...A Facilitator's Conundrum: Facilitating in a Multi-generational Learning Environment Michele Hickman Sullivan University Managing Organizational Conflict CMM521X Dr. Susan Raines May 7, 2014 A Facilitator's Conundrum: Facilitating in a Multi-generational Learning Environment Introduction Learning and development are essential tools in talent management for the American workforce. The ability to learn and grow helps an organization recruit and retain top talent, as well as grow existing talent. These learning opportunities are presented to various individuals at various times. When new talent is hired, individuals with a variety knowledge, skills, and experiences are pulled together in one learning environment, a classroom, to learn the essential tasks required to perform their new role. These individuals are guided on their learning path by a facilitator. The facilitator’s role is to ensure knowledge transfer occurs to each individual in their classroom audience while maintaining an environment conducive to learning. Today’s classroom audience makes this responsibility even more challenging. The facilitator not only has to find the common denominator in knowledge, skills, and experiences; he/she also has to deliver the content simultaneously to a multi-generational audience. An audience with participants who has only heard of a typewriter or seen one in “historical” pictures to others who remember the major family purchase of a colored television and each...
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... G eneration Y (and Generation Z) Working Together WHAT MATTERS AND HOW THEY LEARN? h ow different are they? fact and fiction Executive Office, Talent Management Team United Nations Joint Staff Pension Fund New York Secretariat Headquarters Overcoming Generational Gap in the Workplace Rational for Introducing the Generational Communication Gap into the Workplace Casey Carlson!& Deloitte & Touche Study ! Fundamental Questions! Where does your personal view fall in the following generational change spectrum? Level 5: “The generation of people in the top boxes is the only one that matters…the rest just need to grow up or shut up.” Level 3: “The generational change is an emerging issue within our organization but we haven’t done much about it.” Level 2: “We view generational change as an emerging opportunity.” Level 1: “We’re actively changing the work culture to harness! the power of generational change.” Differences in Opinion and Attitude “This generational stuff is just socially acceptable stereotyping…politically correct rationale offered for immature behavior” “When is someone going to ask me what I need?” “Doesn’t everyone want the same thing anyway?” “Even if this generational stuff were true, this is still planet earth and we know how our business needs to be run for it to be a success” “Can we go back to work now? These kids will either get with the program or they’ll leave just like they always have” “I don’t get it! My managers are...
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...Over time, the multi-generational workforce will influence the organizational work ethic, perceptions of organizational hierarchy, work relationships and ways of managing change. The literature suggests that as a result of differing experiences and perspectives, strongly held attitudes and diverse motivators, there will be an impact on two specific areas of human resource policy and employee development: retention and motivation. To successfully retain and leverage talent of all generations, the following studies represent the growing foundation of evidence to make changes in company culture, HR policies, benefits and programs. No matter which generation, the work environment tends to either attract or repel individuals. An exploratory study examined dimensions of employee fit with work environments and the impact of employee job satisfaction and turnover intention among different generations. The findings suggest that employees in the Baby Boom generation value work relationships as a contributor to employee satisfaction, whereas for Generations X and Y, the work environment fit (potential for career growth, decision-making opportunities, autonomy and job challenge) is a primary retention factor. Work/life balance is a key commonality among the four generations. A recent study that explored generational effects on work-family conflict in the United States suggests that changes reflect family and career stage differences. For example, “family interfering with work” has...
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...AMerican intercontinental university | Generations in an Ever-Changing Workplace | MGMT 340-1502A-03 | | Shannon Ramirez | 5/1/2015 | Gaining the respect and therefore generating the productivity and performance of a multi-generational team or employee will be discussed in this article. | Generations in an Ever-Changing Workplace What are the benefits of having a multi-generational workforce? The pace at which the workforce is changing is phenomenal. Many of the older generations are choosing to stay employed longer, and while that is occurring, more younger associates are hired which creates a generation gap, making communication among teams more complex. Cohesiveness is a must in a work environment and a manager must learn how to effectively deal with each generation in a respectful manner in order to gain productivity among teams. There is a new normal in the workplace in terms of the varied ages of employees, in the past there were at the most three to four separate generations at once, but now with the oldest generation choosing to retire later, more generations are present. This is significant in the different behaviors exhibited by these employees, what may motivate someone to be more productive, or what engages them. This creates a dynamic diversity in an office, and is a great way for employees to learn from each other based on the uniqueness of the backgrounds they come from. We will begin with a description of the traditionalist, the eldest...
