... Introduction The cartoon above highlights the use of online marketing in today’s world. As social media becomes ever more prevalent and the amount of time people spend online increases online marketing becomes a greater and greater tool for marketers and brands alike....
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...In today's generation, the use of technology seems to be replacing all real-world experiences. In need of some new decor? Just order it online. Feeling hungry? Fill out an online form to have your food delivered right to your doorstep. How about wanting a new relationship? The online world provides individuals with the opportunity to communicate without ever leaving the comforts of their own home. Online personas rid the user of the dilemmas real world relationships provide since the user can edit, frame, and share their online identity to comply with societal preferences. Who people are online versus who they are in the real world usually vary from the identity they wish to share with others. The hyperpersonal model examines how self-presentation...
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...Use of Social Networking Sites and Instant Messaging Technology has revolutionized the way we interact and communicate with people. The Internet offers numerous platforms to communicate with friends as well as developing new relationships with strangers. However, the effect of social networking sites on social relationships is a topic of many debates. There are multiple ways online interaction affects people, especially the youth of the society, both positively and negatively. Therefore, the studies done to examine the impact of the Internet on social relationships is definitely necessary and important. The article Use of Social Networking and Instant Messaging reports the study over the relationships between use of social media such as instant messaging and social networking sites, network size, and emotional closeness in a sample of 117 individuals between the ages of 18 and 63 years old. Participants were asked to list and categorize each member of their personal, offline network into a series of subgroupings, arranged in a hierarchically inclusive sequence. Each person was listed into one of the three layers of their network – the support group, the sympathy group, and the active network. Secondly, because quantity does not necessarily equal quality, the next step aimed at answering two questions: What effect does the use of social media have on the size of each offline network layer? And what effect does the use of social media have on the emotional closeness of relationships...
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...Social Media: The Path to Business Communication Thanks to the onset of social media consumers are engaging in social interaction on the internet. Online communities is one of many new ways consumers are generating content and networking with other users. Successful businesses are aware and are capitalizing on the new means of spreading the word-of-mouth of their ventures. Social media facilitates the social interaction of consumers, leading to increased trust and intention to buy (Christensen, 2014). The Internet and mobile technologies have brought markets closer to the utopian state of perfect information by reducing the information asymmetries between sellers and buyers (Granados, 2013). Corporations are taking advantage of the advancement of the internet and social media. Social media’s popularity has afforded the public the opportunity to interact without the need for physical meetings. The internet is transformed to a social environment by introducing social media, such as LinkedIn, FaceBook, Twitter and blogs, where consumers can easily share and access information. Social Media Online communities and social networking sites are an effective means of social interactions and sharing information. Social networking sites take center stage in e-commerce in the current environment, where consumers make social connections and participate in cyberspace. Today’s consumers have access to many different sources of information and experiences, which have been facilitated...
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...This article was downloaded by: [University of Macau Library] On: 09 October 2014, At: 18:24 Publisher: Routledge Informa Ltd Registered in England and Wales Registered Number: 1072954 Registered office: Mortimer House, 37-41 Mortimer Street, London W1T 3JH, UK Chinese Journal of Communication Publication details, including instructions for authors and subscription information: http://www.tandfonline.com/loi/rcjc20 “Platonic relationships” in China's online social milieu: a lubricant for banal everyday life? Yann-Ling Chin a a Arts, Humanities and Education, Nottingham Trent University , UK Published online: 14 Nov 2011. To cite this article: Yann-Ling Chin (2011) “Platonic relationships” in China's online social milieu: a lubricant for banal everyday life?, Chinese Journal of Communication, 4:4, 400-416, DOI: 10.1080/17544750.2011.616286 To link to this article: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/17544750.2011.616286 PLEASE SCROLL DOWN FOR ARTICLE Taylor & Francis makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the “Content”) contained in the publications on our platform. However, Taylor & Francis, our agents, and our licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness, or suitability for any purpose of the Content. Any opinions and views expressed in this publication are the opinions and views of the authors, and are not the views of or endorsed by Taylor & Francis. The accuracy of the Content should not be relied...
