Premium Essay

The People Influence On Tayo's Life

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Pick a Side Already The people I picked from the world of being connected to the earth and the community are: Ts’eh, Josiah, and Robert. The following people that I have chosen are the people I believed helped Tayo become a better person who he is today. Ts’eh I believe is the most important person is Tayo life due the reason that she made him the most happy. In class she was compared or is a spirit, who came to Tayo life to help him. When spending the night at her place and staying over makes him the happiest guy on earth and makes him happier than he ever was. When he came to love her, this replace the emotions that he was carrying about losing both his uncle and his cousin. He doesn’t have the nightmares or cries whenever he is sad, because …show more content…
These individuals that I picked from the list are the people that I believed had the most negative influence on Tayo and his growth. Emo was a cruel bastard who was basically a coward. One of the best words to describe him was a bully. Not only he told horrible jokes about things, he was racist and a bloodthirsty killing machine who was out for blood. Nobody wanted to be on his bad side because of the things he might do to you. Whenever, this racist made a joke, good or bad, you needed to laugh. He was always treating Tayo horribly and this made Tayo mad. Tayo was always ready to start punch this man or shank him in his belly with something sharp. He loves to torture individuals and he was a cruel man. In the book it said something like, “the only regret that emo had about the war was that they didn’t drop anymore bombs on the Japanese.” This line says it all. Rocky is the one of the characters that does the outside world of witchery. To begin was that Tayo and Rocky were cousins and they were real close to each other. Rocky died in the War that Tayo was in with and he always thought that he was the one who was responsible for his well-being. Rocky was meant to become a star, due to the fact that he got a football scholarship and he would have been the first one in that family to have gone to college. He believed that the outside world was more thriving and progressive than the life he was living at the time. His death destroyed Tayo because, Tayo felt like he was responsible for him and the death of Rocky really damage Tayo mentally making him unstable, giving him nightmares and just hating the way he was living. The third person I am going to talk about is the Auntie. She is the spawn of Satan. She is basically a liar/fake. She likes to suffer in life because she loves to complain about it. She is one of the reasons that Tayo is mentally damage as well. The reason I am saying this

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