...Sports play a large role in the communities where the game is basically the perception of the people. The society revolves around, and lives for the sport. With NFL, many cities make a majority of their money from the football games every Sunday, as well as, the fans buying tickets to fill the seats or viewers on the television. As shown through the movie Concussion, based on a true story about Dr. Bennet Omalu finding out about the brain damage in famous National Football League players after they have unexplained deaths. For example, Mike Webster a former Pittsburgh Steeler and Hall of Fame player died at the age of 50 (Litsky, 2002). Litsky (2002) included a quote from Webster’s emotional speech from his Hall of Fame induction into the article, “You only fail if you don't finish the game, “he said. “If you finish, you won. You have to measure by what you started out with, by what...
Words: 532 - Pages: 3
...future of professional sports and the potential for long-term injury. This is especially true when looking at traumatic brain injuries in professional athletes. Health care professionals are facing conflicting obligations in working for professional organizations and athletes. They have the ethical dilemma of whether to try to get the athlete back onto the field as quickly as possible, as long as they are healthy. That being said, with concussions and the recent findings on CTE, the long-term effects of such injuries could be damaging. Thus, it creates a complex dilemma for leagues and health care professionals on how to avoid this issue. This is especially rampant in the NFL. Although there have been some changes in concussion protocol, helmet-to-helmet hits, the moving of kick-offs by five yards to reduce concussions in the league, protection of defenseless receivers, and others, players still constantly are affected by unavoidable injuries. There is a huge dilemma at play as the NFL and players are making tons of money every year. It is very difficult for athletes to retire to avoid such injuries, as the game that they play may be the only thing that they know. It may well very be their only stable source of income as...
Words: 655 - Pages: 3
...Everybody has seen or played sports once in your life, you could have even gotten injured from high impact sports. Maybe even a serious injury like a concussion. From reading the article “Hard Knocks” it really helps you understand about how sports are very dangerous, especially football. High impact sports have caused many long term health effects like concussions and CTE. First of all is how high impact sports has caused concussions. “Concern over concussions has filtered down from the NFL to colleges, high schools, and youth leagues…”(pg.15). This quote shows that now all ages are getting concussions which is not good because it could affect the in the long run. “A typical high school football player receives about 650 hits to the head...
Words: 257 - Pages: 2
...Saunders 1 Deja Saunders Ms. Overby ENG 111 MJT04 December 3, 2014 Concussion Management Process Over the years, there have been many increases in sports concussions. This article on Sport Concussion, 2010 states that on average 3-5% of all sports and recreational injures are head injuries. They also say that patients younger than 20 are more likely to suffer a sport relate head injury. Concussions are becoming better recognized in sports injuries. Successful management of concussions in sports is essential to reduce long-term harmful outcomes (Aubry 6-11, Giola 14). This paper will focus on effective steps in a concussion management system and organizational commitment for youth sports. There are three goals that are considered in concussion management. The first goal is to safeguard the student athlete; brain injuries are the highest attention level. The second goal is to expedite recovery to sports and normal activities and the third goal is to decrease the athletic program’s risk and accountability. To address the need to establish operative concussion management in sports, ten systematic steps and commitments will be discussed (Lovell, Giola 14). Saunders 2 The first step relates to pre-injury knowledge and preparation. This is a basic understanding of the injury, its evaluation and treatment. The second step addresses...
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...Concussions have been an increasingly controversial topic for many years with both reports on an increase of concussions to more awareness towards the issue, how both effects can happen at the same time is a puzzling mystery. The overall opinion of two medical professionals interviewed is that there is more awareness of concussions, causing more concussions to be diagnosed. From constant lawsuits and present and former athletes speaking out against sport associations, concussions are clearly having a large impact on society. According to Tria Physical Therapist Carly Mattson PT, DPT, OCS, a concussion is either caused by an injury or impact to the head or neck. Although once believed that concussions always caused unconsciousness, that is not always the case. “A...
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...It is predicted that sportsmen who are diagnosed with concussion more than once will be exposed to long term effects of concussion, such as decreased activity in the primary motor cortex resulting in a slower reaction time. Introduction: The brain is an organ that serves as the centre of the nervous system in all humans. The brain is located in the head, encased in a skull usually close to the sensory organs for senses such as vision. The brain is the most complex organ in the body of most living organisms. In a human, the cerebral cortex contains approximately 15–33 billion neurons, each connected by synapses to several thousand other neurons. These neurons allow the brain to send messages throughout the body actions such as movement. Structures...
