...for any cash flow after payback, hence ignoring the time value of money. References: Mahar, J. (2004, November 12). Capital Budgeting [Blog post]. Retrieved from FinanceProfessorBlog website: http://financeclass.blogspot.com/2004/11/ capital-budgeting.html Hi Sabina, To financial managers compound interest is the greatest thing since sliced bread. We have learned of all the benefits when it works in our favor. Let's play devil's advocate and look at how and when compound interest can actually work against us at the personal level, small business level, or corporate level. What I am talking about is the part of the equation that looks at debt. When it comes to loans, we all know the interest that builds on an initial principal can be hard to stomach. Dealing with loads of credit card debt is a problem I have faced. It completely boggled my mind how a $1000 line of credit, turned...
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...agree with this superstition for a reason. It took me four years to decide if I should pursue an advance degree. I have finally put my fears to rest and have decided to embark on the journey of attaining my Masters of Business Administration with a concentration in Health Care by February 2014. This decision took me four years due to several pros and cons I weighed, uncertainty of what degree to pursue and my current career. There are several advantages and disadvantages that I weighed during my journey to decide on pursuing an advance degree. With completing my undergraduate program not only did I get a degree in Business Administration I also incurred a hefty amount of debt, $40,000 worth. According to an online article in 2011 the average cost for graduate school was $10,000 per year at a state college (Jo, 2011). These individuals often have to pay off their loans for between 10 to 25 years, depending on the amount they owe. People do not have many options for getting out of debt when they cannot pay their student loans, as private and federal loans are not subject to bankruptcy (Latzko, 2011). Along with this adding on to the debt this can also be time consuming. Another hindrance is that I do not have any experience in the health care field. If I do attain a Master’s degree it does not guarantee a career in my field of choice. While certain careers definitely require an advanced degree -- doctors and lawyers, for example -- many other careers offer plenty of job...
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...Federal student loan debt relief carries it's pros and cons with it like any other type of money transactions. The complexities involved in narrowing down which program may assist which loan is a painstakingly involved process. Most people give up before they find any type of relief at all. Loan consolidations are often a fallback to making tens of thousands of dollars of student loan debt more affordable. As this may be a helpful payment option, there may be many other saving opportunities you are missing prior to consolidating multiple loans into one easy payment. More often than not, people will read negative reports about a student aid relief company. A business set up to help graduates find debt relief for tens of thousands of dollars in student loan debt. The negative focuses on the fact that federal student debt programs are free and that any service which charges to use these are taking advantage of people struggling to make ends meet. As there are higher priced and unfair services, there are also many who charge a low one time service fee to find a solution to high debt problems. Combing through the Department of Education's relief programs is time involved. Depending on your type of federal loan, your major and employment, you could be looking at thousands of dollars in relief and for some,...
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...Karla Seeberger Professor Ashton English-221-9542 April 19, 2016 College: Is It Really Worth It? The American Collegiate System has various pros and cons that many young adults in America have come to either admire or despise. One of the main controversial focus points within this system is the cost and quality of education within American systems. America has been known to have the most expensive collegiate system when compared to any other system around the world. Although many individuals believe that a college education is a prerequisite for being able to receive financial stability and health, is it really worth the thousands of dollars worth of debt an years worth of time? In America, there are countless job possibilities that are available to accommodate every individual’s interests. Although there may be numerous jobs available for everyone, there are costly consequences. In today’s modern workforce, the majority of jobs require individuals to obtain a degree, that relates to the job, to ensure they are educated and aware of the specific requirements that the job entails. According to an article written by Alicia C. Shepard, “College is no longer a prestigious milestone, but a consumer product”. Shepard stated that many college students are not attending college to learn, but are there in hopes to receive “their money’s worth” of high GPAs and test scores to help them achieve their desired degree (“College Education”). The Huffington Post states that the majority...