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...System Sciences - 2011 Online Health Social Networks and Patient Health Decision Behavior: A Research Agenda Cory Allen Heidelberger Dakota State University caheidelberger@pluto.dsu.edu Omar El-Gayar Dakota State University Omar.El-Gayar@dsu.edu Abstract Patients and health care practitioners alike are using the Internet and specifically online health social networks to gain access to knowledge and social support that they could not obtain as quickly or efficiently from their traditional face-to-face social networks. Given concerns about the quality of information available on the Internet and the differences between social interaction online and offline, it is important to determine whether this new phenomenon influences health decision behavior. We propose a framework for investigating the influence online health social networks may have on the health decisions that patients and their physicians make. We also propose a number of research questions that flow from this framework. 1. Background Online social networks have quickly become an important part of many Internet users’ lives. The phenomenon is sufficiently new that research remains to be done on how this form of interaction may affect individuals’ social relationships and behavior. Among questions worth exploring is the potential influence of online social networks dedicated to health issues on the health decision behavior of their users. Health social networks are those websites...
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...XXX10.1177/1529100612436522Finkel et al.Online Dating 2012 Research Article Online Dating: A Critical Analysis From the Perspective of Psychological Science Psychological Science in the Public Interest 13(1) 3–66 © The Author(s) 2012 Reprints and permission: sagepub.com/journalsPermissions.nav DOI: 10.1177/1529100612436522 http://pspi.sagepub.com Eli J. Finkel1, Paul W. Eastwick2, Benjamin R. Karney3, Harry T. Reis4, and Susan Sprecher5 1 Northwestern University; 2Texas A&M University; 3University of California, Los Angeles; University of Rochester; and 5Illinois State University 4 Summary Online dating sites frequently claim that they have fundamentally altered the dating landscape for the better. This article employs psychological science to examine (a) whether online dating is fundamentally different from conventional offline dating and (b) whether online dating promotes better romantic outcomes than conventional offline dating. The answer to the first question (uniqueness) is yes, and the answer to the second question (superiority) is yes and no. To understand how online dating fundamentally differs from conventional offline dating and the circumstances under which online dating promotes better romantic outcomes than conventional offline dating, we consider the three major services online dating sites offer: access, communication, and matching. Access refers to users’ exposure to and opportunity to evaluate potential romantic...
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...Dell Online Case Presentation Introduction & Challenge Dell has emerged as one of the biggest sellers in the PC market. From humble beginnings in 1983, when Michael Dell worked out of his campus dorm room, to 1996 when we reached $7.8 billion in sales, the source of our amazing success has been our unwavering focus on the customer, termed the “Dell Direct Model.” The Dell Direct Model was ingenious. Michael Dell took a simple concept, selling direct to the consumer (Appendix. 1), and built a business model that, quite simply, outclassed his competitors. By selling to the customer direct, eliminating the traditional dealer channel and using a just-in-time (JIT) production procedure, Dell has created unparalleled efficiencies in operations. This allows us to provide high quality products at a lower price than our competitors. In addition we have leveraged supplier relationships to build a supply chain that is unmatched; our relationships with our suppliers have facilitated our JIT production model which allows us to enjoy a significant competitive advantage in price, product reliability and product delivery. It appears that we are perfectly positioned to take advantage of the new online market having sold direct to customers for the last decade and already establishing ourselves as the leader in internet sales. Michael Dell has presented a strategic objective for our company, to “…do at least 50% of our business over the web…” Despite our initial success selling...