Words: 1364 - Pages: 6
...Concussion Awareness Among Athletes The packed stadium all holds their breath. Everyone except the player who is about to catch the ball sees what is going to happen. Then just like that it happens, the loud collision of two bodies slamming into each other, helmet to helmet. The player who just tried to catch the ball drops it on impact and now lays motionless on the field. He gets up with help and walks slowly off to his sideline. This athlete has just suffered what professionals in the medical field call a concussion. This article will be taking a deeper look into what happens to a players brain during a concussion, signs of a concussion, and what rising athletes can do to prevent these concussions. Concussions have been an ongoing controversy as of late in the world of sports and it comes with good reason. Though concussions are most prevalent in football, they are common across the entire sports spectrum. A concussion occurs when the head is hit directly or indirectly, causing a chemical disturbance within the brain that can have immediate consequences. An estimated 1.6 to 3.8 million concussions occur each year (CDC 2012). The numbers will always be very broad when it comes to concussions because so many athletes refuse to take themselves out of their games and a majority of the time they neglect to report any concussion symptoms to a trainer or coach. Lets take a look at some of the factors that contribute to athletes neglecting their concussions. A university study...
Words: 1253 - Pages: 6
...Concussions in Athletes Concussions in Athletes Introduction Athletes are faced with a number of health issues including injuries that could require surgery. It is also important to note that there are a number of athletes who have died while participating in sports. Sadly, most athletes do not report these problems in time albeit they are aware of the symptoms that accompany such sport-related health problems. Concussion is one such health problem that is affecting athletes, especially high school students. It has been reported that most of athletes tend to avoid reporting symptoms of concussion in order to avoid being sidelined from playing (Diagnosing and Treating Sports-Related Concussion, 2014). In the United States, it is estimated that up to 3.8 million athletes suffer from concussions linked to high impact sports (Diagnosing and Treating Sports-Related Concussion, 2014). There is, however, a feeling that the figure is under-estimated in the sense that most athletes as well as their coaches are not conversant with the symptoms of this particular health issue. Therefore, concussions in athletes are a serious health issue which should be addressed immediately. There is need to inform athletes and all stakeholders in the sport industry on the symptoms of concussions as well as their capability to be fatal in order to help athletes seek treatment to avoid repetitive concussions which would lead to deaths. The purpose of this paper is to inform the reader, especially...
Words: 2830 - Pages: 12
...This essay will argue that sports teams from high school to the NFL need to focus more on the dangers of concussion sin football. In sports everyone who commits to playing for an organized team knows that there is a large risk involved by the time you are stepping onto the field, Court or Ice Rink. One of the most common sports that athletes are being injured in is the sport of football. Every one knows the dangers of the the full contact sport because it is so widely commercialized in for all ages. From High School all the way to the NFL football is a big deal but what about the injury's that come along with playing this violent game. Concussions are one of the most common injures that occur out of the football field and it has...
Words: 2094 - Pages: 9
... The Debate on Fighting in Hockey There is no sporting event that brings an explosion quite like that of an ice hockey fight. Ice hockey has always been stereotyped as brutal and unnecessarily violent, a game full of players who are nothing but “goons”. Fighting in hockey is a form of sanctioned violence, as it has deemed acceptable in hockey since the introduction of the National Hockey League in 1917. The league did note even penalize it until the 1922 NHL season (Brandon 2013). A recent political uproar has taken place within the hockey world as more people are pushing to have fighting completely removed from the game. As a hockey player for over 25 years, I have been through every situation where fighting has occurred within the sport. Being an avid fan, I have noticed a recent uproar on this topic within the last decade. Despite the outcry against fighting in the NHL the league needs to maintain its current stance on fighting. As hockey continues to grow in North America and around the world, more people are being exposed to the game. This has caused many debates on this topic, and if it’s really needed in today’s game. Fighting in hockey is a big part of North American hockey, yet is banned in world events like the Olympics and other world hockey tournaments. Raising the debate, should fighting be banned in all of hockey? For those who are not avid hockey fans, the stereotype is generally that hockey players fight each other for fun. There is a saying “I went to a...
Words: 1455 - Pages: 6
...Running head: CONCUSSIONS IN SPORTS 1 Concussions In Sports Robert Hayes DeVry University CONCUSSIONS IN SPORTS 2 In todays society the sporting world plays some kind of role in all of our lives whether we realize it or not. Some of us may say that “I never watch sports” or “I’m not really a fan of sports,” could be true. One thing I can guarantee is that you have a family member, neighbor, friend, or co-worker that has some kind of affiliation with sports, it could be the clothing that we wear or that some else is wearing, maybe the accessories you see people wearing when you go out, or just could be a commercial you have seen on television. Wherever you are in the United States I can guarantee that you have some kind of affiliation with some kind of sport. As of the year 2013 studies show that “sixty percent of our children between the ages of five years of age and eighteen years of age play some kind of sport outside of school activities”, and if you think about how much sixty percent of our child population in the United States is, that is a lot of kids. Now think about how many of those parents think about there children having the potential for a brain traumatic injury, I would guess that statistic is probably quite a bit lower than ten percent, no study to my knowledge has been done for this. So I am writing this paper to make parents aware of what is currently...
