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The Stigma Of Teenage Pregnancy In The United States

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Teenage pregnancy in the United States is heavily stigmatized, and it is often treated as if teenagers only get pregnant solely because they are unintelligent or impulsive, even though it is typically caused by a lack of education. Teenagers who become pregnant have to endure the same hardships, trials, and tribulations as adult women who willingly make the choice to become pregnant, all while feeling the shame, embarrassment, and isolation that comes with the stigma of teenage pregnancy. Although there are countless consequences and hardships that come along with teenages pregnancy, the financial burden is the most difficult for the majority of families to deal with, considering teenage pregnancy rates are highest in low income areas. Coming …show more content…
Prenatal care primarily includes the regular checkups that are necessary in order to ensure that a baby is developing properly. The cost for all nine months of doctor's visits totals to anywhere between $0-4500. If the teenager has a family history of genetic disorders, she may request Chorionic Villus Sampling or amniocentesis, which can cost up to $1300 and $2800 respectively. Delivery costs worsen the situation, as a vaginal delivery and c-section on average costs about $9600 and $15800 respectively. However, most mothers do not realize how expensive it is to have a child until the baby’s first year of life. A newborn baby requires diapers, clothing, a crib, doctor visits, toys, formula, and food, as well as other necessities, which ends up totalling to about another $12000, with parents spending over $2500 for diapers …show more content…
Most parents want to be supportive of their daughters, even if they yell at first or are frustrated and angry. There is a social stigma surrounding teen pregnancy, and many believe that only girls who are unintelligent, uncultured, or have “loose morals” become pregnant. Consequently, many girls who become pregnant are bullied and ridiculed by their peers, or even family. Friends and family may be distant or unsupportive. The pregnancy can be very emotionally difficult for a young girl, as raising a child requires a great deal of emotional maturity, even with support from friends and family. Teenage mothers must raise a child that they were not prepared for, often without very much support from the father, parents, or

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