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The Tides: A Short Story

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As I was strolling down the Puget Sound in Washington State my dog Rufus suddenly started barking at a rock pile in the middle of the beach. I rushed over to stop Rufus from eating anything important in the identification of the body. For me being a forensic anthropologist, I would know. After grabbing Rufus’s collar I lugged him home then went back to the body. After examining the body I remembered that I had to call the police and after dialing 9-1-1 I found myself with a salty women.

“Hello, what is your emergency?” She exclaimed

“Hi, ummm… I have a body on puget sound, the zip code is 96012 and I am by a place called The Tides-

“Stop!” She yelled

“You need to wait for me to write this down you inconsiderate… Sorry, what were you …show more content…
“Ok, a policeman will be sent your way.” She sighed then hung up.

That was way to difficult, I thought as I went back to my little red house and found a chair so that I can examine the remains. After arriving back on the body I knew that I could only look at it. If I touched the body I could be punished so I just looked and watched the sun go down. After looking long enough at the bone with my flashlight I realized the the person must have broken their ankle. I then decided that it was too dark to look anymore and looked at my phone. It was 7:00 pm! I again dialed 9-1-1 and head a familiar voice.

“Hello, what is your emergency?” The salty women exclaimed

“Hi, its me …show more content…
Then, it came! I then went back into my car and drove to my office on the other side of town. As I pulled into the office I leaped out of the car and started on my work. After reading the note that came with it I decided that the first thing I would do is figure out the gender of the remains. I then opened the online article “Identifying the Victim” and found that men's collar bones are longer and pelvic bones are heart shaped and shallow while girls color bones are shorter and their pelvic bones are flat. After looking at the bones I found that the pelvic bone was narrow yet the collar bones were shorter than a male. I realized that this was going to be a difficult case. I finally realized that the article also said that for women the greater sciatic notch can show the person’s sex and after finding out that the pelvic noch was over fifty degrees I concluded that the individual was a

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