Words: 1528 - Pages: 7
...FSU Winner Florida State’s Caitlin Quinn has been named the NSCA’s Assistant Strength Coach of the Year. http://www.seminoles.com/sports/w-softbl/spec-rel/112613aaa.html Critical Condition A California high school football player is in critical condition after suffering neck and spinal cord injuries during a game. http://www.pe.com/local-news/riverside-county/corona/corona-headlines-index/20131124-santiago-football-player-remains-in-critical-condition.ece State Total More than 4,400 middle and high school student-athletes in Massachusetts suffered head injuries last year, according to reports filed by the schools. http://www.bostonglobe.com/metro/2013/11/25/mass-schools-report-head-injuries-among-athletes-compliance-with-concussion-law-rises/njPFK6a92knIhcvY9UGxdN/story.html Refueling Product A new product can allegedly help athletes refuel during competition by providing precise carb and electrolyte recommendations based on a quick analysis of their sweat. http://www.prweb.com/releases/FuelstripMMA/UFCBellator/prweb11284260.htm Vegan Praise Several top athletes credit veganism with playing a key role in their success. http://www.news.com.au/lifestyle/health/elite-athletes-reveal-the-vegan-diet-secret-behind-their-success/story-fneuzkvr-1226768537898 Baseline Challenges Three new studies of baseline testing highlight the difficult of accurately assessing an athlete’s true baseline ability. http://www.momsteam.com/studies-show-pitfalls-in-baseline-neurocognitive-testing ...
Words: 14366 - Pages: 58
...Concussion “Concussion is the sudden but short-lived loss of mental function that occurs after a blow or other injury to the head. It is the most common but least serious type of brain injury.” (NHS UK, 2014) A concussion can occur when something/someone comes in contact with the head leading the brain to hit off the skull with force. People who regularly play competitive team sports such as American football and rugby have a higher risk of concussion as it is a full contact sport. The physiological response with concussion include headaches often described as similar to migraines in that they cause a throbbing pain on one side or the front of the head. The person may also feel dizzy, sick and fatigue along with having sensitivity to loud...
Words: 1795 - Pages: 8
...Alec Arnold CMST 210 Advocacy Speech Ever since I was a kid, sports has always played an important role in my life. Growing up, wrestling and football was my life; everything I did, everyone I met, and why I am who I am was helped shaped by the sports practiced throughout the years. My knowledge of concussions was very slim growing up until I was in 6th grade. Years before I had never heard of what a concussion is and what kind of tolls it has on a person. In 6th grade, a concussion became aware to me. It was a mild day at practice and we were participating a hitting drill on our other teammates. I remember my dad, who was the coach at .the time, saying “you got to be tough, so lower your head when you hit and don’t be afraid!”. So, me being me, I lowered my head and sure enough I got a concussion. At this point in time, I was so young that I didn’t know what that really was so I didn’t worry about it so much. One year later, I got the horrific news that a kid I used to wrestle with in practice killed himself because he had a concussion. It caused him to be confused about his life that he decided it wasn’t worth living. Again, I was a little young and I didn’t know him that well to realize how serious the concussions really were so I never really thought about them and basically forgot about it after a couple of weeks. But… (long pause), one year later, that’s when it all changed. I remember this day like it was yesterday. One weekend in December, we had a wrestling...
Words: 1083 - Pages: 5
...leagues ranging from pee-wee to the National Football League (NFL), the athleticism and size of the players are at an all-time high and continues to increase each season. However, such increases in athleticism have highlighted the greatest flaw in modern football: the iconic football helmet has become the single most destructive weapon in sports. Helmets have become the heads of missiles that launch through the air and crush into opponents’ skulls, leaving players with closed head injuries as a result of multiple concussions. The football helmet found its roots with the leatherheads; however the false sense of security and protection the helmet provides has led to the worst injuries the sports industry has ever seen. The multiple hits to the head can and will eventually lead a player to the emergency room with a concussion if players are not properly equipped with the appropriate safety gear. Football has become America’s sport and thus, many high school students are participating in the sport. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) more than 7.2 million high school students participate in football each year (Sport Related Injuries). With the increase in number of players, the...
Words: 1724 - Pages: 7