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...PROP 6200: Development Prototypes Zara’s Dillema Write Up Sumeet Sohal 213299268 The Plan: Live at home until 2018 to save enough funds for down payment and avoid mortgage insurance. Have at least $75,000 for the down payment, closing and transaction costs, new furniture and other unexpected costs. Get $50,000 assistance from parents for down payment. Monthly Net Income: $90,000 Gross, $65671.50(After Taking Out Personal Taxes: $21,754, CPP 2,480, EI $931) Assets (Present): None .Liabilities (Present): Student Debt ($25,433) + Credit Card Debit ($5,064) Based on the evaluation of Zara’s criteria, current financial situation and overall circumstances, Zara should purchase a one bedroom + den unit (574 sqf) in SQ2 located at Queen Street West and Spadina Ave. The condo, situated in Alexandra Park neighbourhood, is home to several retail stores and home to young professionals which fit Zara’s criteria fairly well. Zara is concerned that she will be “house poor” if she purchases a condo at the present time. However, after a closer look at her savings for initially staying at home until the possession date in mid 2018, she will have enough funds for a decent size condo unit and not be house poor. To ensure that Zara was making the right decision, a closer look at relevant facts including the macro environment, personal financial situation and preferences, and options would be appropriate. Experts are predicting that the Toronto...
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...online education has become very popular, how does one know which is best for him or her? Identifying the pros and cons through flexibility, communication, interaction, skills development, and affordability will help the student decide the best option. Although online education seems to be taking over the traditional means of education, both are great options in different ways. The bottom line is that the world is becoming technologically smart. For one juggling home, school, and a job, it can be difficult commuting to class every day. Online education eliminates the need to attend class. Online courses allow the student to access coursework from an Internet site. Motivated, responsible, independent learners can work at their own pace, whenever is suitable for them. This allows the flexibility that a traditional classroom setting does not provide. However, one who struggles to be self-motivated may fall quickly behind. In a traditional classroom setting the student has to attend class on campus. Traditional education is for a learner who needs more lecturing to understand and also needs to be able to ask questions as he or she learns. A student who is enrolled at a traditional university gets the chance to take advantage of the university’s facilities. These facilities include places like the student union and the gym. If the student chooses online education, the student has to make sure he or she has a computer, Internet usage, and a backup plan in case he or she has a computer...
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...Developing and Writing an Argument MGT/521 October 19. 2012 Developing and Writing an Argument In this paper I will argue the pros and cons of a decision to obtain a Master’s in Business Administration in the current global business environment. According to a peer reviewed journal article, “There's strong evidence that earning an executive MBA can boost your career. Last year, 43% of students enrolled in executive MBA programs received promotions, up from 34% in 2004, according to the Executive MBA Council” (Beau, (2007, April 23). Going forward, a Master’s in Business Administration usually requires one to two years of additional full-time study after a bachelor’s degree. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics management professions are expected to thrust by the thriving economy and business advancements. Thus, this is the main reason that I decided to obtain my Master’s in Business Administration. After obtaining my Bachelor’s Degree in Business Management in June 2012 I decided to go forward with my educational goals. My goal is to get into the field of administrative services. Administrative services managers support the services of an organization. I am currently in the cosmetology industry and plan to stay within this industry. As an administrative service manager my function would be to coordinate supportive services of an organization, plan, preferably in a respected salon chain, and lead the activity within that organization. “Employment of administrative...
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...An article on the Huffington post called “The Pros and Cons of Going to College” says, student loans have gone up from nothing to 1.4 trillion, (Altucher, page 1). This means that it is most likely that many college graduates are haunted by their student loans throughout their lifetime. Another website called Project on Student Debt says 69% of students that graduated from a public or nonprofit colleges in 2014 had student loan debt, and this student loan debt was an average of $28, 950 per student, (no author, page 1). This is not good for the student in general because when the student gets older he/she will have to pay this debt off throughout their life. This blocks them from buying a car or a house because the debt will continue to pile up, and before he/she knows it their children may have to pay for their debt. College does not always have a good side, however, it gets you a higher pay and a lower unemployment rate which people could benefit...
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...There is no longer the "promise" to have a job after high school or college. Even with minimum wage increasing, fifteen to seventeen dollars an hour will still cause a person with student loans ten, if not more years, to pay off their debt. Weiner points out that "students who will borrow tens of thousands of dollars…may find themselves four years later working at a Starbucks or driving a car for Uber." (2) Some prefer to think only of the negatives when there are positives as well when thinking about applying and attending college. They choose to think of student loans, rather than the ability to hold a job during recessions. There are among many other problems with education corruption than just tuition and fees. Quality of education needs to be taken into consideration, as well as classroom sizes. Classrooms full of fifty or more students with different learning paces should not be tolerated in community colleges. From a college pro and con website, "college graduates are more likely to have health insurance and retirement plans. They also have lower poverty...
