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The Ripper: A Short Story

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On the 1st of December, it poured.
Curtains of rain were drawn around the bus as it fell heavily, flinging sharp needles in its wake upon the slick ground, before pattering down the sides of the window panes as if they were droplets racing to see who would dissipate first. Outside, ripples were forming on the ground as the bus rolled on by. Some were big circles resembling the spirals of oversized lollipops and some were as small as the size of my palm as they undulated, a pretty sight of monotony. I glanced towards the passing ripples before looking back to my book as I caught myself. With the much-dreaded exams just a few days away, I just had not got the time to lose.
A few minutes later, I glanced up again, checking whether I had missed …show more content…
He was walking really fast and was already almost a level above me. I hurried my pace as well. After all, I had already wasted so much effort to pass him the keys. However, he was not out of breath at all and was always ahead of me. Whenever I thought I would finally triumph above and see past his spotless white sneakers, he would fasten his pace and leave me behind in his tracks. Right as I was at his feet, I would turn the corner and he would already be at the top of the next flight of stairs. But I still persevered and could feel myself nearing the end of my limits as my pace slowed and my feet weighed down like wet concrete.
The person continued his stroll up the stairs brisk as ever.
Fortunately, our little game of cat and mouse had finally concluded as he slowed down at the entrance of the roof-top and pushed open the doors before slipping through. I stepped forward and caught them before they could close in on me. I nudged them. They creaked from the force and the rain, now lesser, caressed my face as they fell down loosely from the sky like wet silk. I looked around and squinted into the darkness.
He was a foot away from

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