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...Running head: A SHIFT IN SOCIAL INTERACTION A Shift in Social Interaction: Enhanced or reduced by technology? Social Interaction: Enhanced or reduced by technology? Social interaction is a very important aspect of human life. It can help to shape individuals throughout their life, based on experience and communications with others. With the increase in technology and innovation we are beginning to see a shift in the ways people communicate and interact. “Social interaction is not defined by type of physical relation or behaviour, or by physical distance. It is a matter of a mutual subjective orientation towards each other.” (Rummel, 1976, 9.2) Is social interaction on the internet and with technology different from real face to face social interaction? For my research question, whether technology increases or reduces social interaction, I will focus on computers and the internet as well as cell phone use. I will assess the effects that the internet and technology have on the ways people interact and network. Online interaction provides an easy and anxiety free environment making it possible to open up and reveal true personalities. Technology also helps to expand communications and social networks. The internet and cell phones have had a monumental effect on social interaction and networking, but does this come with negative consequences and dangers? Internet, Cell Phones and Online Gaming on Social Interaction Internet’s Possibilities Human communication has been expanded...
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...Online Marketing Plan for Doe Furniture Doe Furniture is a new business venture that will be located in State. The business wants to focus on building custom heirloom quality furniture however; there is a current customer base that also knows Doe Furniture for its custom kitchen and kitchen refinishing. The focus of the online presence is building custom furniture without ignoring the current customer base that is previously purchased custom kitchen cabinetry. Viability Doe Furniture does not currently have a website but it is looking to create one to drive business to its brick and mortar location. Having an online presence for a brick and mortar store would allow Doe Furniture to have an online portfolio to showcase their work, have a place for previous customers to drive referrals, and allow the company to find new customers and interact with current customers. The initial plan of the website would not be to actually sell furniture because each item is custom made. The customer niche that Doe Furniture is trying to fill is for customers who want high-end quality custom furniture. When working at this caliber a website would be useful to schedule appointments and show previous examples of work, but when it comes to a discussion of what will actually be built a personal consultation is more effective and less confusion about style and detail arises. The market for higher-end furniture can be tapped into most easily by interior designers and customer referrals...
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...have direct relationship to the present study. This part of the study presents a summary of the readings gathered from books, magazines, internet and other research conducted which we found to have a direct relationship with the study in focus. Local Literature Foreign Literature According to Tapscott (1998) talks of growing up in a digital environment referring to the youth as the ―Net Generation. Children are socializing in a hybrid virtual space, learning in innovative ways, creating a new language and practicing multicultural values (Tappscott, 1998). The main characteristics of the ―N-Gen culture are: independence, emotional and intellectual openness, inclusion, free expression and strong views, innovative, preoccupation with maturity, pleasure by the investigation, immediacy, and sensitivity to corporate interest, authentication, and trust. (Tapscott, 1998 pp. 62-69) According to Livingstone and Bober, (2005) Survey results suggest that gaps between parents and children happens in different ways: Internet expertise, awareness of risk, acknowledgement of domestic regulations in place, and in what parents believe their children are doing versus what they are actually doing. Anxieties about the safety, health and balanced use of social media can be classified in three main groups: worries about the exposition to unwanted material, online victimization and the practice of dangerous online behaviors. What activities do young people do online? With whom...
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...www.elsevier.com/locate/comphumbeh (A)Social reputation: Exploring the relationship between online video game involvement and social competence Rachel Kowert a,⇑, Julian A. Oldmeadow b a b Institut für Kommunikationswissenschaft, University of Münster, Münster 48143, Germany Department of Psychology, University of York, Heslington, York YO10 5DD, UK a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t Affordable and accessible Internet has changed the way video games are played, allowing individuals to connect worldwide in shared gaming spaces. On the surface participation within these environments may seem socially beneficial, as these highly social, playful spaces allow players to connect, interact with, and learn from others. However, there is a growing concern that increased participation within online gaming environments comes with a wide variety of social consequences, contributing to numerous losses in ‘offline’ sociability. While considerable research has examined these claims, consistent relationships between social competence and online video game involvement have yet to be established. The current work (N = 515) aimed to examine the extent to which online video game involvement may support, or undermine, the development and maintenance of traditional social skills. The results indicate that there are unique relationships between social skills and video game involvement within online gaming populations. However, among online video game players, these links were not...
