Premium Essay

The Role Of Catholistic Ideas In Genesis

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Pages 7
Knowledge is power. What does this mean? How would knowledge grant power? Whenever information is presented to us, our brains goes through a procedure on how to take in such information. Our backgrounds, cultures, experiences, and biases are all touched upon when absorbing new ideas. The most important thing is to be educated in every aspect in order to judge things presented to us from an objective view. Throughout the course of Core, a plethora of topics were presented by people of different backgrounds, various cultures, and most distinctively, contrasting perspectives. By doing so, an array of information driven by diversity and variation backed by analysis and detail helps students view the world around them with a new lens. Of the many …show more content…
The first book of the Bible, Genesis, stands as the foundation for the rest of the book. In Genesis, the omnipotence of God is established with the notion that He created everything we see, know, and do not know by uttering a few words. Genesis 1 depicts the seven days its protagonist, known as the almighty God, took to create the universe. In the beginning there was darkness. The heaven and Earth along with light was created on the first day. Genesis 1 tells us of the origin of the universe and how living organisms were created. Genesis 2 states that man was “formed of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul. (King James Version, Genesis 2.7)." Since the other creatures had their gender counterparts to mate and Adam did not, God created woman out of one of Adam’s ribs. These three chapters in the first book, Genesis, alone were able to answer the vast majority of civilization’s curiosity in knowing how the universe and life itself came to be. The world before the ideas of astronomers such as Galileo and Newton or the scientific revolutions they were part of and influenced had not been introduced observable evidence in support of another theory for the origins of life, and this played a key factor in why the theories provided by Genesis were able to be widely accepted in such a successful manner. However, although many of the scriptures’ depictions were real life events, the evidence behind the causes for each event is inefficient in contrast to ideas based on science. The world at this time did not have the tools nor the creative minds to have progressed into an era of science and certainty. This time in human history serves as an example to when knowledge was at it primal stages which allowed an idea as ludacris in that women was formed by a rib of man was able to have seen the light of day.

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