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...is no question that diversity plays a huge role in the workplace. There are issues with different races and gender, but one that does not seem as talked about is the difference in age. What many do not realize is that assuming all ages work the same way can be detrimental for not only the manager but the worker and company as well. When different age groups are combined to work, without proper accommodation, intergenerational conflict will occur. This is why understanding the different generations, including their values, attitudes and beliefs is important so that this conflict can be avoided. Once the different generations are understood, there are a few things a manager can do to ensure that their team will be able to work effectively. A Diverse Workplace; Creating Effective Cross-Generational Work Teams Generation gaps within the workplace are common and can create serious problems. According to Gregg Hammill, “This is the first time in American history that we have had four different generations working side-by-side in the workplace”. To create an effective cross generational work team, one must first understand the conflict that occurs and why when they are all put together without accommodation. After that, it is important to separately analyze each generation and their values, beliefs, and how they work. It is at that point, that a manager can effectively put together a cross generational team together by understanding and accommodating for each...
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...reflect the dominant values and job attitudes of their representative generations (p.119). This paper is a systematic discussion of three topics related to contemporary work cohorts: (a) the reality and specifics of the management issues associated with having a multigenerational employee base, (b) the profiles of each of the four generations that compose the workforce today, and (c) advice for company leadership on turning the diverse perspectives of a cross-generational workforce from challenge into advantage. The Significance of the Generational Gap at the Workplace The fact that the phrase “generational gap” is part of everyday vocabulary, suggest that the phrase denotes something real, which makes the theory appear prima facie true. Furthermore, in light of the amount of literature concerning the theory of contemporary work cohorts, it becomes easy to take the validity of the theory for granted. Some critics, however, argue that due to the theory’s limitations, which include lack of rigorous research on generational values, limited intercultural application, and the imprecision of the categories that tend to ignore individual...
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... Generation Y 5 2.0 The Challenge 2.1 Characteristics of each generation 6 2.2 Perception of other generations 7 3.0 Leadership Styles for Different Generational Groups 9 4.0 Recommendation 11 Conclusion 13 References 14 ABSTRACT Generation Y (born 1981 and 2000) is young worker, Generation X (born 1965-1980) is middle generation and Baby Boomers (Born 1946-1964) is older employers. Usually young workers want to make a quick impact, the middle generation needs to believe in the mission, and older employees don’t like ambivalence. It is important organization to take time and build the trusting relationship where each generation brings ahead their potentials and works towards the organization goal. The leaders should recognize the different work characteristics between generational groups and apply leadership styles that will positively contribute to employee motivation. As a result, due to the shifting nature of the job/task itself and the changing nature of subordinate characteristics and behavior. Leadership styles have also had to make changes. Accordingly, a task-oriented leadership style is more acceptable to Baby boomers but Generation X and Generation Y prefer to be managed under a relationship-oriented leadership style. Introduction The workplace has changed dramatically in recent years. Today’s workforce can be divided into three distinct groups of people. There are the Baby boomers (Born 1946 and 1964), Generation X (...