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...is not worth going to. Mostly because of taking out student loans, potentially not having a job after graduation. When going to college you tend to become very depressed and overwhelmed. The student loan borrowing...
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...We demand that North Carolina offer free college tuition to all undergraduate students attending a public university. Student loan debt is crushing our students short-term and long-term with the total amount of student loan debt; in America student debt was estimated to be about $1.3 trillion in 2015 (Should College Be Free? Pros, Cons, and Alternatives, 2017). Also, the debt to income ratio is ridiculous with the average salary of a college grad being $48,127 in 2014 while incurring $37, 172 worth of debt according to statistics of the 2016 college graduates (A Look at the Shocking Student Loan Debt Statistics of 2017, 2017). Lastly, with free tuition in North Carolina for college undergraduates the lower SES population will have opportunities...
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...Pros and Cons of Today's College Education Student’s name: Institutional affiliation: The current state of higher education in United States In the recent past, the state of higher education in the United States has been under the spotlight of deteriorating quality, high costs and turnover rates. The top and bottom divisions of United States institutions of higher learning have become so dissimilar from each other that they have stopped being the single coherent social institution. Institutions belonging to the top strata have values, missions, funding and personnel that are different from those at the bottom. Universities and colleges that are in the middle class are torn between these extremes. Universities in the top strata have become a preserve for the minority few who are affluent. Attending universities like Harvard has been left to the few who can afford to pay the exorbitant fees. The divisions arising in institutions of higher learning have come to be viewed as a show of might and class, as well as a means by which the American plutarchy duplicates itself. Donoghue (nd) notes that top strata universities’ one year tuition fee is more than the average income of American citizens. Universities in the middle and bottom classes are continually grappling with budget cuts as the government strives to sustain the budget in times of economic downturns. Budget cuttings have severe implications for public colleges and universities as universities have to raise their...
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...established can retain their profits for a period of time and use this money in the future for projects or business needs, this is usually shareholder dividend and ultimately belongs to the shareholders, but the company is using it to expand or better the business. The selling of company assets is also seen as a way of raising capital, however if you are selling off your assets how does this help your business, you will lose the equipment that is helping you to make money. (Access Credit Management 2015) Company’s use invoice discounting and factoring for selling their invoices to another company, (usually a bank) and getting cash in return, these invoices are bought for between 80% and 85% of the total invoice and the rest is paid once the debt has been paid...
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...Ethos, Pathos, Logos in A Lifetime of Student Debt? Not Likely Ms. Robin Wilson titled her article on student debt, A Lifetime of Student Debt? Not Likely. She believes in general students do not have to be in debt their entire adult lives, if only they are smart with their money. Ms. Wilson uses three persuasion appeals to prove this: ethos, pathos, and logos. Ethos is the appeal to credibilty (Roundy n.p) She is letting the reader know the pros and cons of opening student loans. Allowing both sides to be told shows her consideration for both. Ms. Wilson proves her sources are thrustworthy and knowledgeable, along with being a fair reporter. Before each source's comment or fact is presented she gives the reader both their name and job description, as she did with Mr. McPherson, “Michael S. McPherson, an economist and preseident of the Spencer Foundation (Wilson 257). This way she gvies the reader the choice whether you agree or disagree. Althrough Ms.Wilson uses ethos, that is not all, she also uses pathos. Paths is the emotional appeal, how does the reader feel and why do they feel that way? (Roundy n.p). Word appeal comes into play, Ms. Wilson uses words to grab the reader and have them feel the same as her source. As...
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...College Isn’t for Everyone. Let’s Stop Pretending It Is. by Michael Petrilli gives readers a look at how there are some students that may not benefit from a college education. He writes that the current school of thought is that communities should be preparing all students for college success, whether it be four-year or other post-secondary degree; therefore, the very last thing that should be told to students graduating high school is that they may not succeed in a college setting, even if that were true. He asks, “What if encouraging students to take a shot at the college track – despite very long odds of crossing its finish line – does them more harm than good?” If a student is way behind in reading and math when they graduate high school, they are less likely to succeed where they are expected to succeed in college level courses. “We shouldn’t force anyone into that route, but we also shouldn’t guilt kids with low odds of college success—regardless of their race or class—to keep trudging through...
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