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The Symbol Of Pink Ribbons In Hawthorne's Young Goodman Brown

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The symbol of pink ribbons in Young Goodman Brown supports the theme of loss of innocence. The pink ribbons worn by Faith represents innocence. At the beginning, Hawthorne states that Brown’s wife, Faith is “aptly named” (Young Goodman Brown, 55), she is connected to his beliefs and truths. The ribbons are pink, an archetype for innocence, and the wind “plays with” her ribbons, further enforcing the idea of child-like innocence in using the word “play”, a word usually associated with children. Once he is fairly far into the forest and his journey, Brown sees her pink ribbons “caught on the branch of a tree”. The loss of his innocence and the loss of Faith’s pink ribbons are directly related. Fearing for her, he cries “my Faith is gone!” representing

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