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The Reasons for and Solutions to the Bribery Issues Among Chinese Companies


Submitted By elsa930225
Words 4256
Pages 18
The Reasons for and Solutions to the Bribery Issues among Chinese Companies

In September 2013, a former Politburo member, Xilai Bo, was sentenced to life imprisonment for embezzlement, bribery and abuse of power. With millions of dollars of bribery money, this Chinese communist leader got the punishment of spending the rest of his life in prison, and also brought influential stress and trust problem in China (The Economist, 2013). This incidence also have drawn international’s attention, with such negative reputation a question mark has been put on China’s trust worship, consequently is also weakening of China’s international position and power. Corruption has always been a worldwide focus, with bribery one of the leading problems existing in the contemporary world. Bribery is legally defined as “The offering, giving, receiving of something of value for the purpose of influencing the action of an official in the discharge of his or her public or legal duties” (U.S Office Of Government Ethics). Bribery in deed has helped tons of people achieve their goals in almost every aspect of people’s life: Kids can be permitted to good schools; companies can get privileges in trades; unqualified candidates can be selected for competitive positions. Bribery has brought the society unfairness, and cause disorder in socials reflecting in wealth gap and power distances. The uprising country China, specifically, is one of the world’s leading highly corrupted country. Not only within nation boarders, bribery also happens in the international trade. Many major international trade organizations (WTO, GATT) has been trying to relieve this problem by setting up universal agreements and regulations, but the issue just keep going and rarely get stopped.
Since the bribery phenomenon has cause so many drawbacks to world economy, there is definitely a pressing need to make a change. After

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