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Hawaii Big Island Speech

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A primal lake of lava flows into the steaming sea. An indigo seascape stretches along the golden Kohala coastline. Clouds surround the snow-covered summit of the tallest sea mountain on Earth. Needless to say, a visit to Hawaii's Big Island can be a humbling experience, and Hawaii accommodation opens a world of fascination! To avoid confusion with the name of the entire state, the island of Hawaii is called "Hawaii's Big Island," and what an appropriate name it is. Bigger than all of the other Hawaiian Islands combined, its sheer size can be intimidating. You'll find 11 of the world's 13 climactic zones within this island's shores. Home to numerous ancient Hawaiian temples, the birthplace of King Kamehameha I, and the landing spot for the first European missionaries, the Big Island is also an important place to learn about Hawaiian history. With so much to see, it's best to experience the island in small pieces. There's plenty of room on Hawaii's Big Island for your return. …show more content…
At more than 33,000 feet, Mauna Kea is the world's tallest mountain measured from the ocean floor. Hawaii's Big Island is world famous for its Kona coffee, macadamia nuts, and orchids. Kamehameha the Great, who unified the Hawaiian Islands under his rule, was born and raised here. There are cowboys in Hawaii. Called Paniolo, you can see them in action at Parker Ranch, one of the oldest and biggest ranches in the

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