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The Obstacles In The Odyssey

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The Odyssey is One of the most fierce, Adverturstics, and thrilling epic poems that ordinary people like us can relate to. How? You may ask, well just like the odyssey we all have to face different and hard obstacles in our everyday life.In the odyssey we also learn a moral value at the end of the obstacle. The Odyssey was the story of a men named Ulysses returning home from war in Troy. He wanted to go back to Ithaca to his wife Penelope, But before that he had to face a few obstacles before actually returning to his homeland. The story all began with the apple of discord, it was a golden apple that said “for the fairiest”. Zeus was supposed to choose one but couldn’t, So he then decided that paris was to choose one for him. Paris decided …show more content…
During the night the ciconians attacked them and ulysses and his crew fled back to the boat with all their riches. When the left the island they noticed that the ciconians made holes through the boat which made them throw away all their riches. Poseidon became angry at ulysses bc he thought they were trying to steal his nyiad so he made them go off course and into the lotus eater island . In the ciconians we all learn that we should never take things away from others. The lotus eaters island was an island that tricked people into eating the there lotus flower and would make them stay there forever and keep eating them. Luckily ulysses had a nightmare which caused him to realize what is happening and he also saw what was coming up in his voyage home . The moral value of this is that you can’t let things take over you. you could compare this to drugs because when people do drugs they keep doing it over and over again and they also get taken over by the power of the drug. there still were at the time they didn’t know that cyclops live there so they weren’t cautioned about anything and went ashore to look for food. As they were looking for food they came upon a cave and saw

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