...A Life of a Teenager I would of never thought that my early childhood into late childhood be the way that it was and me turning out to be Ok. I made many dreams of going to school to make something of myself, like being a model and a lawyer, but the way we plan our future doesn’t always work that way. In this paper I will tell you a little more about myself and how I became the strong women I am today. My life growing up was a tough path to travel. Learning and developing adulthood in my childhood was very tough. Although I think of my family as a little dysfunctional I do remember some good times. I remember when I was in the 4th grade (about 9 years old) we lived in West Virginia about 20 min from my grandparents. Every weekend we would go there to have lunch or just to see if my grandparents would need us to do anything for them. On Sunday’s we would all go to church with them, my grandparent are faithful church goers, after church we would meet at my grandparents house to fix a big lunch. Some friends of the family would join us; the kids would play in the yard. I can remember many of the weekends, I would stay to help them, mainly because I didn’t want to home. I remember, one summer we all help build an apartment over their garage for my great grandmother, because she no longer could live by herself. My parents, I mean my mother and step father, was there that weekend to help with the apartment. Around this time in my...
Words: 2686 - Pages: 11
...positively. I love my friends, and they do love me. But my entire life changed when I entered thiscritical stage in life where everything should be systematic. A new chapter in life where everything calls for desperate measures. Everyone, we’re now leaving Kiddieville, so fasten your seatbelts, and away we go the TeenTown! Teenage life is a chapter of our life where we teens should be meticulous in everything we do. In here, our body grows older, and we can’t imagine the things growing in our skins as we go through this stage in life. Have you imagined it? That aswe go through this stage, everything changes…physically, mentally, socially, and most of all, emotionally. As we go through life, we meet changes. Changes that will make our character stand above all. What you do now will lay the foundation for your state in the future. For a short period of our adolescence, we must try to make this the exciting,enjoyable, and memorable times in our life. As a teenager, we are in that enviable stage where everything is positioned to go our way. We are young, full of energy, we feel like we are invincible, totally carefree and becoming free and more independent. We will also have a thousand and one questions as we enter this new stage of life. This is the time when we actually need the guidance and support of our parents and older people. We are social creatures and the need for companionship is most pronounced among teenagers. The company we keep will have a great effect in our teenage...
Words: 504 - Pages: 3
...My Life as Teenager Teenage life is a critical days for teenagers. It is the time wherein we experience identity crisis… we were troubled of so many things around us. The physical changes that occurs commonly to a teenager… also we experience some emotions or feelings that is difficult to explain. In this stage some of the teenagers feel in love in which some find it difficult to handle. They become obsessed and others become rebellious to their parents thinking that, they’re parents could not support nor will be against with what they want. Teenage life must not be confused. Teenagers should not make the flow of his life too fast… explore it but remember there’s limits or boundaries that should be consider. Being careful with everything is more important than regretting one single wrong action done. Teenagers should take the advices of their parents or elders for these advices will help them understand their self better. It will help them become a better person. My life as a teenager is such wonderful. Though sometimes, I experienced doubts and some teenagers will say that my life is a boring one, I’m very much sure that I’m in the right track for my parents guide me always. I’ m proud of being myself… thinking and analyzing everything to make my life as teenager good as ever, no regrets but good memories to reminisce when time comes. Teenage life is the most exciting, memorable experience that one should treasure! Just enjoy...
Words: 255 - Pages: 2
...Magazine programme - 30 minutes Suggested running order - in between each item the presenter will back announce what has just taken place and introduce the next item. Guests: this example suggests 2 live guests - instead you could have other combinations eg.: - 1 live + 1 pre-recorded, or - 3 pre-recorded, or - a single live guest who speaks in both guest slots - a group of live guests who speak in both guest slots - etc Music/pre-recorded CD/MD tracks: these are essential to insert in the running order where you are changing over live guests - allow at least 4 minutes for a change over. Times (start/elapsed): don't try and count exact seconds - go to the nearest minute or 30 seconds. Version A - Live in the studio |No |Item |Duration |Time | | | | | | | | | |start |elapsed | |1. |Music track from CD |4-5 mins |00.00 |04:30 | |2. |Menu/introduction + jingle if available |20-30 seconds |04.30 |05.00 | |3. |Guest A - live in the...