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...Ambition, Altruism, Affiliation and Anxiety in the workplace: A review of generational differences in work attitudes. Madeleine Fogarty Melbourne University Abstract Popular books and articles claim that there are significant differences between the generations in attitudes to work. However, there are relatively few empirical studies that support this claim. This review examines the reasons for the dearth of empirical work, reports on the US and Australasian findings published in the past decade, and suggests a taxonomy of ambition, altruism, affiliation and anxiety to synthesise the diversity of previous research and reach a coherent conclusion: all are on the rise for Gen Y. Directions for future research and recommendations for organisations are discussed. News articles regularly demand that we pay attention to the different needs of the next generation and their attitudes towards work. Last week the Sydney Morning Herald claimed that “Generation Y . . . has high expectations of their employers, seek out new challenges, are not afraid to question authority, value teamwork, seek the affirmation of others, crave attention and want to be included and involved” (Zavos, 2010). Other stereotypes of Gen Y, including Myers & Sadaghiani (2010), pitch them as self-centred, unmotivated, disrespectful and disloyal. There have been many articles and books in “popular literature” that describe differences between the generations, including Strauss & Howe (1991),...
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...organization’s competitiveness” (Rennie 2003)”. Introduction Most HR management systems available in most firms were formed at a time when business and technological practices were completely different. As the world is becoming more economic globalized so is the workforce. The 21st century workforce will consist of multi-generational team and a mix of minorities. With a more diverse and complex workforce, the challenges facing the HR managers also expands. There are several issues faced by contemporary business leaders. First is globalization-which is the present flow of capital, goods, services, ideas, people, and information virtually. Second is talent acquisition and talent management issues- HR Administrations are still struggling with managing their talent efficiently. Most corporate employment and talent meanings are reactive and hardly are they future focused. Third is fruitful human capital administration-the explanation to handling your multi-generational staff. As we move towards 2020 there will be four generations working side by side, how can we accomplish knowledge transfer and maintain good team work when there exists intergenerational problems due to generational differences in values. To maintain a productive workforce requires a HR organization that understands the talent pool of a business and can review and implement needs for the business. Talent management processes like performance cycles and compensation interact flawlessly with benefits and payroll (Lussier...
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...high-maintenance generation to ever enter the work force" (Breaux 2009,p95). As Gen Y has already started to enter the work force companies cannot afford to ignore the wants and need of Gen Y. Gen Y is just as big in numbers and will keep entering into the workforce at a rapid rate. The companies that don’t figure out how to attract and retain the growing Gen Y workers are likely to find themselves at a distinct disadvantage. After all, Generation Y is the next generation of workers who will ultimately be managing companies and determine if businesses succeed or fail. Article one “Understanding and managing generation differences in the workplace” Database: Emerald Group Publishing Limited Journal: Worldwide Hospitality and Tourism Themes, 2011, Vol.3(4), p.308-318 [Peer Reviewed Journal] Written by: Camille Kapoor Abstract: “ The modern workplace now consists of four different generations for the first time in history. Each generation, Traditionalists, Baby Boomers, Generation X and Generation Y, has been heavily influenced by the events of their time;...
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...How is Generation Y Transforming the Workplace? (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.hoklife.com/2012/08/28/how-is-generation-y-transforming-the-workplace/ konopaske, j. m. (n.d.). human resource management 12th edition. Managing generational differences has become an increasingly growing area. In today’s diverse and ever changing business environment, it is imperative to the areas of recruitment, retention and engagement for organizations to successfully communicate across generational boundaries. With an age gap of nearly 50 years between the oldest and youngest employees in some organizations, there is a broad range of perspectives, needs and attitudes floating around the office. Today’s workplace is most definitely a multi-generational one – and each generation has its own set of expectations, needs, values and working styles. Employers have to acknowledge the generational tensions their employees may be feeling. To get everyone working together, they need to understand the unique strengths and weaknesses of each generation and identify the points of friction among them. (Generation Y and the WorkForce, n.d.) Kevin Katigbak a Consultant in Toronto says “Generation Y isn’t necessarily dictating the pace of change in the office environments as so much as just the growing rate of change in business processes, expectations, technology and the re-evaluation of norms in the ever-evolving economy of ideas, information and products. The workplace trend that touches on all...
