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The Pro-Life Controversy: The Issue Of Abortion

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Abortion is one of those topics that makes everybody want to scream, whether they are for or against it. People who are against abortion speak as if there is no restraint when it comes to taking away the reproductive rights of women. Advocates of abortion rights do not always have the facts straight. If the people do not understand what their rights are, how can they defend them. People who are for abortion need to understand why it is a constitutional right and what barriers the court has put out to protect the unborn child. The process of abortion has caused many controversial court cases and amendments, many movements, and has many medical reasons for and against it. The issue of abortion has led to many controversial court cases such as …show more content…
Wade and has taken many steps to decrease and control access to abortion. The pro-life movement has been influential in attaining the abortion restrictions at the state level. Pro-life supporters believe that getting rid of the fetus is equal to murder and should be illegal (“State Abortion Laws”). In order to stop riots and protesting, the state mandated counseling for mothers who are considering getting an abortion. The pro-life movement has made a small difference in the laws obtaining the rights of women, however, the small changes have positively affected the amount of abortions in the individual states, and it still continues to this …show more content…
There is a pro-choice movement and many amendments that claim abortion is okay. “Those that support abortion, also known as pro-choice advocates, argue that parental notification and consent laws impose an undue burden on pregnant teenagers,” (“Parental Involvement Laws”). The people who support abortion believe that the mother is entitled to decide whether or not she will be a fit mother for the child. Certain circumstances that would allow the mother to obtain an abortion, according to pro-choice advocates, would be: if it is not a good time in the parent’s life to have a baby, if the mother wants to grow up a little before she has a child, if the mother is not in a stable relationship, or if the people just do not want to be a parent. According to pro-choice supporters, choosing when or if a person conceives a child is a personal decision that should not be determined by the state (“Abortion”). There are also many amendments, not necessarily supporting abortion, but not doing anything to stop it. The 14th Amendment assures that “No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States,” (“State Abortion Laws”). The amendment protects the woman’s right to do whatever she pleases with her pregnancy. There is no protection of the unborn fetus. According to the Fifth Amendment, a woman who obtains an abortion can not be accused of murder, thus protecting the

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