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...Oriflame Serviceable Locations List - All India S No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 Location Name 24 Pargana AALO Abhayapuri Abohar Aburoad Adampur Adilabad Adityapur Adoor Agamani Agartala Agia Agra Ahmedabad Ahmednagar Ajmer Akkalkot Akluj Akola Akurdi Alagappanagar Alamganj Alangulam Alephata(Pune) Alibaug Aligarh Alipore Alipurdwar Alisinga Allahabad Alleppy Alluva Almora Althino Alwar Amalapuram Amaler Amalner Amalsad Amarpur Ambad Ambagan Ambala Ambasamudram Ambasi Fatesil Ambattur Ambejogai Ambernath Ambikapur Amerigog Amethi Amguri Amguri Haloating Amingad Amingaon Amranga Amravati Amritsar Amtala Anakapalle Anakapally Anand State West Bengal ARUNACHAL Assam Punjab Rajashtan Haryana Andhra Pradesh Jharkand Kerala Assam Tripura Assam Uttar Pradesh Gujrat Maharastra Rajashtan Maharastra Maharastra Maharastra Maharastra Tamil Nadu Assam Tamil Nadu Maharastra Maharastra Uttar Pradesh Gujrat West Bengal Assam Uttar Pradesh Kerala Kerala Uttarakhand Goa Rajashtan Andhra Pradesh Maharastra Maharastra Gujrat Tripura Maharastra Assam Haryana Tamil Nadu Assam Tamil Nadu Maharastra Maharastra Chattisgarh Assam Uttar Pradesh Assam Assam Karnataka Assam Assam Maharastra Punjab West Bengal Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Gujrat Cluster Kolkata ITANAGAR Guwahati Ludhiana Jaipur Delhi Hyderabad Ranchi Kochi Guwahati Agartala Guwahati...
Words: 14392 - Pages: 58
... Most of which was targeted at the younger generations. In the ad “Ask A Teenager About The Facts of Life” it addresses how the world around gets faster and more confusing with every day. The ad appeals effectively to the audience by using logos, pathos, and visualization. Looking at the ad, the audience will notice three things. One is how the title of the ad jumps out and pulls the audience’s attention toward the rest of the ad. It does this because the unusual statement that appears as the title. The second thing the audience will notice is the huge black and white...
Words: 792 - Pages: 4
...Life as a Native American teenager was rough. We faced many dangers and feared for our lives all the while we lived. We were forced out of our home brutality and hurriedly. The American soldiers, or brutes as we called them, treated us poor, beat us, pushed us, and some were even responsible for the deaths of our family members. Many of the dangers we faced killed off our tribe and scattered our people. Disease, famine, disloyalty, racism, favoritism, and harsh treatment were only a few of the hardships we faced along the trail of tears. The bodies of our fallen family members were left on the side of the trail like roadkill. We couldn't do anything about it but keep our heads down, push forward, and silently mourn for our fallen family members....
Words: 288 - Pages: 2
...Really Know How Parents and Teenagers Co-exist? Well I know anyone can relate to having an argument or two with their parents over the course of time but does understand how that the adolescent stage of a person’s life is this most important stage of their life. I believe personally that parents should allow their teenagers the freedom to make their own decisions because of the circumstances that will be soon to come. I am writing this essay to describe why teenagers should be able to express their rights as adults. Either the term close restriction or freedom of expression, of the young teenage mind is meant for some than the other. We are all lucky that we live in a country where freedom becomes a right and I believe that along with conducting themselves responsibly that teenagers should be able to express themselves and be able to experience the freedom they will receive in adulthood, which is expressed into greater detail in the news article “Psychologist Explains Teens’ Risky Decision-Making Behavior” from sciencedaily.com which elaborates on why teenagers have the tendencies that they have. Well as anyone can relate everyone we know in one way or another was raised differently from each other, including myself in their matter. But we all have one thing in common, we feel that at times it is wrong for a certain person to be dictate our lives as if we had no way of being responsible. Being a teenager is one of the greatest times of your life and it is meant to be lived to...