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...is a reality in today’s workplace, and will only increase in the future. Workplace demographics are shifting, and the number of mature workers will steadily increase in the years to come. US Bureau of Labor Statistics. Today’s workforce spans four generation: Traditionalist, Baby Boomer, Generation Xers and Millennial. As mature adults remain employed, we increasingly need to understand the strength and challenges inherent in multigenerational workplace and find ways to leverage age diversity. The reality, according to research, is that generations are different in some ways, but similar in many more. More gap than chasm, generation difference has subtle impact, not the dramatic conflicts portrayed in the popular press. Research by Jennifer Deal, Author of Retiring the Generation gap. Clearly, managing a workforce that spans four generation, represents tremendous challenges to the manager that want to be in tune with social trend, progressive thoughts and political correctness. It involves recognizing the value of difference, combating discrimination and legal action against the organization. Devoe 1999. With perception that older workers are dinosaurs when it comes to innovation and technology but are portrayed as loyal and hardworking. Younger workers are viewed as innovative and technological inclined but disrespectful, lazy and egocentric. Taken this view on the face value, these stereotypes can lead to conflict and turmoil in the workplace. Lancaster, Lynne when...
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...Multigenerational Workforce Project Jonathan Aguilera Human Relations Fall Semester 2014 Prof. Hilburn Multigenerational Workplace Project A generation is defined as a group that shares specific birth years and a common set of historical and social events. Each generation is “defined by common tastes, attitudes, and experiences; a generational cohort is a product of its times and tastes”. Most studies focus on the following groupings: the Matures or Traditionalists – those born before 1946, the Baby Boomers – born between 1946 and 1964, Generation X – born between 1965 and 1980, and the Millennials or Generation Y – born after 1980. Significant characteristics including values, internal and external motivators, and communication styles vary greatly among employees. This diversity is a result of the variety of genders, ethnicities, economic situations, educations levels and ages represented in the workplace. We chose to review how age, or generational diversity, impacts the workplace today. Specifically, we wanted to look at how similarities or differences regarding the generational “personalities” of employees may affect the work environment and employee satisfaction. The traditionalist, born 1925-1945 they were influenced by World War II and the Great Depression. They felt a strong sense of commitment to their families and country. These individuals also held onto the notion of a nuclear family with traditional roles. Ultimately, their commitment, foresight and hard...
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...tests that you can take to make sure that you are retaining the right information. If you don’t do so well the personnel simply keep re reading the information and retake the test. The startup costs are initially expensive but as time goes on the self-efficiency of the product will outweigh the costs. You don’t have to pay a trainer, use expensive paper materials. The article I chose was Designing Effective Multi-Generational Learning Experiences. It elaborated on recognizing the unique learning preferences of the four generational cohorts now driving America's economy. Identifying inclusive learning strategies to design multigenerational learning experiences and actively incorporating technology mediated learning methods to meet generational learning needs. This in turn will expand an individual's instructional design strategies to include generational learning preferences. Encourage the application of generational learning strategies to enhance an existing or proposed learning experience. Appreciate the growing body of generational research impacting on workplace learning and performance. Reconcile the...
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...overwhelming for all individuals involved. This research will attempt to discover the best way for each generation to successfully co-exist, utilizing practical and specialized forms of communication. References Fairhurst, D. (2008). Generations learn from each other. Human Resources, 17. Retrieved from http://search.proquest.com/docview/228192463?accountid=158586 Federer, D. P. (2012). Communicating across generations. On Wall Street, 22(12), 46. Retrieved from http://search.proquest.com/docview/1221263983?accountid=158586 Foster, J. (2009). How the generation gap: Can hurt your business. Agency Sales, 39(10), 16-19. Retrieved from http://search.proquest.com/docview/211008175?accountid=158586 Gleeson, P. B. (2007). Understanding generational competence related to professionalism: Misunderstandings that lead to a perception of unprofessional behavior. Journal of Physical Therapy Education, 21(3), 23-28. Retrieved from http://search.proquest.com/docview/217084022?accountid=158586...
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