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The Role of Corporations


Submitted By RHIMMONS
Words 1057
Pages 5
The Role of Corporations
SOC 120: Introduction to Ethics and Social Responsibility
December 1, 2008

The Role of Corporations

The recent financial crises on Wall Street command a need for higher ethical standard in business. The behavior displayed by corporate heads has caused society, as well as other business to doubt the ability of these corporations to do the right thing. Because of the day-to-day demand of organizational performance not much attention is made to address unethical corporate behavior. Although current events in the business world have drawn our attention to the wrong doings, it there was more focus the process by which corporations meet the challenges of ethical behavior it may promote the practice of higher ethical standards within the world of business. In the past, corporations had little concern for non-economic ventures. The concern for political and social environments was next to none until they became concerns of society. When corporations decided to turn their attentions to the issues that concerned society the most, such as energy and natural resources, pollution control, equal opportunity, and consumer and worker protection there was much debate as to how these businesses should respond to these issues (Bateman & Snell, 2003). These debates resulted in the concept of corporate social responsibility (CSR) which was issued in 1971 by The Committee for Economic Development, stressed the social role of business as a vital instrument for social progress in a pluralistic society (Adam & Shavit, 2008). According to (Bateman & Snell, 2003), corporate social responsibility is the obligation toward society assumed by business, which can be categorized four ways: economic, legal, ethical, and voluntary. The economic responsibility of corporations is to produce goods and services that society wants at a price that is

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