Words: 2172 - Pages: 9
...family, even older children in foster care waiting for adoption. Teenagers are less likely than young children to get fostered or adopted, because everyone wants the perfect young child. More people should foster and adopt older children and teenagers, because it positively impacts the lives of the youth, family, and society. Children in foster care go through harsh things in life and need the love and support from a foster or adoptive parent. Not only does fostering or adopting older children change their lives, but it also impacts the lives of the people parenting them. Society is positively impacted by teenagers being fostered or adopted. More people should consider fostering and adopting older children and teenagers,...
Words: 1936 - Pages: 8
...is common factor in teen drug addiction the parents may not accept or believe it but they play a crucial part in their teen’s lives in how they approach their child with family issues. A divorce can damage a teen severely depending on the age and gender”. (Temke, 2006p.2). Also abuse maybe an effect on a teenager. If a teen is being mentally, physically and sexually abused they will find ways to blame themselves for the abuse by using drugs to cover the pain. Friends who are using drugs will encourage them to try drugs to take the edge off,” saying it’s cool , you want become addicted, it helped me get through my problems.” Another is failing grades in school. Many may not see this but it’s considered to be a lack of confidence. Since parents today play a major role in their teenager education but can also add on stress from overloading their teenager with too many demands to be what they were are were not school. Some students failing grades may be also linked to undiagnosed or missed diagnosed medical or mental conditions. Many parents see failing grades as being lazy and not applying themselves. The effects of alcohol and drugs in a teenagers, life can be downright dangerous and deadly combination and with many it leads to a path of destruction if they do not seek the...
Words: 1597 - Pages: 7
...What are the benefits of Youth Clubs? Youth groups have been part of the community for decades. However many teenagers do not bother to go to the youth clubs. People are totally unaware of many benefits a youth group could have on teenagers. One of the most obvious benefits teenagers acquire from a youth club is good amount of exercise and due to the type of sports which are frequently played. Obesity has become a big issue in every society and especially England if the teenagers play sports regularly they can easily cut down the obesity rate and cholesterol as well. Also, exercise is one of the ways to lead a healthy lifestyle and become healthy. Some teenagers/children are not given the opportunity to participate in sports and regular exercise is undoubtedly one important benefit!! Another important benefit is producing good teamwork skills. Everyone needs the ability of working in a team. Many youth groups run team building games. Again, this is an important skill to learn because in future many times teenagers will need to work in teams. In sport, education or in work related situations you might need to work in teams. This also can teach you leadership skills and through this way there is a chance to make more friends. Recently, I saw in the news that many youth clubs offer training and activities based on specific skills for example; arts and crafts. Sometimes the activities given are very creative and are fun to do. Also, you can get to learn new things...
Words: 1074 - Pages: 5
...The Impact of Technologies on Teenagers An Assignment Submitted by Name of Student Name of Establishment Class XXXX, Section XXXX, Spring 2013 Nowadays, information technologies play a significant role in the modern world. Information technologies have a long history. Some technologies were created a few years ago, while some technologies are comparatively new. Technologies have penetrated all spheres of human activities: education, politics, trade, medicine, and this list can be prolonged. Television and phones are considered to be the primary technologies which appeared in the life of human beings. New technologies were produces in great amounts. Nonetheless, people used those technologies to simplify the process of fulfilling domestic duties. T. K. Derry et. al. mentioned that “domestic housing, though it followed on the whole traditional forms, made use of new materials and new techniques of mass production” (Derry et. al., 1961, p. 403). With further development of information technologies, many other technologies appeared. The main of them are the following ones: iPhones, iPads, and many others. Technologies have produced a great impact on teenagers: phones, television, Internet, and video games have many advantages and disadvantages; they are able to make people technologically informed, but they produce a negative impact on people’s health simultaneously. The invention of mobile phones has produced a great impact on people all over the world:...
