Premium Essay

The Narrator In The Scarlet Ibis

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The Narrator in the Scarlet Ibis uses red to signify important things in the story, weather it’s in text, or in a picture. Furthermore, the author in this story used red to express what it was like when Doodle was laid on his stomach. “Trembling, he’d pushed himself up, turning first red, then a soft purple, and then he finally collapsed back onto the bed.” When he was turning red, he was struggling, which showed the distress that Doodle was in. Another way the author used red to signify a meaning was when Doodle fell, he was laying by a red nightshade bush. The author said, “finally I went back and found him huddled beneath a red nightshade bush.” The bush signifies that where he had fell, was an important part of the story, because that’s

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