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'The Story Of Vladek's Struggle For Life'

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Life is a never ending routine of pain and hardship that goes on in everyone's life until they die in the end. Life is not easy and it never will be. In life, you're constantly struggling to live or struggling to get the things to live. No matter what it is you’ll always be struggling to live, but in the end after all you have struggled through, life become worth living again. At any point in a person's life, they can give up and die thus making the statement “to die is easy, but you have to struggle for life” true.
Dying is the only thing that is easy about life. When you think you have life figured out; you get hit with another problem that causes you to struggle again, but that willingness to overcome that struggle to continue to live is what makes people great, just like in The Story of Anne Frank. She could have given up and turned herself into the Nazi’s, but she decided to fight and struggle through the pain of living in confined spaces to survive as long as she did. Although death was her ultimate fate, she didn’t give p she struggled even though death was easy option. …show more content…
They were hiding out in another bunker hoping not to get caught. She had lost her only son, her luxurious life, and almost all of her family fortune. She had no idea where her whole family was. She had completely given up on life. Anja thought her life had no purpose but she was wrong. The Holocaust was probably her first real challenge in life because she grew up in a wealthy household where everything was handed to her. She did not understand that everyone goes through struggles, some more serious than others. If only she knew that struggles were something that everyone has to go through maybe she wouldn’t have been so down on herself and commit suicide. Getting over the struggles is what keeps you

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