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...years are the best years of one’s life.” Do you agree? “Life is 10 percent what you make it and 90 percent how you take it.” These were the words of the late Irving Berlin, one of America’s most prolific songwriters in history. Indeed, one’s perception on his or her best years of life would largely depend on how he or she regards life. In my perspective, the idea of the best years would be the years where one experiences the most happiness, where the years are filled with love and laughter, while teenage years refers to the age 13 to 19 period. To many, the teenage years are without doubt the best years of their life, however to that many number of people, there are many more out there who do not agree. In a general overview, there are many cases that supports or contradicts the statement, so let us go further into this issue and take a stand. The teenage years have often been considered as the carefree years, free of worries and responsibilities. Being carefree has also been cited as one of the reasons that made teenage years the best years of one’s life. However, to what extent is that true? In my opinion, the best indication of being carefree is stress levels. According to a survey by the American Psychological Association, American teenagers experience their highest level of stress on an average of 6.5days per month. This is considerably low compared to countries like China and Singapore, where the competitiveness resulted in teenagers experiencing high levels of stress...
Words: 1105 - Pages: 5
...Censorship for Teenagers Kathryn Criswell Western Governors University I. Censorship for Teenagers a. Is censorship dangerous to the development of our children? Censorship is a concern for parents, schools, librarians, and school administrators. Public education is vital to the future of society. Students must be allowed to develop the spirit of independent intellectual thinking and be exposed to a variety of conflicting ideas, images and viewpoints, in return giving them the knowledge to make the best choices in life (Reichman, 2001). b. Should parents censor what books their children read? Research suggests that censorship can have a negative impact on teenagers because the topics teenagers are facing today are the very ones that parents are trying to shelter them from. c. Main points: i. Censorship limits teenager’s ability to understand societal issues. ii. Censorship limits the knowledge teenagers have to make up their own minds and discuss their thoughts and opinions openly. II. According to the American Library Association, the following books are the 10 most challenged books of 2011. The graph represents the reasons why they are challenged. 1. ttyl; ttfn; l8r, g8r (series), by Lauren Myracle 2. The Color of Earth (series), by Kim Dong Hwa 3. The Hunger Games trilogy, by Suzanne Collins 4. My Mom’s Having a Baby! A Kid’s Month-by-Month Guide to Pregnancy, by Dori Hillestad...
Words: 1601 - Pages: 7
...Advantages and disadvantages of being a teenager. Autor: jusia16 Dodano: 17.02.2010, 18:47 Teenagers are young people who do not know what is important in life. Being a teenager is easier than to be an adult. I do not agree with that because I am a teenager and I know what adults think about my lifestyle and behavior. There are some advantages and disadvantages of being a teenager. I will try to confirm this thesis. The first advantage of being a teenager is that we don't have to worry about family. We do not have as many worries as adults have. Usually we live with our parents. They love us, help us and care about us. The second advantage is spending time with friends and thinking about what is the most interesting for me. Is it the time which we can decide what we want to do in the future. We can choose way for our life and it can be good or bad. Another advantage is that we live our life to the fullest. We shouldn't think about the future, we think about present. We shouldn't sit at home and watch TV, but should interest in spending our free time in different way. Teenagers are young and healthy. We don't to take tablets because we don't have the old age problems. We are strong. However, being a teenager has some disadvantages. The first disadvantage is that we sometimes do things which we don't want to. Sometimes we do more than we think. We regent this things although we know that it is too late. I think that young people spend too much time learning...
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