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The Pros And Cons Of Torturing Enemy Prisons

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Toulmin Argument on Torturing Enemy Prisoners The act of torturing of prisoners has been around since people started to commit crimes. From dungeons in the dark ages to the small shadowy holding facilities of today, the interrogation tactic known as torture has evolved very little throughout its long time of use. Torture has been an extremely touchy subject of debate, especially recently because of a report in The New York Times on memos issued by the U.S. Justice Department in 2005 that authorized intelligence agencies to use interrogation methods defined as torture under international law (Whipps). Torture is actually addressed in eighth amendment of the United States Constitution. This amendment prohibits the federal government from imposing excessive bail, excessive fines, or cruel and unusual punishment. Although many people may believe that torturing prisoners should be accepted, I believe torturing prisoners is morally unjust and wrong. One of the main points someone who supports torturing enemy prisoners would make would be that it could have the prisoner reveal vital information that could potentially …show more content…
Mind controlling and altering drugs and verbal intimidation are just a couple of many techniques in which we have the ability to use while interrogating a prisoner. These methods are much more humane, and they also can create a better outcome for the interrogation. When you subject a prisoner to the interrogation method of torture, there is a strong chance that they are less likely to tell you important information than before the torture began. This could be because of them being scared, hurt, or just plain agitated with the way they are being terribly treated. Using safer methods such as verbal intimidation and good cop-bad cop techniques may help the prisoner cooperate more because they are not being physically

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