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The Secret Life Of Bees Book Report

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The Secret Life of Bees is a book written by Sue Monk Kidd, the book takes place in a small town called Sylvan, in South Carolina. A 14-year-old girl named Lily Owens is living with her abusive father T Ray, when she is also living with the fact that her mother is dead, and that she has nobody except her “stand-in mother” Rosaleen. When one day Rosaleen decides to register for voting, since she is black she has a hard time doing so. She insults 3 racists on her way. She and Lily are then thrown in jail, Lily is bailed out when she then goes back home finding herself running away from her father. She ends up in another small town called Tiburon, looking for clues to her mother's past life, trying to learn who her mother really was. She stays

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