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The Path to Corporate Responsibility


Submitted By bazrusab
Words 584
Pages 3
This article is written by simon zadek, CEO of the U.K.-based institute AccountAbility. The brief idea about of this article which we have got into is that companies do not become model citizens over a night as when it comes to social responsibility. The writer has written in this article that the company has not always followed its own advice when it comes to social responsibilities which have led Nike the global poster child for corporate ethical fecklessness. His every move was being analyzed and every problem discovered was being publicized as a proof of organization’s irresponsibility. Simon says a company’s roles through these two dimensions i.e. organizational and societal learning ultimately leads it to civil learning. He further describes that every organization learns in a unique way and pass through five stages. This whole article somehow revolves around these five stages that simon has mentioned. He suggests every organization to navigate through these stages in order to make their organization a good corporate citizen. He describes that in defensive stage most companies face unexpected criticism from civil activists, media and stakeholders while the company’s responses authorized by legal teams and tend to involve denials of accusations. As in the complaint stage he writes a corporate policy must be observed either in such ways that are visible to critics on the other hand it creates value by protecting company’s reputation. At the managerial the company realizes that it's facing a long-term problem and has to give managers responsibility for the problem and its solution writes simon. He further describes a company at the strategic stage learns how realigning its strategy to tackle responsible business practices can give it a leg up on the competition and contribute to the organization's long-term success. As for the final civil stage he writes that the

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