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Emily Bazelson

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Feature stories as a major element in the journalism world. Writers put together long form pieces that capture attention and acclaim when properly formatted and developed. Emily Bazelon wrote an interesting piece for The New York Times on the decriminalization of prostitution and its development as a feminist issue. The lead is delayed in this piece. Bazelon sets the stage for the topic in the first paragraph, but doesn’t jump get into the actual conversation until paragraph number two. This is a delayed use of the lead, which is common when writing a feature story. These pieces are not meant to inform the reader of current affairs or news breaks. Instead, these types of pieces are put together to dive deep into a conversation that has multiple angles and points of view. By the time the second paragraph starts the author is further into the topic and has directly stated the point of the piece. The background of this piece is wrapped up in the conversation as to whether or not the sex industry should be considered a form of empowerment or if it should remain a criminal action. This is a long-standing debate that some individuals feel really passionate about, which makes this a compelling …show more content…
When Bazelon first brings up the inclusion of human rights activists and the illegal slave trade, this marks the second strong transition that is written into this piece as it breaks from an individual’s story into the topic of how the illegal sex trade has impacted their life. Bazelon eventually turns the conversation to the feminist groups who believe in taking back the idea of prostitution and the sex trade as a form of empowerment. Bazelon makes this transition very well and doesn’t lose the writer in any sense or form at this point. In fact, she ties it into the conversation very well and makes the point that these individuals do not have a completely “wrong” view of the

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Emily Elizabeth Dickinson was born in Amherst, Massachusetts, on December 10, 1830 to Edward and Emily (Norcross) Dickinson...

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Emily Dickinson: Originality, Economy of Expression, Unusual Imagery.

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