionism emphasizes the addressing of social questions and a quest to create a better society and worldwide democracy. Social Reconstructionist educators focus on a curriculum that highlights social reform as the aim of education. For Social Reconstructionist’s, curriculum focuses on student experience and taking social action on real problems, such as violence, hunger, international terrorism, inflation, and inequality. Strategies for dealing with controversial issues (particularly in social studies...
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...college will require you to take core undergraduate courses, which can either become very useful for your future or a series of generic lectures that you will not find the slightest bit beneficial. The latter is rather unfortunate, but it should not turn you off to the idea of taking courses outside of your major altogether. In fact, having a rudimentary understanding of certain subjects can become very useful throughout life and it is actually in your best interest to develop, at the very least, basic skills. These will come in handy in terms of your education, career and life. While it may not be possible to take all of the below courses, it is possible to see how students could benefit from the course material within each. Some are included within an undergraduate core curriculum, but varies based on each college. Before you sign up for any courses, take time to consider which you might benefit most from and which fits within your program requirements to count towards graduation. The following list details the recommendations of college courses you should consider taking, regardless of your intended or current major, in order to gain a solid intellectual foundation. Accounting/Finance Most people will loathe the mere suggestion (myself included) but if you plan to have a job, that means you have plans to make money. Moreover, if you plan to make money that means you will have to pay taxes. If you can file your own taxes and manage your own money, you are going to be a lot...
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...Final Project Section 1: What is the purpose of education? What goals do you want your students to achieve? The purpose of education is to prepare someone to meet the demands of the real world. Education teaches an individual about a particular subject or it develops the problem solving skills that I feel everyone is born with. I feel that everyone is born with the ability to solve problems. Education challenges those skills and forces children and adults alike, to create or enhance their own problem solving skills. Albert Einstein was quoted as saying, “The aim [of education] must be the training of independently acting and thinking individuals who, however, see in the service to the community their highest life problem” (Einstein, 2012). I think this statement holds true today. I feel that education must prepare people to take on the world. Each individual will develop into their own identity and discover what is important in their life and what is worth fighting for. Ryan and Cooper (2013) “say that education is a process of human growth by which one gains greater understanding and control over oneself and one’s world” (p.28). Education is a process and we all take steps in education. That is why there are grade levels and there are curriculums based off of those steps that we take. Each individual develops a little differently than the next, but education presents someone with a problem and allows a person to develop an answer. There are parts of education...
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...earlier units you have learnt about organizational and interpersonal behavior. In this unit we will get an understanding about the concept ‘learning’. Let us relate it with a small example - you pick up a cat and take it to a new environment such as a new house or a new garden and leave it there. Immediately the cat begins to move around slowly looking and sniffing at various objects, identifying avenues to enter and escape, places where food may be available, and objects that are dangerous and hence are to be avoided. The cat is learning. Thus we see that learning is natural, spontaneous, important and beneficial. It is wrong to assume that only human beings learn, or that learning is unnatural or that it is not important. A cat is looked upon as a great survivor and it is its natural instinct to learn which helps it to survive. Like the cat we human beings too have to learn not just in schools, but in every walk of life including within organizations. An organization where people learn the right things quickly is successful. An organization where learning is neglected falls apart. Since learning is so essential for the well-being of an organization it is not surprising that substantial managerial effort is directed towards creating a learning environment and learning itself. Right from the induction into an organization till retirement, organizational learning is an inescapable fact. If learning is important it is also important to understand how people learn, elements of the...
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...parents ask for pointers and techniques to best learn Math. Here is my top-10 list which applies to any level of Math. 1) If you don't understand something, focus on mastering that topic before moving on to the next topic.It sounds simple, but it is absolutely essential. Lets say a student is learning Algebra, for example. Further, lets say he or she is having a hard time understanding how to add and subtract negative and positive numbers. All of us struggle with this in the beginning as it is a sticky point for most students. Some students in this situation, out of frustration that they "can't" learn this topic, will move on to the next lesson in the hope that they will be able to understand that one. This is a recipe for disaster. Math is very much like learning to read. If you don't know your letter sounds then you have no hope of being able to sound out words of course there is no way possible that you could read a book. All math courses are taught in a specific sequence because the every topic builds on the previous topic. If you are having a problem with a topic, continue working with that one until you understand it and can work problems successfully. Watch the DVD section over again, attend tutoring, read the book and examples a second time, or even get a totally different book to have it explained a different way...but whatever you do not turn the page and tackle the next topic. If you do, you will get even more frustrated and you in all likelihood will begin to give up hope...
Words: 2041 - Pages: 9
...English 102 Jeremy Branstad December 3, 2011 Higher Education Education plays a major role in our society. We look to education for everything. Many individuals feel that there are different purposes for education. Some believe educations sole purpose is so we can learn. Others believe it’s so we can better ourselves financially. While others believe education is to help us develop discipline and power. Education is what makes the individual. In my opinion, education is what helps us get somewhere in our lives. There are many members in our society who believe that the whole purpose of higher education is so that we could be knowledgeable and be able to make the right choices in life, when it comes down to it. Some of us forget how crucial education is to our growth as individuals. One example of this would be Fredrick Douglas. He was born into slavery and had little options. He however, had been taught at an early age to read, unlike some other slaves. Fredrick Douglas once said, “I would at times feel that learning to read had been a curse rather than a blessing. It had given me a view of my wretched condition without a remedy. It opened my eyes to the horrible pit, but to no ladder upon which to get out (97). In this passage Fredrick Douglas seems to have given all hope. Even through all depression he continued to read and better himself. He strived to find even more information, and be knowledgeable even if the knowledge/facts hurt. By teaching himself the basics...