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...purchasing is an essential function, which is used as a strategy by companies (Monczka et al. 2010). There are many reasons leading to the changes, such as increase in competition between companies, rise in technology, and growth in customers request (Lysons and Farrington 2012). These changes make the relationship with suppliers more important and therefore transparency is needed. Nevertheless, new concepts are needed which involves technology to keep a track to organize a global supply chain (Monczka et al. 2011). Supply chains are mergers from all activities, processes, and functions, which involve all the suppliers to support organizations or companies to deliver the products and services that customers or consumers needed (Business Dictionary). As a function, purchasing took part in the process of supply chain and all the internal organizations that related with supply chain, such as engineering, manufacturing, marketing, finance, information technology, logistics, and legal. Firstly, engineering, purchasing can help the engineering to reduce the defect. For example, in one global electronic manufacturing company, the purchaser made a standard, which was right dimension and good quality for every pallet that the supplier would send. This had a good impact and the defects and damage of the shipping was declined. Second, purchasing helps manufacturing to choose the right supplier, and to provide an extra supplier to avoid delay process in manufacturing, which can lead to a big loss...
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...Four 8 4. Customer relationship. 8 4.1 Loyalty/retention 9 4.2 CRM (Customer relationship management) 12 4.3 The 30 R’s of relationship marketing. (Green-relationship and E-relationship) 13 4.31 Green-relationship (CSR) 13 4.32 E-relationship 15 Chapter Five 15 5. External relationship 15 5.1 Stakeholders 17 5.11 Customers. 17 5.12 Community. 17 Chapter Six 18 6. Internal relationship (Employees). 18 Chapter Seven 20 7.Supply chain (supply chain management) 20 Chapter Eight 21 8. Conclusion and recommendation. 21 Reference GUMMESSON, Evert (2002). Total Relationship Marketing. 2nd ed. Butterworth-Heinemann TESCOPLC. com (2011). Our history. [online]. Last accessed 2011 December 23 at: http://www.tescoplc.com/about-tesco/our-history/ VELOUTSOU, Cleopatra. et al. (2002). Relationship marketing: what if? European Journal of Marketing, 36(4), 433-449. PAYNE, Christopher, and BALLANTYNE (1991). Relationship Marketing: Bringing Quality, Customer Service and Marketing Together, Oxford, Butterworth Heinemann. THIS IS STAFFORDSHIRE.COM (2010). Government rejects Tesco plans to expand store. [online]. Last accessed 1 January 2012 at: http://www.thisisstaffordshire.co.uk/Tesco-facelift-plan-scrap-heap/story-12477119-detail/story.html PHILLIPS, Simon (2011). Why retailer Tesco bought a social media company. [online]. Last accessed 1 January 2012 at: http://www.freshnetworks.com/blog/2011/05/why-retailer-tesco-bought-a-social-media-company/ ...
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...Social Networking Jessica Ward INF 103 Computer Literacy Berthenia Williams October 12, 2015 Social Networking When I think about social media, Facebook and Twitter come to my mind. Everywhere you go, someone is talking about updating their status or sending out a tweet. Social networking is a great way to keep in contact with long lost family and friends. In my opinion, social networking sites are beneficial because on one hand, it helps you stay in contact with family and friends, but it also helps to promote local businesses. Some ways I think Facebook can be very detrimental. In today's world, social media causes cyber bullying which in turn causes teens to take their own life. Social media has also been known to cause divorces as well as lifetime friendships ending, as well as people getting murdered. What is Facebook? Facebook is a social media site where you can update your status, share photos, locate old friends, and join groups where other people share the same interests. (Vander Veer, 2008). Facebook has been around since 2004. Facebook is not 100% private. Posts are visible to your friends list, so people need to be aware of what is posted. There really isn't a such thing as privacy in Facebook land. Facebook has competitors. The biggest one is Google, whose social networking site is called Google+. Google+ is similar to Facebook, but a huge difference is on Google+, you are more at risk to meet people in other countries than yours.(Bowles, 2013)...
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