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Why Attend A Service Academy

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In 300 words or less, please state why do you desire to attend a US Service Academy. You should state the academy(s) you wish to attend.
My goal is to attend the U.S. Naval Academy as a first choice, with the U.S. Military academy as my second choice and the U.S. Air Force Academy as my third choice. Both my parents were career naval officers, my grandfather was a reserve naval officer, and I would be honored to continue that legacy. The United States exemplifies my core values and beliefs. In my eyes I do not see a greater was to serve one’s country than to protect it from aggressors. I believe that I would best complete that service through an officer role which comes with the responsibility of leadership. Throughout my life I have done …show more content…
Service Academies were valued at $400,000. I have also spent a great deal of time talking to current midshipmen, cadets, and graduates from the academies. I received the same answer from all of them - that the relationships, experiences, and opportunities they received were not able to be found at any other institution. It is important for me to serve so I can repay my country for just the opportunity to attend a Service Academy. For my whole life I have lived in a military town and have been able to see how the armed forces have shaped great leaders. It is important for me to serve in the armed forces so I can use my leadership experience to start a small business after serving my country so I can then provide jobs to my …show more content…
I packed my gear and left for the five hour drive to his vacations cabin where I would be able to train without distractions. It was raining on and off that day and the dark clouds made visibility poor. I ended up getting involved in an automobile accident due to the road conditions and my own poor planning and judgement. However, looking back I definitely learned valuable lessons from the experience. I learned that respecting the first responders and asking questions is critical to effectively getting through an accident. On my, court date the case was dismissed mainly because the officer who responded said I was very cooperative and respectful. I kept a level head and did not panic or act disrespectfully to my parents who were very supportive of me. Also, I learned gathering information is important. Writing down where I was located, the tow company name, and phone numbers helped me get my truck picked up and transported home without any confusion. If I had not gathered the information it would have been very difficult for my dad to find me to tow my truck home from a rural area where the tow company was located. I learned to take responsibility for fixing my own mistakes as well. I did not want my parents to have to fork over the funds to have a shop repair my truck so I decided to repair it myself. I assembled my team of friends and began to tear the mangled metal off. I

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