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The Recession & Consumer Behavior


Submitted By sala212
Words 2733
Pages 11
“For the past 15 years, the consumer’s story has been a remarkably happy one in most markets, a tale of low inflation, high employment levels, rising income and, importantly, the unflagging desire of consumers to consume” (Accenture, 2009: 3).

But since approximately 18 months the world economy is really struggling and resides in a severe recession which means according to the NBER (National Bureau of Economic Research) a “significant decline in economic activity lasting more than a few months” (, 2009).

But how has this global economic crisis actually happened, how has it affected particularly people’s consumer behaviour of products and services and what will be going on in the future?

The worldwide financial fiasco has occurred in a kind of domino effect and has its origin the US mortgage market. The turning point was, as the so called sub-prime loans lenders default their mortgages, banks could not sell the over taken houses anymore because none wants them and the real estate supply became much higher than the actual demand. As a result housing prices have tumbled down dramatically. Finally the financial bubble burst as banks, investors and lenders stopped buying their collateralized debt obligations from one another and the whole financial system was frozen. Since that time a lot of banks, companies and private households have gone bankrupt. To tackle the crisis financial institutions like the central bank have tried to boost the economy in cooperation with the governments through lowering the interest rate to almost zero. But there are two sides of the medal – while people on mortgages benefit from this, it is very bad for people with savings and especially pensioners who rely on the interest addition-ally to their pension.
Furthermore there has a prevailing lending aversion occurred which means the dramatic reduction in all

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