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Functionalist Perspective Analysis

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Functionalist perspective interpretes society as an interconnected social net, that works to drive society toward a balanced state. Often, institutions and society contribute to the well being and stability of everything. Each part of society plays a vital role as a result of being whole, a single player cannot function alone. “Parts of society” can rage from institutions such as the government, family, education, religion, and media. An institution, like the government, provides free education to its people. People utilize education to gain jobs and make a living. In turn, this money is returned back when people pay taxes. Then those taxes get spent back into education. This loop is an example of how society depends on each other to help sustain …show more content…
For example, immigrants such as those from Mexico thrive to work hard. Many undocumented mexicans have low paying or harsh work environments due to being in the country illegally. Usually these people work under the table, work in fields, low skilled jobs, or private homes. Immigrants hold a majority of undesired and unpleasant jobs other people will not work for. According to the theory, hard work needs to be done even if its unpleasant or if it's done by those minorities so that in the end it’ll still result in helping society. Another example, sweatshops all around the world, which many asian children (not in U.S) or even people in the U.S work at. In the book, page 219 there is a sweatshop example where people work in harsh and unfair conditions yet go unnoticed and serve as prime examples of inequality. According to the theory, if we didn't have this type of labor, Americans wouldn't have access to the products they need at an affordable price. Critiques of this theory often bring up the negative implications this message pushes forward, as it fails to address becoming active in changing some of these social …show more content…
There is endless competition for social status, wealth, and resources among two types of groups: minorities and those that dominate. For example people who are born in poor neighborhoods and that are african american most likely will stay in that environment. Reasons for being include, government’s lack of education funding, lack of cost effective decision making, nor the right connections to breach the wealth gap. Its often observed that communities as such turn to violence and shady means of making money, thus, always being in constant struggle. “Fifty-three percent of people in prison earned less than $10,000 per year before incarceration”, ("The Economic Costs of Childhood Poverty in the United States," The Journal of Children and Poverty March 2008). Groups that are born in a wealthier environment will thrive and succeed, consequently, become the dominant power. Majority of these dominant groups tend to be caucasian. Born with more money, allows an individual to purchase a better education, basic needs, and even have access to a wealthy network. This dynamic is kept by wealthier groups lobbying the government. As discussed in class lectures, lobbying plays a significant role when keeping wealthier people in power while ensuring they achieve high government roles with all the amount of money that goes into funding or advertisements and

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