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...To begin, everyone in the city are able to try upon their skills and knowledge. Then, based on how much they know already, they will be given many tasks for themselves. For example, if someone has never read anything in their life they will be given help for them to begin. Having everyone work at their own pace is more effective than giving people sets of things to do. They will be able to learn and understand more than going at an unsteady pace. Have you ever wonder what is the most important...
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...Purpose: The purpose of this assignment is to help you begin responding in writing to texts and experiences different from your own. This essay is an informal reading response. A reading response is your reaction to something the author or character has said, done, or written. Once you understand the work, you can then begin to respond to it thoughtfully. This assignment prepares you to write the documented essay as well as other essays that invite you to participate in intellectual dialogue with others. A reading response should respond specifically to a point the author has made. If you are responding to a character, then the response should respond to something the character has said or done. In either case, you may agree, disagree, or relate the author’s or character’s point to your own experience or use the author’s point as a launching pad for another issue. Because this is an informal response, you do not necessarily have to cite sources. It is important, however, that you refer to the author and the name of the article at the beginning of your response. Please check with your instructor to see what he or she prefers. A reading response consists of: 1. the statement or idea that you are responding to placed in its proper context--this may mean providing background information about the article itself; 2. your reaction to the statement or idea; 3. a connection between what you have read and experienced in your own life The following...
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...Number:11011494 Submission date:16/12/2013 Introduction Most people has an incorrect perception that teacher is a simple occupation with plenty of holidays. However teaching essentially involves many difficult and challenging work tasks. In Hong Kong, teachers especially have been put on a lot of burden that come from increasingly educational accountability and the pressure originate from student, school, parents, society and etc. This is particularly true for new teacher where they are lack of experience to deal with pressure and stress coming from the challenges of their job. This paper discusses the issue that related to the new teachers and the ways to foster resilience in beginning teaching and its implication for my future practice. This paper is divided into three major aspects. Firstly, discuss the hurdles and the problems of being new teachers in different areas which included 1) Students. 2) School, its policies and collegial interactions. 3) Parents. 4) Commodity. Secondly, explore the meaning of resilience which includes its concept, developmental assets and importance to the beginning teachers. Thirdly, deliver resilience skills for new teachers. 1. Challenges in different areas for the beginning teachers 1.1 Collaboration with students The most challenging aspect that faced by new teachers is classroom management. As a first-year teacher, they do not have much experience, professional skills and unprepared for dealing with behaviour problems in classrooms...
Words: 2912 - Pages: 12
...Maycomb county was sort of a uneducated town. So when Scout showed her ability to read it shocked Miss Caroline greatly. Miss Caroline then proceeded to be strict on Scout in defense for her being wrong about Maycomb. Scout didn’t understand why Miss Caroline was so mean to her and Atticus had to explain things in a neutral perspective to get Scout to understand what was going on. ¨..she said you taught me to read all wrong, so we can’t ever read any more, ever. Please don’t send me back, please sir¨(39). ¨..but if Walter and I had put ourselves in her shoes we’d have seen it was an honest mistake on her part. We could not expect her to learn all Maycomb’s ways in one day, and we could not hold her responsible when she knew no better¨(40). In the beginning Scout thought Miss Caroline was singling her out since she could read. Now, Scout realizes that Miss Caroline only reacted the way she did because Scout proved her wrong. Miss Caroline didn’t want people to know she was wrong so she became this nasty teacher to mask her deception. Atticus helped Scout unlock one of the most necessary skills when dealing with society and it allowed her to stay open-minded through her...
Words: 1070 - Pages: 5
...• An effective teacher loves to teach. The single most important quality that every teacher should possess is a love and passion for teaching young people. Unfortunately, there are teachers who do not love what they do. This single factor can destroy a teacher’s effectiveness quicker than anything else. Teachers who do not enjoy their job cannot possibly be effective day in and day out. There are too many discouraging factors associated with teaching that is difficult enough on a teacher who absolutely loves what they do, much less on one who doesn’t have the drive, passion, or enthusiasm for it. On top of that, kids are smarter than what we give them credit for. They will spot a phony quicker than anyone and thus destroy any credibility that the teacher may have. • An effective teacher demonstrates a caring attitude. Even teachers who love their job can struggle in this area, not because they don’t care, but because they get caught up so much in the day to day routine of teaching that they can forget that their students have lives outside of school. Taking the time to get to know a student on a personal level takes a lot of time and dedication. There is also a line that no teacher wants to cross where their relationship becomes too personal. Elite teachers know how to balance this without crossing that line and once a student believes the teacher truly cares for them, then there is no limit to what that student can achieve. • An effective teacher can relate to his or...
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...show many signs of being ready for school. It is up to the parents to recognize these signs such as oral language skills, social skills, motor skills, and identifying letters and numbers. Having some preparation before starting kindergarten can help your child build readiness for starting school. Pre-kindergarten claims that preparation is very important for kindergarten readiness. What is kindergarten readiness? It is determining whether or not a child is ready for kindergarten. With so many child development surveys on children aging from three to five years of age, over six million children entering kindergarten are not adequately prepared for school. (Staff and wire reports, 1987). Children are required to have a certain amount of independence before they start to attend school. (Harker, 2012). To be successful in kindergarten a child must have more skills other than knowing the alphabet or how to write their name. The child’s age, social, motor, and academic skills are a big part of the preparation process. (‘Kindergarten Readiness: More Than Academics”, 2009). Pre-kindergarten preparation has its benefits with teaching children social skills and basic letter recognition needed for kindergarten. On the other hand, children without any kind of kindergarten preparation do not seem to be far behind on social skills but are indeed unprepared in other developing skills such as oral language. (‘Preparing for Kindergarten”, 2012). A little preparation can go a long way. (Biale, 2012)...
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