...Prof. Gustavo Vulcano Ayudante: Ing. Pablo Scasso DIRECCIÓN DE OPERACIONES (MBA 2015 Intensivo) Trabajo Práctico #1 Forma de trabajo: Grupal. Fecha de entrega: Lunes 3/8, vía e-mail a pablo.scasso@diagroup.com y gvulcano@utdt.edu. La entrega debe efectuarse en un solo archivo doc o pdf. Podrá utilizarse un archivo Excel como apéndice para cálculos auxiliares. Pregunta #1 (20 puntos) Seleccionen la organización/compañía para la que trabaje algún miembro de su grupo. Describan en un párrafo la estrategia corporativa o la de la unidad de negocios para la que el miembro del grupo trabaje. Luego, en otro párrafo, identifiquen la estrategia operativa. Más abajo, en un tercer párrafo, describan aspectos centrales de la estructura operativa (es decir, algunos de los procesos implementados) que materializan la estrategia operativa. ¿Están ambas estrategias alineadas? ¿Pueden identificar algún aspecto para el que no estén alineadas? ¿Qué procesos podrían implementarse para corregir algún potencial desalineamiento? Nota: La respuesta a esta pregunta debe ser concisa, no debiendo exceder una carilla y media. El objetivo es la discusión entre los distintos miembros del grupo, más allá de que uno sea el que conozca los detalles estratégicos. Pregunta #2 (15 puntos) Supongamos que están a cargo de la gestión operativa de una compañía manufacturera de tipo línea de producción (assembly line) que actualmente trabaja a un 65% de utilización, algo considerado normal para ese tipo de sistema...
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...BA 380N: OPERATIONS Management Fall 2012 SYLLABUS Rev. August 5, 2012 Professor Edward Anderson Office: CBA 3.430 Phone: 471-6394 e-mail: Edward.Anderson@mccombs.utexas.edu Office Hours: By appointment Mail Box: IROM Dept., CBA 5.202 Fax: 471-0587 Web: All web material is at www.EdAnderson.org or can be reached via Blackboard. Personal/Research Web: www.EdAnderson.org COURSE DESCRIPTION Operations Management involves those aspects of your firm that provide the goods or services in your firm’s value proposition to your targeted market. As such, operations will be decisive in determining the long-term viability of your firm’s business model. This fact has become even clearer in recent years as competition has increased with more globalization and improved information technology. By integrating operations successfully into the their business models, firms such as Dell, Toyota, and Wal-Mart have shown that good operations make good business sense. The objective of this course is to provide you with an understanding of Operations Management and the role that it plays within an organization. By the end of the course, you should have developed an appreciation for the challenges in providing world-class products and services and the ability to use some analytical tools and conceptual frameworks to guide your thinking about operations. It is important to realize that much operations consists of the systematic design, operation, control and improvement of business processes. Accordingly...
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...[pic] FIRST ARMY EQUAL OPPORTUNITY REPRESENTATIVE COURSE STUDENT GUIDE TO CULTURAL AWARENESS INDEX LESSON TITLE PAGE 1 Philosophical Aspects of Culture SG- 3 C1 Native American Experience SG- 4 C2 White American Experience SG- 23 C3 Arab American Experience SG- 43 C4 Hispanic American Experience SG- 53 C5 Black American Experience SG- 76 C6 Asian American Experience SG-109 C7 Jewish American Experience SG-126 C8 Women in the Military SG-150 C9 Extremist Organizations/Gangs SG-167 STUDENTS ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR BEING FAMILIARIZED WITH ALL CLASS MATERIAL PRIOR TO CLASS. INFORMATION PAPER ON THE PHILOSOPHICAL ASPECTS OF CULTURAL DIFFERENCE Developed by Edwin J. Nichols, Ph.D. |Ethnic Groups/ |Axiology |Epistemology |Logic |Process | |World Views | | | | | |European |Member-Object |Cognitive |Dichotomous |Technology | |Euro-American |The highest value lies in the object |One knows through counting |Either/Or...
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....................................................................................................................... 7 Chapter 1: Operations and processes.................................................................................................................... 8 Chapter 2: Operations strategy ........................................................................................................................... 12 Chapter 3: Supply network design...................................................................................................................... 19 Chapter 4: Process design 1 – positioning.......................................................................................................... 22 Chapter 5: Process design 2 – analysis ............................................................................................................... 26 Chapter 6: Product and service design processes ............................................................................................... 31 Chapter 7: Supply chain management ................................................................................................................ 34 Chapter 8: Capacity management....................................................................................................................... 37 Chapter 9: Inventory management ..................................................................................................................... 42 ...
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