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Why I Chose To Go To College

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I’ve always dreamed of going to college and I was able to achieve that dream. I’m on the Board of Trustees Legacy Scholarship at Prince George’s Community College (PGCC), a scholarship that pays full tuition and fees for four semesters, and I’m also a part of the Transfer Student Alliance with the University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC). I currently have a 3.643 cumulative GPA and I’m in good academic standing despite taking seventeen credits. I participate in the community as a Student Ambassador and my peers and instructors regard me as being friendly and hard-working. But this is still not enough for me. I am attending college by attending Prince George’s Community College but all I feel is restlessness. I feel as if there is always …show more content…
Transferring to the University of Maryland, Baltimore County will give me more opportunities, the college experience that I am looking for, and it will allow me to accomplish my goal of obtaining a Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science or Computer Information Systems. Prince George’s Community College has many resources and services for its students. It has connections both inside and outside Prince George’s County. However, there are some things that only a university can offer. Universities in general, encompass a larger network and have a larger amount of resources. UMBC will be able to provide me with opportunities that I would not have with PGCC. UMBC is well-known for having many co-op and internship opportunities in Maryland and all over the country. UMBC will also broaden my college experience as well as expand my knowledge base. Though PGCC has numerous clubs and organizations, it simply cannot provide the same type of experience that UMBC can. I want the experiences of living on-campus, studying with friends in the giant Albin O. Kuhn Library, watching games on the Quad, attending homecoming, and everything else that college life

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