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Rationalizing Epidemics Case Study

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When healthcare providers are providing care for American Indian or Native American populations, there can be frustrations not only for the healthcare providers because they do not fully understand how to give proper care to the population, but also frustration amongst the AI population because they are unable to get the care that they need for their community to be safe and healthy. This has been a trend throughout the two parties’ relationship. One example of this was in the book Rationalizing Epidemics where David Jones discussed how the U.S. government forced the American Indian population to transition from their tradition nomadic way of living to the Americanized settled lifestyle. This is what ultimately began the health struggles of …show more content…
Even when the Bureau of Indian Affairs did gain funding for healthcare through the Snyder Act [3], it was difficult to implement because the NA population liked to think of health as something that integrated both medicine and religion, when healthcare providers were only looking at it from a medicinal standpoint. When antibiotics were created to treat infections and were still pretty new, doctors saw the tribes as a great resource for testing of these new medications because they were unsure of how effective they were at treating tuberculosis. [1] This is where I find major ethical problems because if I were a member of that population, I would not be happy about being a test subject essentially. I would want to get care that any other American citizen would receive. The testing should not be done on people who are currently suffering and need actual help. Fortunately, the antibiotics did help, but I would consider this whole experience that the two parties had as something that could be seen as negative considering the circumstances of them being test …show more content…
In the article American Indian Health Policy: Historical Trends and Contemporary Issues, Donald Warne and Linda Frizzell outline many of these policies and what they did for the American Indians. One act that was extremely helpful that was mentioned was the Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act. Under this act, the tribes were able to gain management of the Bureau of Indian Affairs and the Indian Health Services. This gave them more power to decide where spending should actually be allocated and the tribe was able to assume all responsibilities that were held by the IHS. The Indian Health Care Improvement Act followed shortly after and gave the tribes access to billing Medicare and Medicaid, which has improved their access to health care. [3] This is an extreme improvement compared to where the government and the AI population began. The recent implementation of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), more AI individuals should have access to Medicaid because approximately 20% of their population falls below the poverty line. While this may improve some access that individuals have to care, it doesn’t cover preventative measures that could decrease live threatening conditions like colon cancer, which is extremely prevalent in the AI population.

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